The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 133 The so-called assessment

Chapter 133 The so-called assessment ([-])

"Strength, speed, perfection, but, do you have that little ability?" The woman smiled. In fact, she was also taken aback just now. Fortunately, she reacted quickly...otherwise, her life would be at the mercy of two children... Yin death, then she has been practicing for so many years in vain.

The attack of the little cat and the black cat was very fast, and when she was talking, the attack had already arrived, especially the weird claws of this little cat...

The woman was clawed!

Roaring evil spirits, decapitated people, evil spirits, devils of unknown race... All kinds of evil spirits, in the vortex of black spiritual power, let out sharp and strange screams one by one, making people's scalp numb...

In Douluo Dalu, there is no such thing as ghosts!

However, in the face of such terrifying and ferocious evil spirits, everyone was taken aback...the feeling of being eaten by evil spirits...

The woman's scalp was numb. These terrifying evil spirits can eat soul power and all defense methods, crazily eating...

very good!

The woman gave a strong shock, the evil spirits were purified, and the black cat was immediately blown away.

Stabilizing her body, the black cat slapped its wings on the back, creating a storm of soul power, like a gust of lingering wind, she quickly flew towards the woman, using soul skills, ghost claws, huge void purple claws, to attack the woman's soul !
Unfortunately, the black cat is too naive!

"This is..." The woman frowned, and her face quickly brightened, such a powerful soul ability... the ten thousand year soul ability, it seems that it is not just like this!

Facing this purple claw in the void, it was an attack from the soul, and the woman did not dare to be careless. The soul power surrounded herself, forming a protective shield, which instantly bounced back the black cat's attack!

Bang, the black cat was backlashed by the powerful soul force, which came from her own attack, feeling dizzy, staggering and unstable, and fell down.

Everyone looked worried, and Gu Yue went up to support the black cat. Just now, when the old woman tested Tang Wulin, she was very angry, and now she is also testing the black cat and the cat demon like that!

"Black cat!" The cat demon was furious!Glaring at the woman, his evil thoughts and emotions began to become unstable, and he was possessed by a beast spirit. At this moment, he is desperately wanting to be possessed by an evil cat!
Ghost Claw!The attack that splits the space in an instant, the power of resentment surging from the evil ghost, and the whole person's aura also undergoes a huge change...

At this moment, he is even more like an evil soul master!

Back then, when Mao Xiaoyao was patrolling the mountains, he saw a monk from the monster clan practicing foreign martial arts, and as a result, he was chased and killed by the Kunlun demon world...

In the end, the little cat patrolling the mountain found his body, so the cheat book naturally fell into the hands of the little cat.

In the past in the Kunlun Demon Realm, this skill was so weird that you had to kill people...

Cultivators don't need to practice so hard at all, just kill people to absorb the power of their souls, and if they kill one more person, they will become stronger...

It is so evil, so the demon king Huba genius will not allow the Kunlun demon world he manages to have such evil skills...

Powerful and strange, the woman took a few steps back, everyone was shocked, is this little cat crazy?

Shen Yi's face was ugly, she knew that this little cat would definitely cause trouble, and Mr. Cai was angry, what if he failed the assessment?
Facing the cat demon's berserk attack, the woman remained calm, and used her Nine Ring Titled Douluo's strength to instantly suppress the cat demon mercilessly!

It's that simple!
"Title Douluo!"

"That's a 10-year soul ring..." Tang Wulin and the others were also shocked. This woman turned out to be a Titled Douluo. Facing the terrible attack of the cat demon just now, if it was them, they must not know what to do with them. dead……

Titled Douluo, that's different!
Suppression in minutes!
"Little demon, I'm fine!" the black cat suddenly said, the current state of the cat demon is exactly the same as last time, at that time, the cat demon beat himself...

The black cat is very worried, the other party is a titled Douluo, the strongest among human beings...

The dark red eyes disappeared and changed back to dark blue eyes. The little cat calmed down instantly. When he saw the black cat being shaken away, he was instantly confused and lost his mind...

He can't control the evil spirit, he can't control the evil spirit in his body...

Remove the Beast Martial Soul Possession!
At this time, the little cat was gasping for air!In the future, he should use less of the ability of the Extreme Desire Evil Cat!I don't know why, but it happens every time...

Could it be that he inherited his father's situation?
The black cat ran over, supported him and said with concern: "Little demon, are you okay?" That kind of state...

The black cat really hated the cat demon at that time, because at that time, the cat demon would become chaotic...

will forget about myself...

Before, Wuchangkong also said that he told Mao Xiaoyao not to use such weird power.

This strange and evil power is very similar to the power of an evil soul master...

However, Mao Xiaoyao didn't listen, and now his attack ability is getting closer and closer to that of the evil soul master...

Sooner or later something will happen!
"It's okay!" Mao Xiaoyao said, and then glanced at the woman...Why is he so stupid, if he angered this woman, what would he find out...

What should I do?
The cat demon can't wait to slap himself a few times!

Stupid coin?
Tang Wulin and the others also came over, and Gu Yue also looked angry. This woman is really annoying.

Beside, Shen Yi wanted to say something...

The two middle-aged men shook their heads at her!
At this time, the woman who had been thinking about it smiled and said: "Young man, it's okay to be bloody and aggressive! Come on!" After saying that, the woman left immediately.

The abilities of Mao Xiaoyao and Black Cat, as well as Tang Wulin's abilities, let her see the future, Shrek Academy, maybe the new Shrek Seven Monsters...

Of course, for Mao Xiaoyao and Gu Yue, this kind of behavior of wanting to take revenge on the teacher will naturally affect the entire team. In the fifth level, everyone gets zero points...

As for the sixth level, it is a contest between the black cat and Tang Wulin, who is the real foodie...

Eating black steamed bun competition...

The seventh level, [-]-meter running!

For Mao Xiaoyao, when patrolling the mountains, there are more than [-] meters, and [-] meters are naturally very easy. As for the behavior of those Shrek Academy bosses who add points and subtract points, Mao Xiaoyao can only laugh, it's so sweet!

Tang Wulin, Gu Yue, Xie Xie, Xu Xiaoyan, which one is not a genius?Of course, the general bosses like to engage in some different tests, such as tempering the mind and the like...

But, it's not a big problem, just follow the protagonist...

Mao Xiaoyao is very cowardly now, and his behavior is average. Several big guys in the dark have been watching him, so naturally he will not show any signs.

dark place……

The woman asked: "Shen Yi, who is this cat demon? His martial soul is very strange and powerful. If I didn't use my soul power to defend, I would probably be injured. The attack method is too mysterious and evil."

Just now, if she didn't blow the black cat away in time, she would definitely be attacked in a restless state. If she didn't use her soul power, then it would be difficult to defend against the fatal blow from the little cat!
Shen Yi was also puzzled. After all, she was very strange during the Tianhai Alliance competition last time, and Wuchangkong didn't tell her too much about Mao Xiaoyao, but there was only a little information.

"Old Cai, I actually don't know..."

Cai Lao, who is called a woman, is very puzzled. How can he not understand as a teacher?

What is the use of this teacher?

She really wanted Gu Yue to be her disciple, so she naturally had to get to know Gu Yue and the black cat.

As for the cat demon, she doesn't like it anyway!

Understood, just curious.

Shen Yi said: "The origin of the cat demon is very mysterious. It seems to come from the royal family of the Sun Moon Federation. When he came to East China Sea Academy, he had a letter of recommendation and a token of the royal family. It seems that he also knows the person in charge of the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda. Now , he, the black cat, and Gu Yue are both from the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda." Shen Yi has nothing to hide, these things can be investigated by Shrek Academy by herself, she wants to do it for Mao Xiaoyao and the others. , then you must confess.

"Spirit Chuan Pagoda, Sun Moon Federation..." Old Cai frowned, and said, "It seems that they are not simple characters..."

Shen Yi was silent.

"Shen Yi, arrange a strong opponent for this cat demon and Tang Wulin tomorrow." Cai Lao suddenly smiled, whoever he is, if he wants to enter Shrek Academy, he must suffer a little bit!

Just a little monster!

"Yes, Mr. Cai!"

Shen Yi is very unhappy!

Now, she can't seem to find a new student who can compete with Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin. What should she do?

I hope everyone can pass the assessment tomorrow...

 咕噜 咕噜

(End of this chapter)

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