The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 146 The Cat Demon's Choice!

Chapter 146 The Cat Demon's Choice!

Focus, focus, focus, below, ↓↓↓!
Welcome to the Cat Demon's Journey to Another World. Group chat number: 835741016. Some friends said that they couldn't find Bilibili Animation (Bilibili), so join the group!There are songs in the group files, as well as file downloads from station B.



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Text, below!


Distort space!

wake up!

Outside, Mao Xiaoyao and the others woke up!One by one, they checked themselves and touched their bodies. Just now they...

Shen Yi said: "The assessment is over, come with me!" Outside, Shen Yi had been waiting for a long time, waiting for Mao Xiaoyao and the others to wake up.

Tang Wulin and the others looked confused, obviously not knowing what happened. Did they fail the assessment?

In the end, it was an adult three-eyed golden beast who instantly killed them all...

However, they have no regrets!
If they die, they will die. The three-eyed golden baby is fine, so they can rest assured. After all, the Emperor Ruishou can't have anything.

Everyone followed Shen Yi and left. As for the results of the assessment, they actually didn't know...

Did it pass?

Seems like a long time to live.

"Junior Brother, don't be discouraged. There are a lot of soul rings and spirits in the Spirit Transferring Pagoda. I believe in your ability, you will definitely have better ones." Tang Wulin patted the silent cat demon with a smile, Tang's Chicken Soup appeared in a pile of Bibles, and immediately began to enlighten Mao Xiaoyao, telling him not to be downcast, but to look forward bravely!

The cat demon who kept pushing and bored with anger almost slapped Tang Wulin to death!
I'm very upset!Get out!

Just now, Mao Xiaoyao secretly tested Tang Wulin and the others by using the young three-eyed golden beast, and found that they did not seem to be the kind of people who kill. As for the soul beasts and the soul beasts in the Ascension to Lingtai in the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, their The understanding is, that's fake...

Killed, there is nothing!
However, from the behavior of wanting to let go of the young three-eyed golden lion just now, the cat demon can also see it!
They don't have any hatred for real soul beasts!
Ah, annoying!

Mao Xiaoyao is in entanglement, the protagonist's team must also be the enemy of their soul beasts in the later stage, if they don't have any hatred for soul beasts!
So, who is the future enemy of the soul beast?

Just when Mao Xiaoyao was struggling, they arrived. In an office, three bosses were waiting for them.

Chaotic Times, Elder Cai, and a middle-aged man.

Soon, Tang Wulin and the others knew that the test called Survival was actually a fake test of their psyche.

During the three trials, the three big bosses are all giving marks, and explaining the shortcomings of each person.

Everyone got the right score!

Tang Wulin passed!
Thank you for passing!

Black cat qualified!

Xu Xiaoyan passed!

Gu Yue scored 0 points and failed the assessment.

The little cat got 0 points and failed the assessment.

and many more?

what's the situation?
Tang Wulin wondered: "Is this score wrong? Why did Gu Yue and Junior Brother fail? Can't they join Shrek Academy?" There were six people when they came, but now, four people can join Shrek Academy, so Go back two people?

The black cat was also very angry, and said, "Why can't the little demon enter Shrek Academy?"

Xu Xiaoyan and Xie Xie also expressed their incomprehension, Gu Yue and Mao Xiaoyao's performance, however, was much better than them!This doesn't qualify?
what's the situation?
fail?Gu Yue's face is ugly, she must enter Shrek Academy...

"Black cat, Gu Yue, let's go!" The little cat yawned nonchalantly, with a nonchalant expression, and said calmly: "There are so many academies outside, and it's not just Shrek Academy, let's go! "

Playing, playing around?Playing hard to get?
Hehe, the cat demon just won't be fooled, and it's hard for me to hold you, and I will make you anxious!
"Old woman!" The black cat gave that old Cai a hard look, as well as the other two bosses. The cat demon was right, in the future, they will definitely blow up this damned place.



With a black cat in his left hand and Gu Yue in his right hand, the little cat is at the peak of his life in an instant. Wife, boss, who said they can't hold hands together?Take a walk together?

leave?Gu Yue frowned, but she wanted to join...

The cat demon squeezed Gu Yue's white and soft hands, smiled slightly, blinked her eyes, and walked slowly...

Count to five and go!
1, 2, 3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4...

very slow, very slow...

Gu Yue...

What do you mean?
Shen Yi frowned. It seemed that the only person who dared to scold the old lady Cai was a black cat. What a pity...

"You guys!" Cai Lao was furious. This damned cat demon just left after leaving, and even dragged his two apprentices away. What does this mean?
"Gu Yue and Junior Brother can't enter Shrek Academy, so I won't join either. When I came, I was prepared to fail. Goodbye!" Tang Wulin nodded politely to the three bosses, and then left Go out without looking back, that's how willful you are.

"Without Gu Yue and Mao Xiaoyao, I wouldn't be able to get to where I am today. I'm sorry, but I don't want to join Shrek Academy." Xu Xiaoyan looked apologetic, losing a spot didn't mean anything, she didn't believe it, and left Shrek The academy's own life would be over!

In the future, she will only become stronger.

The point is, that old Cai is obviously targeting Mao Xiaoyao and Gu Yue, very angry and unfair.

"Sorry!" Xie Xie also said.

The six of them are united, they all want to leave, they don't want to join Shrek Academy!
"Get out, fuck me, get out, made, my temper is getting bigger and bigger, get out!"

Zhuo Shi slapped the table and cursed, very angry, the students taught by his student Wu Changkong became more and more tempered one by one, he was so mad!

Hone it, bounce back in an instant?

What kind of bird temper!

The score is just unqualified, what the hell, when did they say they can't join Shrek Academy!
"Wait a minute, he is your Wuchangkong and my teacher, called Shizu." Shen Yi couldn't bear it anymore, so he had to reveal his identity as the teacher. The temper of these students...

At this time, before Xu Xiaoyan could say anything!
Mao Xiaoyao, who was at the peak of Yaosheng, turned to look at Zhuoshi and said, "You are that stubborn master? Come on! The teacher said, our master is not such a person, we were bullied by this old woman, so, You don't dare to say anything, you don't even dare to fart, master, hehe, it's fake!"

Mao Xiaoyao went crazy to death, scolding Title Douluo seemed to be a very good thing, but when scolding, he was also afraid that Title Douluo would go berserk!
Sure enough, Zhuoshi was very unconvinced! Made, his apprentice and grandson were bullied so much, so he was naturally very unconvinced, so he couldn't help scolding Mr. Cai!
The two big brothers immediately began to scold!
Mao Xiaoyao looked at Tang Wulin and the others winkingly, and asked them to add fuel to the flames, and let the two big bosses continue to scold!

Oh, Tang Wulin and the others immediately understood what it meant, and couldn't help but sell all kinds of misery, such as saving living expenses, traveling long distances, etc., just to enter Shrek Academy... How miserable, how miserable.

The cat demon pulled Gu Yue and the black cat, and sat quietly by the side, giggling nonstop. The scene was really...

Gu Yue frowned, "Little demon, this is..."

"Hush!" The cat demon blinked her blue eyes, made a silent gesture, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, we will all join Shrek Academy, you have to trust me!" He knew Gu Yue's worry, and really Na'er, the boss of the Silver Dragon King, is in Shrek Academy, and he doesn't want to give up this opportunity.

He wanted to see the attitude of the soul beast kings, and what to do with the low-level soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest.

life and death?
Gu Yue was puzzled...


"Why don't you guys leave?" Cursing, scolding, Zhuo Shi suddenly realized that something was wrong, and he seemed to be tricked by this little cat...

Blushing from scolding, Elder Cai also realized that something was wrong, so he couldn't help staring at Tang Wulin and the others.

Slip, slip, Tang Wulin and the others naturally ran behind Mao Xiaoyao. This idea is very good, but it is not their idea.

It's the cat demon!

Mao Xiaoyao can't wait to kick these things, he has no loyalty at all, made!

"This..." Zhuoshi smiled wryly. It seems that this cat demon understands everything, but they are confused.

"Cat demon!" Old Cai said angrily, could it be that he was scolded for nothing?
"Don't scold me, just tell me! What conditions do you need, or do you need to perform forging talents to get extra points? Our squad leader Tang Wulin is invincible."

Mao Xiaoyao suddenly put his arms around Tang Wulin's shoulders and pulled him out with a smile on his face.

What the hell?Tang Wulin looked confused, what's the matter with him?
However, bonus points... He also looked at the troubled times.

Is it really possible?
Zhuo Shi and Mr. Cai glanced at each other, how does this little cat know everything?

They just wanted to announce it!

 Welcome to the cat demon's journey to another world, group chat number: 835741016!Friends who do not have station B can join the group to listen to songs.

  Songs, Laomao hired people to do them, of course it can’t be free, the PV is a bit simpler, but let’s continue to do it when we get rich in the future.

  Boom, come and listen!

  Reward, recommendation, monthly pass, comfort.

(End of this chapter)

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