The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 117 The Secret of 1 Years!

Chapter 117 The Secret of 1 Years! (ask for the first order!)
Didi, it's night time again.

Mao Xiaoyao finally came to the laboratory where the 10-year-old soul was studied.

There are no students here, only big bosses, all of whom are the mainstay in the East Sea Spirit Pagoda, and their strength is either Soul Saint or Contra.

"Little demon, you're here." Hao Ren smiled. His students studied souls with him. Thinking about it, he found it very interesting.

Rika also nodded with a smile, said nothing, and was very calm.

The other people also took a look at Mao Xiaoyao. They were convinced of this young researcher, because they couldn't research it in the first place.

As a result, Mao Xiaoyao casually improves it, artificial soul, and the success rate is greatly improved...

Isn't that what genius is?
(It's a cat!)
"Well, from now on, seniors, please give me some advice. Let's fight together, work hard, and work hard!" The cat demon smiled harmlessly. He was very cute, innocent, and full of vitality...

Everyone was instantly infected by this vitality!Also full of energy.

However, when Mao Xiaoyao looked at these so-called researchers, he thought... How to kill these people... These people should have their hands covered with the blood of soul beasts, right?
Everyone laughed, and then went to work, researched, experimented, tested, failed...

Test, how to test?

At that time, some researchers believed that the 10-year-old souls with no problems would be used for experiments, and the experiments would naturally require soul masters to fuse them.

As a result, he naturally exploded to death!

No one is spared!

Now, the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda does not dare to experiment easily, otherwise, all the talents in the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda will die, don't talk about hegemony, nonsense!

One hundred thousand souls!Finally able to study seriously, the little cat frowned, and with blue eyes, he carefully observed a very irritable one hundred thousand souls in the container in front of him...

Sure enough, the breath is very unstable, chaotic, and the resentment is too deep...

That is the resentment from the soul, and the resentment of becoming a soul, they do not want to be enslaved by humans...

Born free, why must they become human souls?
Souls below 1 years may not need to think about these things, in comparison, their spiritual intelligence is not high.

However, one hundred thousand soul souls, if they are one hundred thousand soul soul beasts, are existences that can transform into forms and have very high spiritual intelligence.

Not to mention one hundred thousand souls?
They have their own arrogance!

Desire to be free, don't want to be in a container!

"Xiao Yao, did you find anything?"

Lika came over, looked at the seriously dazed cat demon, and smiled slightly.

After observing the little cat for so long, she has never seen through the little cat. The first feeling that the little cat gave her was that it was mysterious...

Every time she followed, Mao Xiaoyao could feel herself, and her anti-tracking ability was very high. Even Lika herself, who was in the realm of Soul Emperor, couldn't track her.

"I just think they are very pitiful!" The little cat touched the container lightly, looked at the 10-year-old soul calmly with blue eyes, and said, "Sister Lika, the research on the [-]-year-old soul , Do you often fail too?"

At this time, the one hundred thousand souls looked angry, but this familiar breath...

It looked at the magical green power in the hands of the little cat, and it suddenly calmed down, not so violent anymore.

Lika was stunned for a moment, thought for a while and said, "No matter what kind of experimental research, failure is inevitable."

Lika is actually used to so many failures, but for the sake of that great rise, she has to work hard to persevere no matter how she fails.

"Then...are those failed souls useless?" Mao Xiaoyao asked again, thinking of the incomplete souls in the Ascension to the Spirit Pagoda.

"Yeah!" Lika nodded, and said: "Those failed souls have lost their value of existence, and will be put into the Ascension to Lingtai to stabilize the time there and absorb nutrients as soul beasts." Abbreviation: waste utilization Well, the soul beasts in Ascension to Lingtai are actually half souls, after all, they have the same energy in their bodies.

"So, what about the energy of those materials? Sister Lika, there should be real soul beasts in our Spirit Pagoda, right?" Mao Xiaoyao was no longer touching the container bottle. The moment he took his hand away, the 10-year-old The soul is in a state of confusion and confusion again, as if it has lost its direction.

Rika looked strange!
Mao Xiaoyao seems to want to know about soul beasts very much. Whenever there is something related to soul beasts, Mao Xiaoyao will be very curious and want to know more about it.

Could it be that Mao Xiaoyao has any deep hatred for soul beasts?
Rika is puzzled!

Maybe this is genius!

Anyway, she has no interest in soul beasts!
Except for anatomy experiments!

Extract the soul!

"Uncle Tost said that I have no less authority than him. I want to know some things in our Spirit Pagoda. Sister Lika, will you help me?" The cat demon smiled very cutely , like a well-behaved young boy, with an open mind and love for learning, full of vision, and positive!
"Eh..." Lika was stunned for a moment, and remembered what Elder Tost said, starting today, replace monitoring with protection, then the authority...

Lika knows what the little cat means to the entire East China Sea Spirit Pagoda.

"Okay, I'll take you there. Now that you are in your capacity, you can indeed know these things." Lika said with a smile.

The arrival of the cat demon has changed the traditional technology of artificial souls in the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, and the success rate has been greatly improved, so there is no need to waste spiritual energy.

This contribution is unparalleled!

"Thank you, sister Lika." The cat demon also smiled, and then followed Lika out happily, with her head lowered behind her, her face indifferent.

At the place of Hundred Thousand Souls, the little cat also sensed the breath of the soul of the soul beast...

The soul guide elevator, the elevator, has been going underground, I don't know how many mysterious areas I have passed through.

After a while, Mao Xiaoyao and the others arrived, a mysterious underground base.

"Miss Lika!" The guards, two soul saints, suddenly appeared in front of Lika and Mao Xiaoyao.

Lika nodded and said, "Open the door, we're going inside."

A guard said: "But..." He looked at Mao Xiaoyao, who seemed to have never seen Mao Xiaoyao.

"This is Deacon Mao Xiaoyao!" Lika said with a displeased face.

Are these two guards out of their minds?Could it be that he would bring anyone here casually?
"Get out of the way!" Lika was very unhappy.

"Yes, yes." The guard didn't dare to stop anything.

The cat demon walked in immediately, and when he passed by the soul sage, he gave him a cold look.

close the door!

"Deacon Mao Xiaoyao? Who is it?" The guard looked puzzled. Such a small deacon seemed a little scary.

"You don't even understand this, come on, let me explain to you..." Another guard began to explain...

Inside the mysterious gate!
The cat demon is here, and he finally discovered one of the ultimate goals that he has always wanted to enter the Spirit Pagoda and to know about!

Soul Beast!

Poor living soul beast!
A weak and pitiful soul beast locked in a cage!

"Soul beasts! This is the biggest secret of our East Sea Spirit Pagoda, soul beasts, living soul beasts, the outside world thinks that our Spirit Pagoda has always been protecting soul beasts, of course, we did invite them here to protect them." Li Ka laughed a little crazy, didn't regard Mao Xiaoyao as an outsider at all, and said bluntly: "Every Spirit Pagoda has such a secret base, in which many experimental soul beasts are locked up, ten thousand years, one thousand years, A hundred years, ten years, there is even a 10-year-old soul beast on the side of the main tower."

The Spirit Pagoda, since Huo Yuhao founded this organization, has been protecting soul beasts. Of course, the first generation of guardians is indeed selfless.

However, power is poison, and interests are highly poisonous!
In 1 years, too many things have changed!

The Spirit Pagoda believes that instead of letting other humans secretly kill humans little by little, it is better for the Spirit Pagoda to slowly study the soul beasts by itself...

Finally, the artificial soul appeared!
Soul beasts, also under the "protection" of the Spirit Pagoda, are also on the verge of extinction...

 What do you think about the explanation of the soul?
  From the perspective of soul beasts, humans are naturally bad guys!
(End of this chapter)

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