The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 135 Soul, Martial Soul, Fusion.

Chapter 135 Soul, Martial Soul, Fusion.

Evil thoughts, distracted thoughts can be described as evil thoughts.

Affecting people's mood and sanity, making people fall into an extremely sad low ebb, all thoughts are lost, chaotic and crazy!

Evil thoughts are everywhere, regardless of gods, people, demons, demons, or immortals, there will always be evil thoughts.

However, the Desire Evil Cat is a race that can rely on absorbing various evil thoughts as energy for cultivation. They used to shock the world, and everyone knew about it.

(Hmm, I didn't know!)
It's a pity that there are not many pure bloodlines of the Jiyu Evilmao race, and there are only a few of them back and forth.

However, they have never caused a catastrophe in the world due to the existence of evil thoughts. On the contrary, after absorbing the evil thoughts, they have to understand the weakness of human nature...

They won't make the same mistakes!

That's what the first generation of extreme desire evil cats did. They took the power of evil thoughts absorbed into their bodies and turned them into pure power for their own use, and then created blood vein exercises, which were hidden in the blood veins of future generations...

Bloodline, Awakening, Inheritance!
It's a pity that the descendants basically fail to awaken their bloodlines, not only the generation of the cat's grandfather, after so many years, there are too many evil cats who have not awakened their bloodlines, and the ending of each evil cat is the same.

If they haven't awakened their blood, even if they know that the exercises are useless and they can't practice, then they have no way to control the evil thoughts in their bodies.

Then, they were controlled by evil thoughts, causing chaos in the world, and being hated by other races. In the end, the entire Lustful Evil Cat Clan gradually went extinct and became the enemy of all worlds.

Don't want to die, don't want to practice?

No, those evil thoughts will find the lustful evil cats by themselves...

At this moment, Mao Xiaoyao is very lucky.

He is awakening the pitiful bloodline of the evil cat hidden in his own blood. At this moment, he is surrounded by strange and permeating evil energy, and his whole soul is twisting, floating, trying to struggle and leave his body ...

It seems that it is merging...

Yes, Fusion...

This is the weird picture that the black cat saw!

At this time, the soul of the little cat is merging with the evil cat. It's a strange fusion. It seems that they are one body, and now they are two into one!

Back to basics!

Before, Mao Xiaoyao saw that the Desire Evil Cat resembled himself, but in fact, the Martial Soul Desire Evil Cat was his own body Desire Evil Cat state...

Extreme desire evil cats are usually the power of awakened blood to obtain exercises and a physique that can be cultivated.

As a result, after the cat demon came to the Douluo Continent and turned into a human form, he had a strange soul awakening, first awakening his own soul, first awakening his own appearance as a lustful evil cat.

At this moment, the martial spirit is being fused with the extreme desire evil cat!
Slowly awakening blood!
From now on, Mao Xiaoyao is his own martial soul, and the martial soul is extremely evil. The cat is also Mao Xiaoyao's own soul, the perfect fusion, the process is very painful, the feeling of being together softly, like kneading dough...

The soul and martial soul are constantly merging...

In the future, the cat demon can even leave his body, that is, the soul out of his body!

After the soul and martial soul are truly fused together, the awakening of Mao Xiaoyao's bloodline will also begin...

Now, Martial Soul and Soul are merging...

"Little demon, what's wrong with you..."

The worried black cat slapped the transparent barrier vigorously, but the cat demon ignored her. She then used her purple claws to attack non-stop, trying her best to attack, but it didn't seem to have any effect...

The enchantment does not move at all, it cannot be destroyed, and the purple claws only leave a little trace.

The enchantment can isolate all breaths, and it prevents the people in the entire hotel from discovering what is going on inside, so it is enough to prove that this enchantment is terrifying!
The desperate black cat can't break through the enchantment that this lustful evil cat has set up by using the inherited skills!

"Xiao Yao, look at me, okay?" The black cat cried bitterly, unable to slap the barrier, she saw the twisted and painful expression of the little cat, although she didn't know what happened, but, she I know, Mao Xiaoyao is in pain now, she is very sad...

"Little demon, you have to hold on, I'll rescue you!" Crying bitterly, the black cat wiped away tears. My strongest fighting stance, ready to attack the transparent protective barrier...

Rescue the cat demon!
Bang, bang, bang, there is a sound, but it has no effect, the barrier still cannot be broken, and the black cat who is the soul master has no way...

Now, it doesn't matter even if it is exposed, the black cat just now used the Yaozu skills, and it can't be broken...

Why on earth?
Why can't it be broken?

"Little demon, don't die, I don't want you to have an accident, don't abandon me!" The black cat, crying helplessly, kept hitting the transparent barrier with its white and flawless forehead as if possessed by a demon. I can take a look at myself...

even a glance...

The black cat knew that blood was flowing from his forehead all the time, but compared to this little pain, at this moment, the little demon was in more pain than himself, right?
"Mother is gone! In this world, you are the only one who cares about me the most. Don't worry about it, little demon..."

The black cat has been crying bitterly, unable to touch the transparent barrier, she can't touch the little cat...

Very desperate!
No one can rely on!
Here, they have nothing to rely on!
"Please, little demon, open your eyes, I am your black wake up quickly." The black cat cried helplessly, desperate, sad, sad, and kept patting the barrier...Hopefully A miracle happened.

However, Mao Xiaoyao still hasn't woken up, and it is even more impossible to talk to her. At this time, she is very helpless...

She also blamed herself very much, blamed herself, she shouldn't have left Mao Xiaoyao's side, Mao Xiaoyao needed her...


At this very moment, Mao Xiaoyao is merging his martial soul with extreme lust for evil cats, pain, chaos, greed, all evil thoughts, and at this moment, he is contending with these things!
Fusion, in the illusion and nightmare, he was very confused...

Everyone has betrayed themselves...

Ridiculous promise, the first thing Tang Wulin did when he went to Shrek Academy was to denounce himself as a soul beast...

Silver Dragon King Gu Yue and Na'er were unwilling to help the weak and pitiful soul beasts, and they did not recognize Mao Xiaoyao and the others.

However, Mu Xi and the Blacksmith Association on the entire Douluo Continent are chasing and killing him...

Wuchangkong was also chasing him...

Mang Tian, ​​Duan Xuan, Tost...

Everyone is against himself...

black cat...

"Run, black cat! Run quickly..." The cat demon who was fused with the soul and martial soul kept murmuring. In the nightmare, he saw the black cat and the others being captured by the Spirit Pagoda go……

Black cat, in order to save him...

The soul was extracted by the Spirit Pagoda...

The cat demon fell into chaos, and in the nightmare, he began to kill all directions, kill, human beings! ! !
Outside the barrier, the black cat sensed the change in Mao Xiaoyao's mood, and kept patting the barrier, crying helplessly. She hoped that Mao Xiaoyao would wake up...

If something happens to the little cat, then the black cat, she will definitely not live alone!
Many times, the black cat doesn't understand what the mother said before she died!
What do those words mean!
However, she knew that her mother hoped that she and Mao Xiaoyao could live a good life!
Revenge, the future of the soul beast, the black cat doesn't understand, she doesn't know anything, and doesn't want to understand, it's the cat demon who has been teaching her, teaching her everything...

Every time, she saw Mao Xiaoyao's exhausted face, she was afraid that Mao Xiaoyao would be blinded by hatred!
Can't see some things clearly!
She, the black cat, is always there!
Bow your head and look up, she is there!

always there!
It's simple, stay together all the time!
In the enchantment, the fusion reached the most critical moment, the Wuhun Jiyuxiemao had completely fused the entire soul of Mao Xiaoyao, and from then on it was a complete Yuxiexiemao!

However, the cat demon still did not wake up.

Due to the intrusion of evil thoughts into his mind, he is currently trapped in his own nightmare. In that nightmare, everything that the little cat is afraid of will happen.

Demons are hard to get rid of!

 Thanks to Penguin Xiaoxiao for the reward of 100 book coins, thanks to time for erasing the memories of the past 399, 588 rewards, and Northern Shiyu for the reward of 100 book coins...

  Daily contract! ! !Young lady!

(End of this chapter)

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