The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 119 Three years of time change!

Chapter 119 Changes in Three Years!
Didi, time flies very fast, after all, it is only time for the author to write a few words!

In the following days!

The little cat has also been researching how to make the man-made [-] souls more stable. Of course, even if the little cat knows the way, it is impossible for the little cat to tell the Spirit Pagoda.

The cat demon will destroy and give fake data to the Spirit Transferring Pagoda. Originally, Hao Ren's research direction is right, and if they give them a few dozen dollars, they can probably research it!
However, it is obvious that there are some very well-founded data, and the little cat's flicker is gone...

Of course, no one suspected anything about this fool, after all, they all saw Mao Xiaoyao's enthusiastic research.

Lika also improved the life of the soul beasts in the underground base. The soul beasts are no longer being abused, and the food and drink will not stop, at least not like before!
The soul beasts have also become very quiet since the cat demon left, they don't make trouble, and they cooperate with human experiments very calmly.

Drop, drop, drop, drop, a month later.

Time is fast!

Mao Xiaoyao really doesn't want to leave the Spirit Pagoda, the news of the enemy has not made any progress, and there are a bunch of soul beasts waiting for him to save here...

However, there was news from Wuchangkong telling them to prepare to apply for the Shrek Academy, which made Mao Xiaoyao unprepared at all.

Shrek Academy?
"Uncle Tost, I'm going back to study. This time I'm going to assess Shrek Academy. After I graduate, I will come back to the East Sea Spirit Pagoda."

The entrance of the East Sea Spirit Pagoda.

Tost, Lika, Hao Ren and others came out to send Mao Xiaoyao and the others.

Today, Mao Xiaoyao is going back to Donghai Academy to report, graduated, graduated...

"Well, study hard, don't lose face to our East China Sea Spirit Pagoda!" Tost looked reluctant. If possible, he even wanted to teach Mao Xiaoyao himself, but the Shrek Academy Professional School is there, and he also It's not good to stop Mao Xiaoyao and the others from studying.

Anyway, Mao Xiaoyao will graduate one day. Now that Mao Xiaoyao is still young, Tost can wait, and so can East Sea Spirit Pagoda.

The cat demon smiled and nodded.

"Goodbye, teacher!" Black Cat also said, without expressing anything, as if he didn't care about anything.

Hao Ren taught her how to control her mental power and some spiritual exercises, combined with the spells and exercises taught to her by Mao Xiaoyao, which benefited her a lot. A teacher, the black cat thinks it is not a loss, and it will leave a dead body in the future. Bar!
Hao Ren nodded and said, "Be careful, don't use the million-year soul ring and the million-year soul lightly, or you will become the target of public criticism and the focus of the entire Douluo Continent. As for those who know your million-year soul, teacher It has been dealt with almost, you have to be more careful in the future." Hao Ren, the only child on Douluo Continent who has fused a million-year-old soul, knows how terrible it will be if this information gets out.

At that time, this child will not belong to their East Sea Spirit Pagoda, and the main tower will definitely come to snatch him, which they will definitely not allow.

So, don't expose it!

At the same time, Hao Ren also admired the cat demon. He didn't know where he learned how to disguise the black cat's million-year soul and become a ten-thousand-year soul, and the soul ring also became a ten-thousand-year soul.

Rika also said: "Take care!"

Gu Yue nodded slightly, and then left.

Mao Xiaoyao took the black cat's hand, took one last look at the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, and then left.

Leaving, this place they have been blowing up for three years.

Forget it, forget it, let's bomb it later, research the soul guide bomb, now go bomb the Slave Academy, and meet the real Silver Dragon King, Na'er!

"Elder, are you reluctant?" Lika asked.

At the entrance of the East Sea Spirit Pagoda, Tost has been watching the direction in which Mao Xiaoyao and the others are leaving. He has not spoken for a long time, and has been standing...

When he came back to his senses, Tost smiled and said: "I believe that the cat demon will come back, he must come back." As he said that, Tost's eyes turned cold, and he walked into the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda. After all, he He has a bargaining chip in his hand that can make the little cat come back. He will not be afraid at all if the little cat doesn't come back.

Lika and Hao Ren also smiled, and then followed them into the Spirit Pagoda. Today's experiment was not completed, and they had a heavy task. The cat demon left a lot of information!

At this time, on a soul guide car, the black cat Gululu fell asleep, comfortably lying on the lap of the cat demon.

Rubbing the black cat's hair, the cat demon has been staring out the window in a daze.

"Why, why are you not happy at all after going back to Donghai Academy? Don't you want to see Wulin and the others?" Gu Yue smiled, then pinched Mao Xiaoyao's frowning face, and said, "What's wrong?"

"Could it be reluctance?" Gu Yue smiled, and suddenly her face returned to calm, very cold, she didn't seem to like this little cat demon.

"Some things, I haven't figured it out, I am very unwilling." Mao Xiaoyao sighed, the enemy who killed his mother and the clan has not been investigated so far.

This doesn't make him very happy. Could it be that the Spirit Transferring Pagoda can't find out what the pattern is?
As for the matter of the soul beasts, the big cat communicator reported some situations in the misty swamp. Recently, the Spirit Pagoda seems to have stepped up efforts to protect the central area of ​​the Star Dou Forest, and no longer let humans approach easily.

Originally, Mao Xiaoyao should be very happy. After all, with the protection of the Spirit Pagoda, who would not open his eyes to come in and hurt the soul beasts?

However, it is because of the protection from the Spirit Pagoda that Mao Xiaoyao is even more worried... worried, because the Spirit Pagoda has no experimental soul beasts... wants to secretly catch some soul beasts...

"Ah!" Mao Xiaoyao sighed again, frowning, it seems that it is definitely not enough to rely solely on the Spirit Pagoda to investigate, he has to go to Shrek Academy to find a good future, use the resources of Shrek Academy, slowly Slow down looking into these things.

And learn the knowledge of soul masters, look for transformation grass, earn money to buy various materials, and prepare for the future.

And planning a plan to rescue the poor suffering soul beasts in the human world.

And prevent the boss of the Silver Dragon King from merging...

So many things?
very tired!
The cat demon lay on his side, and said, "Gu Yue, lend me a shoulder to lean on, I'm so tired."

The boss's fragrant shoulders were very fragrant and soft, and the little cat rubbed them hard, breathing in the fragrance of the boss.

Frowning, Gu Yue originally wanted to push it away, but seeing the tired look on the little cat's face, she let him lean on her shoulder.

Along the way, very quiet...

But, soon, Donghai Academy arrived!
"Junior Brother, Gu Yue, Black Cat." Tang Wulin, Xie Xie, and Xu Xiaoyan were waiting for them at the entrance of Donghai Academy.

When it finally arrived, the little cat was pushed by Gu Yue and fell onto the black cat.

"Oops!" The black cat cried out in pain, its dream of eating fish was disturbed, rubbed its purple eyes with both hands, and looked at the cat demon with a depressed face, what are you doing?

The cat demon also looked at the black cat depressedly, staring wide-eyed. The boss's shoulders were so comfortable. Damn Tang Wulin shouted loudly.

"Get out of the car!" Gu Yue covered her mouth and smiled, then got out of the car, Donghai College and the others came back, but unfortunately, they were going to leave again.

The little cat and the black cat also got off the bus.

Before the beautiful and lovely Xu Xiaoyan gave him a soft and fragrant hug, Tang Wulin gave the little cat a bear hug, "Little brother, I miss you so much, haha, let me see that you are fat, Still skinny."

Excited, Tang Wulin began to grope the little cat, and kept checking the little cat's body.

Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan kept laughing, Xu Xiaoyan gave the black cat a hug, Xie Xie also wanted to give the black cat a hug.

In the end, he was slapped on the ground by the black cat and said, "Little demon, you are a pervert who likes to spy on others." After saying that, the black cat came to Gu Yue and the others, and it would be safer to follow the boss.

Xie Xie was very depressed, the black cat wouldn't allow him to be hugged, so Gu Yue could?
"Go away, peeping tom!" Gu Yue also looked disgusted_`.

Xu Xiaoyan is also contemptuous: "You are ugly, you can't hug him!" The three girls quickly moved away from Xie Xie!
Xie Xie really wants to cry T﹏T, what kind of voyeur, who is he peeping at?Damn the cat demon, Xie Xie immediately joined in to hug the cat demon! ! !

 Is there a poor monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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