The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 125 Whose youth is not confused?

Chapter 125 Whose youth is not confused?
The little cat who sneezed several times in a row and did something immoral ran fast all the way...

"Oh, I don't know if that little Mu Xi understands what I mean."

He stopped suddenly, glanced behind him, and found that no one was chasing him, so Mao Xiaoyao couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

"Alas..." Mao Xiaoyao sighed again, he could have just walked away without worrying so much, but there must be a character who is a villain, right?
Then, let him, the bad cat, come!
Shemale different ways!
Mao Xiaoyao is a demon clan himself, and is now a member of the soul beasts. In the future, he will definitely stand on the side of the soul beasts. When the horn of the Silver Dragon King's counterattack sounds, he will definitely respond immediately and be the pioneer!

If Mu Xi likes herself?

So, how will Mu Xi, who is the daughter of the president of the East China Sea Blacksmith Association, deal with herself?
After all, she just likes that cat demon in the human state!

Then the monster cat demon, the soul beast cat demon...

A cat is not a human being!

Will she like it?
Mao Xiaoyao laughed at herself, maybe at that time, Mu Xi, who knew the truth, would collapse immediately!
I like it too!

I hate it!

The cat demon just hoped that Mu Xi would not fall in love with him, the human cat demon will die one day!

Instead, it was the demon cat demon, the soul beast cat demon, the enemy of mankind!
That silly woman, let her foolishly like others!Live well!

"Hehe, Mao Xiaoyao, you are a bitch!" Mao Xiaoyao slapped himself hard!Give your passionate self a slap and wake yourself up!At the same time, he also warned himself, ruthless, ruthless, he should be more ruthless.

Immediately afterwards, the cat demon wandered aimlessly in the academy, a lonely demon, a soul from another world...

No one can understand his pain!
"Little demon!"

Just as Mao Xiaoyao was walking aimlessly thinking about something, Xu Xiaoyan suddenly stopped him.

Xie Xie, Gu Yue was also there, but that poor Tang Wulin who failed to confess his confession was crying from somewhere!

Looking back, Mao Xiaoyao stopped.

"Just now, when I passed the girls' dormitory building, why did I seem to hear someone scolding you?" Xu Xiaoyan passed by the girls' dormitory building just now, and vaguely heard some gossip girls discussing something, so he couldn't help but listen curiously, as if to say more What cat demon.

Cat goblin?
Where do so many little cats come from?

"I'm talking about Xiaoyan, why are your ears the same as Xie Xie's? You listen to everything!" Mao Xiaoyao looked guilty, and looked away with blurred eyes. What's going on, did the girls' dormitory explode?Why are you discussing yourself?

"Eh..." Xu Xiaoyan looked confused, did she really hear it wrong?impossible?Her ears are more sensitive than Xie Xie, it is impossible to hear wrong.

"Damn, little cat, why do you always talk about me?" Xie Xie was very depressed. Every time this damned little cat yelled at someone, he was always the first to yell at him, saying he was peeping, peeping ass ...

Who is he spying on?

"Where's Boss Tang?" Xie Xie asked, why didn't he see Tang Wulin.

Gu Yue also watched.

"That silly child, I guess he should find a place to cry!" The cat demon snickered, "Hey, hurry up and cry!"Tang Wulin, let me comfort Gu Yue!

What are you crying for?
Gu Yue and the others were puzzled, why the little cat always said some strange things, they couldn't understand.

"Ahem!" Covering up his cough, the little cat immediately walked to Gu Yue's side, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Would you like to go out to eat something together?"

Gu Yue was puzzled, what did he go out to eat?She didn't pay much attention to Mao Xiaoyao patting her on the shoulder.

"I'll go too!" Xu Xiaoyan raised his hand.

The cat demon said: "Drink and eat meat!"

Have a drink!Have a drink.

Gu Yue nodded, "Alright then!"

Xie Xie wanted to go too.

Mao Xiaoyao stopped him, and said with a serious face to him: "You are here, Tang Wulin will come soon, you remember to take him out for a drink." Said, Mao Xiaoyao had Gu Yue on his left and Xu Xiaoyan on his right, And call on the communicator, the black cat who is sleeping late, saying that it is going to eat fish.

fish! ! !The black cat is here in a teleport!

The last meal before leaving Donghai City.

Scratching his head, Xie Xie looked confused, why did he have to wait here alone for Tang Wulin?

As a result, after a while, Xie Xie and Tang Wulin really went to drink... The two of them got drunk and sang and danced together.

On the contrary, Mao Xiaoyao is very happy here, with beauties as company, grilled fish, and delicious food...

Do not worry?

With strong alcohol and loneliness in the throat, it seems even more painful!

Which Yang Bacha said that he drank his sorrows with wine?

What the hell, worry even more!

The next day, after leaving, Mao Xiaoyao and the others finally left Donghai Academy.

Wuchangkong wanted to take them to Shrek Academy to register for the examination.

Tang Wulin, Xu Xiaoyan, and Xie Xie were naturally very nervous... After all, if they failed the assessment, it would be embarrassing, and they had to come back...

Gu Yue also looked preoccupied. She didn't know what she was thinking about. This trip to Shrek might not be so peaceful for her.

Mao Xiaoyao was also not calm. Before getting on the soul guide train, he saw a person... a person he didn't want to see.

"Xiao Yao, look, does that person look like Mu Xi?" The black cat pointed to a person outside the car window. Coincidentally, that person was Mu Xi.

Drinking is drinking, and being sad is sad, but when Mu Xi thinks that Mao Xiaoyao is leaving, she can't help but want to see him off...

She knew that she was being cheap, but she couldn't control her emotions, and she couldn't lie to her heart!

Is there any way, she just likes the little cat, no matter how the little cat treats herself, she just likes the little cat...

Boom, boom, the soul guide train suddenly started.

Inside the soul guide train, the radio sounded...

A very nice female voice was explaining the final destination of the No. xxx soul guide train, Shrek City, and other attractions passing by, as well as some precautions on the soul guide train...

"Yeah." Mao Xiaoyao said calmly, looking at the person who was desperately chasing the soul guide train...

The cat demon touched the black cat's forehead, kissed her deeply, and kissed her soft little lips. The black cat stared at her big purple eyes, whining, everyone, can you kiss her in the room at night or when there is no one around?

Then kiss!

Enjoy, clumsy response!
However, the black cat was very unhappy.

Mu Xi saw this kiss very clearly.

That sentence, the last goodbye, after all, she didn't say it out of her mouth, she couldn't help but froze in place, tears fell unconsciously...

Her vision gradually blurred, and Mu Xi's heart was pierced like a knife, like countless ants gnawing at her heart. She could clearly see the last choice made by the little cat.

She also knows it clearly!
It's all over!
If it doesn't start, it will end!
"Goodbye, little demon." Mu Xi smiled palely. She stopped running, slowly looked at the direction of the soul guide train going away, and held the space soul guide bracelet that Mao Xiaoyao gave her before. cry.

Goodbye, youth!

Goodbye, cat demon!

Mu Xi ruthlessly squeezed the bracelet and it caused quite a commotion...

On the soul guide train...

"You two..." Xie Xie was devastated, everyone around was watching, can you keep a low profile, you see Tang Wulin and Gu Yue, can't you just sit seriously?Don't move your hands, move your mouth!
The little cat demon immediately stopped bullying the little black cat, and glanced at the direction of the commotion in the crowd.

This is a bit of compensation!That was something I left to Mu Xi, hoping that it would allow her to go further on the road of being a blacksmith.

The black cat blushed and gave the cat demon a white look.

Xu Xiaoyan, Gu Yue, and Tang Wulin were all laughing, such a blatant kiss, probably only a little cat can do it in public.

Wuchangkong was very cool and cold, he didn't respond to anything, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Everyone continued to chat immediately, asking Wuchangkong what he needed to prepare for the assessment.

Only Mao Xiaoyao stared out of the window in a daze!

"Why, reluctant?" The black cat looked at Maoxiao, held his finger, and said, "I can see that she has you in her eyes and has always had you. What you did just now made her very sad."

"Black cat, you..." After a moment of stunned, the little cat smiled wryly. It turned out that the black cat always knew.

Two seats, the two of them sat together, strangers in front and behind, Tang Wulin and the others were on the other side.

"Hmm, you just found out?" The black cat was very angry.

From the first time he saw Mu Xi, the black cat regarded her as his enemy, his rival in love, an enemy who robbed him of the cat demon.

In those naked eyes, the only thing that exists is the little cat. The black cat can tell that Mu Xi likes the little cat very much.

"It's impossible for me and her, we are not the same way, this, black cat, you should know."

Looking at the scenery along the way that was disappearing little by little outside the window, he thought of Mu Xi, no matter how beautiful it is, it is also fleeting, and the little cat said: "Mu Xi, she has helped us with so many things, I am so happy. I really don't want to lie to her..."

"I..." Mao Xiaoyao sighed, then fell silent.

The black cat leaned on Mao Xiaoyao's shoulder and said, "No matter what you do, I will support you. In fact, you did the right thing. After all, she just likes you now." What about the identity of the soul beast? ?Mao Xiaoyao once said to himself that he is not a soul beast, but a demon clan from an unknown time and space.

At that time, the black cat was very stunned and a little scared, no wonder the little cat knew so much, it turned out that he was not a soul beast.

However, the black cat was relieved very quickly. Anyway, in her opinion, the monster race is a kind of soul beast.

What about Mu Xi?
Will she see soul beasts as a kind of human?

Mao Xiaoyao also leaned on the black cat's hair and slowly closed her eyes. In the future, I hope they will not want to meet again, and they will not stand on opposite sides!

Farewell, Mu Xi!
 When I saw Mu Xi, I saw a girl I liked before. Under the harsh words, maybe it was for her good, I didn't want to hurt her, I didn't want to implicate her. In fact, she was really sad!

  Just this year, she married...

  The man is handsome and treats her very well!
  Also, looking back on my disastrous life in the past few years, in fact, I have no regrets about doing that.

  Farewell, youth.

(End of this chapter)

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