Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 215

Chapter 215
In the end, under the mediation of Zhanying, the Ma Yan family finally agreed to go with the members of the Thirteenth Bureau.

But they also made a request that this person must be Tang Xiaohu, because Tang Xiaohu was the son-in-law of the Li family in Tianjing, and he was not an outsider, so they accepted it more in their hearts.

For this request, which was not too much, the Zhongnanhai Thirteenth Bureau naturally agreed, and Tang Xiaohu had officially entered the pit.

"That's fine, then I'll go with you!"

Having just advanced to the fourth level of Qi Refining, Tang Xiaohu was also very idle, worrying that he had nothing to do, so this matter came to him.

Soon, Xu Ya specially approved a military plane in the Dongjiang Military Region through the power of the Thirteenth Bureau, and the four of them flew directly to Myanmar.

On the plane, Ma Yingwu and Yan Hongchao introduced the situation in Myanmar to Tang Xiaohu.

The current Burmese country is divided into seven major forces and six major armed forces. The biggest strength is the Burmese government army led by Awag, which can be regarded as the official force of Burma.

This is followed by the Wa Armed Forces, the Shan State Armed Forces, the Kokang Allied Army, the Kachin Armed Forces, the Karen Armed Forces, and the Kayah National Liberation Army.

These seven major forces divided Myanmar into a country similar to the foreign state system. Although the six major armed forces were controlled by the Burmese government army in name, they actually listened to the tune and did not listen to propaganda. They were completely independent.

The forces operated by the four major families in the capital are the Wa armed forces located in Awa Mountain.Hundreds of years ago, the members of the four major families once gave the Wa people a lot of favors, in exchange for a deep friendship.

Because of this, the four major families were able to take root in the Awa Mountain area and build their own mining group.

But just a few days ago, the mining group was attacked by unknown elements and suffered heavy losses, and the attitude of the Wa armed forces was also very ambiguous, as if they were not keen on resolving this matter.

Only then did the four major families decide to send out their disciples, firstly to solve the problem, and secondly to be able to experience the disciples.

The children of a wealthy family must experience real ups and downs in order to grow!
Soon, the plane landed, and Xu Ya told Tang Xiaohu that this was a secret military base stationed abroad.

The domestic situation in Myanmar is complicated, and the Wa armed forces are located in the hinterland of Myanmar. If the military plane goes too deep, it is likely to be shot down.

"So dangerous?" Tang Xiaohu twitched his tongue in surprise. He was used to the peaceful life in the country, and he was really not used to coming to this war-torn chaos.

The place where the plane landed is located in Karen State, Myanmar, which belongs to the Ayeyarwady River Delta region and is the territory of the Karen armed forces.

This Karen armed force is a nation that evolved from the ancient Qiang people group in the ancient Hua Kingdom. It has a certain pro-China attribute. In addition, it is located on the border. It is not surprising that the Hua Guo military established a stronghold here.

Since the Wa armed forces have become unreliable now, this time the operation will be escorted by the military.

After getting off the plane, Tang Xiaohu saw three camouflaged pickups parked below. They were Fengjun pickups from Huaguo. They are very common here, so they wouldn't arouse any suspicion.

This time, the operation will go through the Karen armed areas, the Kachin armed areas and the Kokang Allied Army area in succession, before reaching the headquarters of the mining group established here by the four major families, the Tongren Mining Group located in Mount Awa.

The receptionist in charge of the military was a middle-aged man about 30 years old named Xie Zhirui.To Tang Xiaohu's surprise, this Xie Zhirui had a faint sense of aura, and he should be an ancient warrior.

It seems that the strength of the military is very deep, and there are ancient warriors guarding the station in this foreign country.

Soon, a group of people embarked on the journey, Xie Zhirui led two soldiers in the front car, Tang Xiaohu and his group sat on the pickup truck in the middle, and a whole special warfare team sat on the vehicle behind, ready to prevent Unexpectedly.

The road that Tang Xiaohu and his party are currently on is called the Zhen-Myanmar Highway, which has been passing through Yunnan in Huaguo.

This is also a drug channel, and a large amount of drugs are transported to China through this channel every year.Therefore, on this passage, in any country, there are troops heavily guarding it.

That Xie Zhirui was running a good business here. Along the way, he passed several waves of sentry posts with live ammunition and tanks parked on the side of the road. They all passed by without any risk.

Tang Xiaohu couldn't help sighing silently, the difference between the environment here and Huaguo is really too big.

According to intelligence, it is said that the Karen armed forces are now somewhat related to Lao Maozi. It is relatively easy to borrow from here.

"problem occurs!"


A warning sound suddenly came out from the radio, and it was Xie Zhirui who was warning.Then Tang Xiaohu heard several loud noises one after another, and the entire pickup flew into the air.

"No, it's a bomb!" Xu Ya exclaimed, punching the car door open, and was about to rush out.

"Don't go out yet!" Tang Xiaohu held onto Xu Ya just in time.

This Fengjun pickup has been refitted, and the site actually resisted the attack of the bomb, and it is rolling in the air non-stop at this moment.

From the corner of his eye, Tang Xiaohu had seen that the other two cars had also suffered the same bomb attack.


With a bang, the young soldier in the driver's seat was headshot directly.Immediately afterwards, Tang Xiaohu felt a strange aura wrap around him like a poisonous snake.

"Lightning field!"

Tang Xiaohu let out a wild roar, and the lightning domain instantly activated, covering the entire pickup truck.

The attackers this time must be ancient warriors, and they are true energy bullets again!

Being able to accurately hit the driver in a rolling car is definitely not something that ordinary people can do, it requires the traction of the air machine!

That poor driver, a boy about his own age, died in a foreign country.


Using the Thunder and Lightning Domain to avoid the extremely fast-fired qi bullets, Tang Xiaohu felt bad again.


Sure enough, as soon as Tang Xiaohu finished speaking, he saw that the pickup truck behind was hit by a rocket with a long tail flame, and it exploded into pieces.

"RPG rocket launcher!"


At the juncture of life and death, everyone exploded with real strength. Yan Hongchao pulled out a long sword from nowhere, and the entire pickup truck was cut in half by him.


Ma Yingwu let out a roar, and the rear part of the pickup was propelled by the air waves, and it flew straight out. This weird martial art was actually similar to the lion's roar of the golden-haired lion king in Jin Yong's novels.

Relying on the gap created by these few strokes, several people jumped out of the car directly.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the half of the carriage behind was shattered again, and it was only a few seconds before several people rushed out.


Several people were directly swept to the ground by the turbulent air wave. Fortunately, Tang Xiaohu had been driving the Thunder and Lightning Domain, and the heavy sniper hiding in the dark had been unable to effectively target them.

Moreover, this sniper has obviously been tempered by the flames of war. He can change directions with just one shot, which is several times stronger than the Wen family's sniper. With such means, Tang Xiaohu can't trace the source and shoot him.

(End of this chapter)

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