Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 188 Yu Ma's Fate

Chapter 188 Yu Ma's Fate

"It seems that Patriarch Wen has doubts about my golden wind and jade dew."

Tang Xiaohu smiled smartly, and took out all the Golden Wind Jade Dew, ten in total.

"Auntie, you are so beautiful, you won't see the effect in a short time, why don't we try it with Yu Ma."

Tang Xiaohu's words were very ingenious, not only praised Ye Wan'er, but also proved the magic of this golden wind and jade dew, without delay in both.

This mother Yu is the personal nanny of Li Tantian and Li Linger, two cute babies. She is just an ordinary person. She is close to 50 years old, and her face is already weathered. To prove the magical effect of this golden wind and jade dew is just right.

As for Ye Wan'er and Aunt Ye's maintenance is very good, it may not be able to see the results in a short time.

After all, Tang Xiaohu hadn't used the Golden Wind and Jade Dew before. If it didn't work well and couldn't see the obvious effect, he would really be slapped in the face.

"Okay, Mama Yu, come and try!"

Women love beauty, and Ye Wan'er Ye is no exception. Although she usually takes care of herself calmly and maintains her complexion well, fine crow's feet cannot be avoided no matter what.

Even with high-strength martial arts, it can't slow down the aging of the face. This is the law of nature.

When the wife of the head of the family spoke, Yu Ma naturally did not dare to disobey, took a piece of Jinfengyu Dew Face Cream handed over by Tang Xiaohu, and Yu Ma began to wipe her face according to her own habits.

Ordinary people's maintenance is very simple, and the technique is also very rough, but this will not hinder the curiosity of everyone, and they are eagerly looking forward to it.

"Look, it's really changing!"

The ancient martial artist exclaimed again, and found a shocking change, as if something extraordinary had happened.


Wen Zheyuan, who was closely observing Yu Ma's changes, swears directly from the bottom of his heart. Yu Ma's old face, which is rough and unbearable to look directly at, has an astonishing reversal after applying the Jinfengyu Revealing Cream. It is as fresh and smooth as the well-maintained Ye Wan'er .

Yu Ma, who is in her 50s, only looks at her face, and she looks like a 30-year-old young woman.

"What kind of rhythm is this shit?"

"Another miracle medicine made from different fruits from heaven and earth!"

"This boy from Longjing is really a monster. Could it be that he is consuming national resources?"

Everyone was shocked, and they kept guessing in their hearts. Most of them thought of the national level.

Since the country has the ability to pile up four realm martial saints, it has the ability to create another Longjing boy!
"It seems that the country has made up its mind to rectify the ancient martial arts world."

Everyone's hearts moved, and they began to think about various plans in the future.

Little did he know that all of Tang Xiaohu's miracles came from Alipay in the fairy world, and had nothing to do with the country at all.

"Auntie, do you want to try?"

Yu Ma's success greatly boosted Tang Xiaohu's confidence. How can there be a product from the fairy world!

It's better to go all out, shock the entire ancient martial arts circle in Tianjing City, and completely crush Wen Zheyuan.

"Okay, I'll give it a try!" Ye Wan'er's heart was moved by Yu Ma's huge change.

Women's pursuit of beauty is always the most urgent!
Ten minutes later, Ye Wan'er appeared again.

"You are... Mom?" Li Xiaowei looked anxious.

"Honey, is it really you?" Li Bowen's voice trembled, as if he had returned to that youthful time.

"Sister Wan'er, you...!" Li Bowu's wife, Zhao Rongrong, also had a look of surprise, disbelief, and envy!
The beautiful girl in front of her was clearly Ye Wan'er who had just married into the Li family.

Li Xiaowei and Ye Wan'er are standing together at this moment, they are two beautiful sisters who live side by side!


Tang Xiaohu's face was stupefied for a moment, this time he played too much, he didn't expect the effect of this so-called golden wind and jade dew to be so amazing.

"Auntie, I only have these few, and I'll give them all to you."

As if the remaining eight golden wind jade dew were hot potatoes, Tang Xiaohu quickly handed them all to Ye Wan'er.

He had a premonition that a storm was coming.

"Sister Wan'er, it's been a long time since we talked about family life, but I really miss you."

"Sister Wan'er, you haven't visited my house recently, I'm angry!"

But there was no anger in that appearance.

"Sister Wan'er, my Samoyed dog and your golden retriever are very compatible, so it's better to get married."

The situation on the field changed drastically in an instant. One after another, the noble ladies and ladies of the ancient martial arts family walked towards Ye Wan'er, and they all got close.

The men present looked stunned. The temptation of this beauty to women is simply the power of instant killing.

"You are so useless!"

"You bastard!"

As for those noble ladies who usually don't get along with Ye Wan'er, at this moment, they secretly greeted their men's tender flesh with their hands.

He pinched the ancient martial arts experts present one by one and grinned, but they had to smile sincerely at each other.

Come on, man!The ancient martial arts world is difficult to mix, and the ancient martial arts family is even more difficult.

"Mum Yu, nice to meet you."

"Mother Yu, you are born with a noble charm."

"Mom Yu..."

Those ladies and ladies who couldn't get along with Ye Wan'er all aimed at Yu Ma one after another, and wanted to learn about the magical effect of this golden wind and jade dew.

Yu Ma is confused!
I have been in the Li family for half my life, and I have always been a servant. I also restrain myself and abide by the rules, and I do not violate the rules at all.

How did this suddenly become the darling of the upper class!
These ladies and ladies who come and go on weekdays are rushing to pay their respects one by one, so they don't know what to say.

"Tang Xiaohu, right? I'm Ma Yingwu from the Ma family. I believe you should be very happy to make me a friend."

"Hi Tang Xiaohu, I'm Yan Hongchao from the Yan Family, you performed very well just now."

Taking advantage of the chaos, the Li family directly opened today's ancient martial arts feast, so young talents from the ancient martial arts world all came to get acquainted with Tang Xiaohu.

To them, Tang Xiaohu is a rising star.Moreover, an enemy's enemy is a friend. The Wen family's appetite has indeed grown a bit over the years.

"Nice to meet you!"

For people who come to make friends, Tang Xiaohu never refuses, one more friend has more ways, this reason is correct.

These people are the most powerful forces in Tianjing City, if they can be friends, try not to become enemies.

After all, if Tang Xiaohu wanted to continue to develop in the secular world, he couldn't make too many enemies.

In the end, some people from Wen Zheyuan's faction, such as the guy who opened the road and dragged the classical Chinese, also came to say hello.

It turned out that his name was Zhou Tong, and he was a child of the Zhou family in Tianjing.

"Just let you be proud for another night!"

Wen Zheyuan from a distance looked at Tang Xiaohu who was in the center of the banquet with a sneer on his face.

Ants are ants after all, even if they are honored at this moment, there will be no results in the end.

Thinking of the family's plan for nearly 20 years and the cards in his hand, Wen Zheyuan's face showed a gleam of confidence.

That night, Tang Xiaohu directly stayed at Li's house in Tianjing. Now his image in Li's house has skyrocketed, and even Li Bowu's voice of opposition is no longer strong.

Everything, as long as the dust settles tomorrow, I can embrace the beauty.

That night, Tang Xiaohu slept very soundly.

 Recently, my energy and spirit have dropped drastically, and the articles published in poor condition are not the best, so the explosion may be coming to an end soon, and Red Packet Fungus apologizes in advance.

  One day, the explosion will make a comeback.

(End of this chapter)

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