Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 193

Chapter 193

"Damn it, it hurts so much!"

After being bombarded by the source of thunder, Wen Zheyuan didn't have anything to do except his complexion turned black. He stepped forward and started a confrontation with Tang Xiaohu.

As a result, Tang Xiaohu burst into foul language!

This Wen Zheyuan seemed to have the body of a dragon, he was terribly flexible, and his ability to resist blows was also abnormal. Tang Xiaohu's magical skill of flower boxing and embroidering legs was actually useless at all.

Moreover, there was a faint air around him, exactly the same as that of the black dragon in Suolongjing.

On the contrary, Tang Xiaohu, every time he confronted Wen Zheyuan, his arms were numb from the shock.After being hit by Wen Zheyuan several times, his chest felt tight.

The duel at the ancient martial arts level failed!

"Lightning Spirit Seed!"

Unable to fight in melee, Tang Xiaohu started to wander directly, relying on the long-distance attack ability of the Thunder Spirit Seed to continuously bombard Wen Zheyuan.

But unfortunately, the effect is terrible!
Dragons are naturally immune to lightning. If Wen Zheyuan really colludes with that mysterious black dragon, he will definitely develop resistance to lightning.

Instead, Wen Zheyuan forcibly rushed in several times, and suffered a lot of internal injuries under the heavy punches.

"Oh woo~"

Seeing the suffering of his master, Xiao Hei let out a violent roar, bursting through the body's body in an instant and transforming into a huge ferocious dog. When he opened his mouth, a bullet of Yuanli spewed out.


A burst of lightning flashed, and the brilliance of Xiaobai's body flowed, and he transformed into a chaotic beast in an instant, and stepped on Wen Zheyuan with a pair of front hooves.

It's a pity that its abilities are limited, and it's not a combat-type spirit beast. It has no coercion and insufficient combat power.

"Is this a grass mud horse?"

"The mysterious Dongjiang man who was very popular some time ago!"

Seeing the phantoms of the two strange beasts, everyone realized that the mysterious white horse rider who was popular in Dongjiang some time ago was actually Tang Xiaohu, a boy from Longjing.

But none of this could stop Wen Zheyuan's tyranny. Once again, Tang Xiaohu was knocked down to the ground.

"Are you going to die?"

Tang Xiaohu's face was full of bitterness, he never thought that Xiuxian Zongmen was not afraid, but in the end he was defeated by Wen Zheyuan, a rich second generation.

At this moment, Wen Zheyuan had a sinister smile on his face, clenched his fists, and walked towards him.

"Brother Xiaohu, why did you get knocked down?"

Just when Tang Xiaohu was a little desperate, a childish voice suddenly sounded in Tang Xiaohu's mind.

"Xiao Sheng, are you awake?" Tang Xiaohu's face was full of surprise, and his fear of death was also diluted a lot. He was satisfied to hear the voice of Xiao Shenglong again before he died.

"Brother Xiaohu, you are still too weak. But I don't blame you, the person opposite has a strange energy, even I am a little difficult to deal with.

But Brother Xiaohu, you still have to help Xiao Shenglong find his parents, Xiao Shenglong will not allow you to die, hehe. "


Listening to Xiao Shenglong's nagging, Tang Xiaohu had a faint feeling of kindness, but after hearing Xiao Shenglong's analysis, Tang Xiaohu took a special look at it.


That Wen Zheyuan's face turned black, and there was a red glow in his eyes, he seemed a little irrational.

"Invasion of the primordial spirit?"

Tang Xiaohu's mind moved, and he thought of a possibility, according to the records of the Bull Demon King's knowledge of cultivating immortals.

Immortals in the fairy world all practice to have souls.A person with great power, like Sun Wukong, can roam the world in his mind, and his soul can go out of his body for tens of thousands of miles.

At this moment, Wen Zheyuan was possessed by the soul of the black dragon!
"Fight, Sao Nian!"

Little Shenglong suddenly burst out a battle word, and then Tang Xiaohu felt a burst of pure and righteous energy rushing into his body.


Tang Xiaohu felt that a certain node in his body was broken through, and then something seemed to break through the shackles of his body and come out through his body.

"Chinese Dragon!"

People around screamed in surprise, and even a foundation-building monk like Jun Jiuling's face changed wildly.

From their point of view, at this moment a holy oriental dragon emerged from Tang Xiaohu's body and went straight to the sky.

This is the real Chinese totem!
This is the ancient oriental dragon!


The huge phoenix phantom in the sky let out a joyful cry, and began to dance intimately around the divine dragon.


The wonders of this world are staged in this world like this!
It is already clear at a glance who is true and who is false.


After showing its sacred and heroic posture, the sacred dragon directly challenged the phantom of the black dragon. The oriental dragon swung its tail and rushed down from the clouds, colliding fiercely with the phantom of the black dragon.


Wen Zheyuan, who was looking ruthless, spit out a mouthful of blood, and collapsed to the ground.

All the power of the blow from the appearance of the holy dragon returned to him, even if it was the body of the black dragon, it would be unbearable.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The phantom of the black dragon was also aroused fiercely, and directly launched a life-and-death battle with the image of the holy dragon in mid-air.


A long cry resounded through the sky, and the huge phoenix phantom actually breathed out raging fire, and covered the black dragon in the air.

This is the rhythm of helping the holy dragon to fight against the black dragon!

"The husband sings and the wife follows~"

For some reason, seeing this, such thoughts flashed through the minds of everyone on the ground. It was very harmonious and natural, without any abruptness, as if it should be like this.

All kinds of scenes in the ancient legends of China have begun to be re-interpreted at this moment, on this Fragrant Mountain.

"Perhaps back then, it was their real deities who fought, not the remaining will!"

In the hearts of everyone, such a strange idea suddenly popped up.Perhaps those ancient legends in Chinese history and civilization are all true!

But who knows all this?


Facing the combined attack of the holy dragon image and the phoenix vision, the black dragon phantom could no longer resist, and after a fierce glance at the two holy images, the black dragon directly chose to self-destruct.


As the phantom of the black dragon in the sky exploded into clouds of dust, Wen Zheyuan, who was sluggish on the ground, spat out another mouthful of blood, and the black air around him faded away like a tide, and he fell into a complete coma.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by a violent roar, the entire city of Tianjing violently shook a few times.

It was the black dragon in Suolongjing, not reconciled to failure, and let out an angry roar.

But soon, the roar subsided, and Tianjing City also returned to silence.

"It should be the chain that works!"

Tang Xiaohu's eyes moved, and he thought of the long chain and the strange array of chains in the huge underground space.

Although I don't know where the power came from, it is obvious that it suppressed the arrogance of the black dragon in the well.

"The situation is changing!"

All the ancient martial arts masters present couldn't hide the shock on their faces. This short half day turned out to be as long as a century.

The coming-of-age ceremony of the young lady of the Li family, with its various changes, climaxes, and all kinds of shocking reversals, simply blinded the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of many ancient martial arts experts.

Since then, the whole world has been turned upside down!

(End of this chapter)

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