The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 159 Destroying You on behalf of Angels!

Chapter 159 Destroying You on behalf of Angels!

At this time, Mao Xiaoyao was looking at the small book in his hand, the densely packed customer information, several full-body forged battle armors, and dozens of soul guide forgings, battle armor designs, forged metals, and mechs. design……

Feeling very happy, if all are completed, then the multi-millionaire is not a dream!
Of course, after completing these tasks, it is estimated that Mao Xiaoyao will have to stay in Shrek for a long time!There are so many tasks, now, it is impossible for every task to be soaked in rain and dew, so we have to take our time, take our time...

When we came to the work-student dormitory area, there were still a few dilapidated houses that looked like haunted houses, only Mao Xiaoyao and the others lived there, and a man named Yuan En.

There are very few work-study students and not many people.

"By the way, I have to contact Ye Xingchen to see what her martial spirit is and what kind of metal material is suitable for it." Near the housing area of ​​the work-students, the cat demon suddenly stopped, took out the communicator Didi, and was about to call Give it to Ye Xingchen, ask her to come out and discuss what her martial spirit is, and what kind of metal is suitable for her battle armor.

Suddenly, at this time!


From his own sense of crisis, Mao Xiaoyao sensed a very nasty aura around him. Suddenly, hey, a piece of holy light fell, shining on Mao Xiaoyao's whole body. , will be injured, will beat people!

"I couldn't find the evil soul master with red hair, but I found you, the evil little yellow hair!"

The holy messenger, Lezheng Yu, is here!
He followed the evil soul master all the way, and he couldn't help but came to the housing area where the work-students lived. He squatted for a long time, but he never found that red-haired girl.

On the contrary, he discovered that the evil cat, Xiaoyao, was surrounded by evil spirits.

He wants to catch the cat demon!
"Damn!" Wanting to curse, Mao Xiaoyao turned around and jumped, flexibly dodging Lezheng Yu's attack, evil soul master?Where did so many evil soul masters come from?

He is going to join the gang!
"Damn you, who is it?" Mao Xiaoyao suddenly discovered a serious problem. The guy opposite, who was cursing and talking nonsense, seemed to think that he was an evil soul master, and threatened to destroy himself!

"I am a member of the Lezheng family of the holy angel, an evil soul master. Today, you will have no way out, and accept the judgment from the holy angel!" In Mao Xiaoyao's words, that is awe-inspiring righteousness!
Full of positive energy!

At this time, the people behind him seemed to be reminding him of something. After all, this was the dormitory area for work-students, but Lezheng Yu was very impatient.

"I'm sick!" Mao Xiaoyao didn't want to talk to this guy. He is very busy now, and he will kill him another day. Now, he is busy asking the little beauty out to discuss things.

He didn't even have time to accompany the little black cat, so naturally he couldn't waste it on this person.

"Where to go!" Lezheng Yu didn't want to let the little cat go, his soul power burst out with a white holy light, covering it in an instant, he couldn't find the suspect of the red-haired girl, although, it was just the suspect and he wasn't sure about his identity , but, the cat demon in front of him must be!
Such an evil breath, he felt unmistakable.

"What the fuck, is it endless?" Very angry, in a hurry, Mao Xiaoyao took out a memory metal sledgehammer from the space soul guide and held it in his hand.

The big hammer of memory metal has been upgraded to a big memory metal for spiritual training, and it also has spirituality. No matter how it is hit or how badly damaged, it can really be restored to its original state now.

"Stupid coins!" The cat demon waved the memory metal big hammer with both hands, concentrated the power on the arm, and hit the hammer hard, boom, the powerful force hit Fei Lezheng Yu, he recently wanted to keep a low profile and focus on earning contribution points , but if you give him the stupid coin that was beaten, he will naturally have to be beaten to the ground!

The sound of the attack was loud, and Lezheng Yu smashed on the house. The house was already rotten, but with this smash, the room collapsed, and there was a rumble of dust.

Tang Wulin and Yuan En, who were studying the design of the battle armor, also came out of the house to see what was going on.

"Little brother, what happened?" Tang Wulin was shocked to find Mao Xiaoyao, who was confronting several strangers with a hammer, when the empty house next to him collapsed.

In the ruins, after coughing a few times, a person came out.

"This idiot said that I was an evil soul master, and said that he wanted to take me back. What kind of bullshit is the holy god family? It's rubbish. It fell down with a hammer. It's just trash!"

Scolding is scolding!
Mao Xiaoyao suddenly frowned and fell into deep thought. If this goddamn holy god is really Lezheng Yu, then the plot is wrong. Shouldn't he trouble Tang Wulin?
How to find yourself?

It's messed up!
"It's you!" Tang Wulin's eyes widened, and he also recognized Le Zhengyu's identity. This person seemed to be the one who wanted to bully the red-haired girl last time. Now, how could he fight with the little cat?
Evil soul master?
The situation is not right.

"Damn it, it seems that there are two evil soul masters hidden among the work-students. My holy angel family, Lezheng Yu, is going to destroy you today." Lezheng Yu came out of the ruins, spit out a few mouthfuls of dust, and patted his body miserable. The cat demon's attack just now was so terrifying that he couldn't defend it. When he defended, his whole body had already hit the house.

"Fighting is prohibited in the academy!" Yuan En frowned and said, this Le Zhengyu seems to have a lot of background, but they don't have any evil soul masters here at all, there shouldn't be any.

"We don't have the person you're looking for here. If you destroy the work-student dormitory area, you will be punished!"

Although no one lives in the house, this house is still a facility of the academy, and it is impossible to destroy it just by saying it is destroyed.

Looking around, Lezheng Yu frowned. However, the problem was not serious. His family had a lot of money, so he could fully compensate for the loss...

"Hand over that red-haired girl and this yellow-haired brat, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude, evil soul master, even Shrek Academy can't keep you!" Lezheng Yu was very angry, he didn't expect Shrek Academy, really There are some evil soul masters.

"The young master is here, if you don't come, you're a coward!" The little cat was happy, how could there be such a silly and cute guy?
It's funny, even if you are an evil soul master, so what?
Since Shrek Academy chose to accept him, it means that Shrek Academy already knew about it. Since Shrek Academy already knew about it, what does it matter to others?
"Damn evil soul master!" Lezheng Yu said angrily.

"What's wrong with the evil soul master? Could it be that the evil soul master ate your rice, robbed your girlfriend, and gave you a cuckold? Hehe, ridiculous!" I kept pissing off Lezheng Yu, the little cat. Lezheng Yu...Maybe he can take advantage of it, useful, useful, keep it!

Tang Wulin and Yuan En were also ready to fight. After all, this Lezheng Yu was not someone to mess with, and his strength seemed to be very strong!

Lezheng Yu was very angry, "You, you..." As he said that, he wanted to attack the damn cat demon!

"Master, let's go back! This is Shrek Academy, we can't mess around..." The subordinates behind couldn't help but persuade Le Zhengyu to go back, Shrek Academy is not a place where they can mess around.

Even their family can't stand the wrath of Shrek Academy.

"You bastard!" The little cat gave Lezheng Yu a middle finger greeting from the earth.

"Shut up!" Lezheng Yu was furious, and just as he was about to make a move, several teachers came...

Apart from anything else, several people were caught!


Compensation loss contribution points...

 Daily confession! ! !Miss No., thank you for your daily rewards.

  as well as,

  Zz, time has erased the memories of the past.

(End of this chapter)

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