The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 153 Sorry, Different Ideas

Chapter 153 Sorry, Different Ideas

Eat after class!

Suddenly found that the money and contribution points were all used to buy metal materials, and the little cat was very embarrassed...

"Black cat, how many federal coins do you have?"

At the entrance of the dining hall, worry.

Mao Xiaoyao suddenly discovered a very serious problem. He had no money, not even a dime, not even a single federal coin, ten rare metals...

Buy it, you can't eat it as a meal!

Mao Xiaoyao misses the days when he robbed the metal mine. Alas, it seems that he will have to visit the metal mine in Shrek City in the future to see if there is any chance to do it.

Otherwise, it is unrealistic to buy metal materials with federation coins and contribution points, it is better to steal.

At the entrance of the dining hall, the terrifying Tang Wulin had already started to set up a booth to shout slogans, which seemed catchy, but it was embarrassing. He didn't want to see Tang Wulin,
Brand, slogan ↓
"I am a fourth-level blacksmith, and I can provide a thousand-refined first-grade metal..." It means that I can provide a full set of a thousand-refined first-grade metal for a year. ?

It's a pity that Tang Wulin, the big stomach king, has never been afraid of eating except for losing to the black cat!

Which fool fell for it, tsk tsk...

It seems that there is...

Commonwealth currency?There didn't seem to be many. The black cat touched his pocket, took out some federal coins, and counted them: "123456789!"

"Just a few..." the black cat said.

Mao Xiaoyao gave her tens of thousands of federal coins as pocket money before, but the day before yesterday, when she went out with Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan, she spent all of them...

What little buns, shoes, clothes...

fish fish!

"You go to Xu Xiaoyan, she is a big family with a lot of money, eat and drink more with her." Mao Xiaoyao took the pitiful few federal coins from the black cat's hand, and then asked her to find Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Xiaoyan. Yue, Leng them, now, he can't afford to support this big foodie.

It's terrible, it can be eaten better than Tang Wulin!
This is very scary. Tang Wulin, who has the blood of the Golden Dragon King, is afraid of the black cat's appetite!So it shows that black cats are really good at eating...

"Black cat, little demon." At this time, Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan, and Xie Xie also came, after all, everyone was hungry at meal time.

"Are you going?" The black cat saw Xu Xiaoyan and asked the little cat, do you want to go?
Seriously, Mao Xiaoyao nodded, "Go! Eat more." He really can't afford it, so he can only ask Xu Xiaoyan to help him raise it. It's best to keep it white and tender. He will come back in a few days... …

As he said that, the little cat slipped away, and before slipping away, he despised Tang Wulin. Is this a fool?Set up a stall at the entrance of the dining hall, hehe, why not take the task yourself!

Level [-] blacksmith, what do you eat?
"Oh, oh." The black cat also went to eat very smoothly... For this reason, Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue finally knew why the little cat always ate so little...

Just bought a few buns!

The miserable cat demon is going back to forge on the roof, time is the contribution point, as long as he desperately completes ten thousand forging tasks, then he can make a fortune and attract the attention of the bosses!


Come out of the canteen!

Suddenly, Mao Xiaoyao saw Tang Wulin being taken away by a red-haired eccentric, and couldn't help laughing heartily, "Haha, it deserves it, the hospital management uncle is here!"

Laughing, laughing, seems to find something wrong, wait, red-haired weirdo?

Isn't that...

The cat demon was also taken back...

No resistance at all...

In a room, there are complete facilities here, basically some high-tech forging instruments...

Tang Wulin began to argue endlessly with the red-haired weirdo, who are you and why did you arrest us...

The red-haired weirdo is also expressing his attitude, that is, hurry up and forge one for the uncle!
Tang Wulin was very obedient, he forged a piece of metal, and Mao Xiaoyao also forged one at random, and then, the red-haired weirdo seemed to ask them to worship him as a teacher.

"Junior brother, why don't you speak?" Tang Wulin looked strange. Faced with this kind of danger, shouldn't the cat demon explode in anger?This red-haired weirdo has been luring them to become apprentices!
"Me? What can I say, Eight-Star Saint Craftsman, this is a great profession. This is the direction that many blacksmiths are working hard for. I have admired Teacher Feng Wuyu since I was a child..." Mao Xiaoyao began to fool Dafa, The ghost knows what Feng Wuyu is, but at this time, it is right to fool around. The eight-star saint craftsman Feng Wuyu is a powerful blacksmith, and he must have a lot of resources.


It doesn't matter, Mr. Mang Tian asked him to study more, and Mr. Duan Xuan also said so, so he should be a teacher.

Mao Xiaoyao also wants to do that. Now, there is an eight-star master craftsman who doesn't want to be a teacher?What kind of idiot?

Feng Wuyu laughed, and said: "Good boy, become my disciple, then no one will dare to bully you in the future, walk sideways in Shrek Academy!" He suddenly found that this cat demon is very cute, but, he originally I thought the cat demon was the hardest to deal with.

After all, he heard that Mao Xiaoyao scolded Mr. Cai...a meal...

It's so powerful, he doesn't even dare to scold like that!
"That's natural, who dares to provoke you, teacher?" Smiling, laughing, the little cat's eyes are all on those rare metals... if it can be stolen! !

Tang Wulin looked helpless_`, compared to the cat demon, so what is his persistence?
The two of them immediately joined the Shrek Academy Blacksmith Association. After all, Tang Wulin would not be convinced if the cat demon joined.

Mao Xiaoyao naturally wanted to get the fifth-level blacksmith badge very much!However, now that Tang Wulin was here, he thought about it for a while before saying, made, he must first get the fifth-level blacksmith badge.

"Little brother, why don't we go to set up a stall together? That way we will also get contribution points." Tang Wulin smiled. For example, just now, someone came to his door and provided him with a year's food expenses.

"Differences do not conspire!" Mao Xiaoyao glanced at Tang Wulin contemptuously, and put away his fourth-level badge. This fourth-level blacksmith badge is not used at present. The demon will go to assess the fifth-level blacksmith badge.

Moreover, today he was very happy, and he was able to worship Feng Wuyu as his teacher. He wanted to be like Tang Wulin who said no, but he worshiped a bunch of teachers.

Mao Xiaoyao naturally wants everything now, for example, just now he took a few pieces of rare metal.

"Okay!" Tang Wulin was speechless =_=, forget it!He also has to go back and look for that person named Yuanen just now to help him forge...

The little cat is gone!Forge, forge!
Didi, ten days later.

In the area where the work-students were, on the house where Mao Xiaoyao and the others were, with the last drop of the hammer and a big yell, everything became dull.

"Ten days, except for the study time, it's too slow, too slow." Ten days, that's too much, Gu Yue and the others sleep at night, the little cat dare not forge, for fear of disturbing their rest, and have to study during the day, Only when you have free time, you have time to forge.

"No, you have to speed up!" The little cat ding ding dong dong ten days later.

He took the metal product of the forging task and took it directly to the people in the task management office. For ten days, the black cat spent ten days eating.

Below the dormitory, Tang Wulin and that guy named Yuan En were also discussing their own affairs in depth.

"That friend of yours is very powerful, not simple!" Yuan En looked at the direction where Mao Xiaoyao left, and said, "But why didn't he say hello to you?"

Tang Wulin was very helpless_`Say hello?It's a miracle that Mao Xiaoyao hasn't scolded himself these days.

Two people, keep researching!

 grateful,! ! ! , Zhao Zhou, I will accompany you, the ups and downs of the whole life, a super evil reward.

(End of this chapter)

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