The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 172 The Possibility of the Soul Mecha Unit!

Chapter 172 The Possibility of the Soul Mecha Unit!

Mecha, which means "mechanical power armor"

It usually appears in sci-fi or surreal films, games, and novels. No, Douluo Dalu also has them.

Nowadays, most people in Douluo Continent have the impression of mechas as large robots operated by humans. Humans generally define mechas as weapons of war.

(For example, the well-known Gundam.)
In a few days, return to normal study.

Today, Mao Xiaoyao and the others began to learn about mechas and the theoretical knowledge of mechas.

On the stage, the almighty Wuchangkong was explaining the theoretical knowledge of mechas. He was speaking seriously, and the cat demon was listening carefully. Unlike other people, the cat demon was really listening very carefully.

Mecha, when patrolling the mountains before, Mao Xiaoyao had heard that there are mechas in other worlds, but they don't have them in the Kunlun Demon Realm, because Tiger King believes that those are unrealistic things.

Strength, only your own is the most real!
Until, at this time, when Tiger King met the traverser and the system owner and was beaten up by them, he realized that if he lagged behind, he would be beaten. Of course, these are the things of the next novel.

Now, let's move on to the mecha!


Students, the first impression of those big guys at the door must be very bulky.

However, most of the students' goals now are to become Doukai Masters and directly enter the inner courtyard, and Mecha Masters are their last choice.

Everyone thinks so!

Only Mao Xiaoyao doesn't think so, and is tirelessly asking questions, thinking questions, and answering questions.

In the first class, there were only a few people who listened carefully to the mech class.

Wusiduo is one of them, after all, she is a mech repairer.

But what about the cat demon?
Future war!
Mechas are the dominant ones. Mao Xiaoyao has always thought so, and has always wanted to learn mechas. Who in the class is more talented in mechas...

The little cat remembers it all!

Doukai masters, the entire Douluo Continent, there are only a few people going back and forth, a class of more than 100, before there are thirty people, becoming a Doukai master is a genius.

A one-word battle armor master?Thousand forging metal is really not enough for mechs.


A two-word combat armor master, with a full set of spirit training metals, is truly powerful. At that time, the battle armor was truly compatible with the martial spirit.

However, there are so many ordinary people on the Douluo Continent, the appearance of mechas and soul guides undoubtedly gave ordinary people the hope of rising.

With these, they will no longer be afraid of soul masters, and waste martial souls will have a future!
"Xiao Yao, tell me about your understanding of the current joystick operating system mecha!" Suddenly, Wuchangkong started to ask questions again, glanced at the students, asked them to raise their hands to answer, and looked away one by one. Dare not speak, dare not answer questions.

Helpless_`, he had no choice but to choose the cat demon!
Everyone looked at the cat demon and the dozing black cat.

Especially Wusiduo, as a fanatic of mechs, she felt that every time the little cat answered the questions very well, and they all hit the point, and those ideas... seemed to be achievable.

such as……

Now, Mao Xiaoyao said: "The traditional joystick operating system requires the driver's physique to be too high, and the operation is too complicated and too clumsy. That's why the mech is not as good as the battle armor." The operation is similar to that of an excavator. The system is too complicated, and Mao Xiaoyao doesn't like it very much. Some simple movements can't be done at all, let alone fighting with the flexible battle armor. In terms of flexibility alone, the mech is completely defeated.

"Hmm!" Wuchangkong nodded and said, "The operating system is indeed a problem. Too complicated also raises the threshold for becoming a mecha master."

Wuchangkong made a small comment and signaled Mao Xiaoyao to continue!

"The battle armor fits the body of the soul master. After fusion, it is like the clothes worn on the body. Then the soul master can attack and move as he wants, and he can move as he pleases." The reason why the battle armor is powerful is because the battle Under the armor, you can use soul power and soul skills, and at the same time, the battle armor can do whatever you want, very flexible!Doukai also has increased power.

And, mecha?

Increase what?
Mao Xiaoyao thinks that it is a soul tool, for example, a weapon!Soul missiles, soul guns...

"In my opinion, the traditional operating system is too bad, and a new operating system must be replaced. In the future, mechas will dominate, and mechas will definitely surpass battle armor!" Mao Xiaoyao has a vision, a very terrible vision, of course, This is a method he thought of for the soul beast and soul, so naturally he would not tell humans.

Soul, Mecha!
When Mao Xiaoyao used to patrol the mountains, he heard from others that in some continental worlds, the mechas did not require humans to operate them, and they had a system program.

Short name: Intelligent System!

That is, robots!

However, the solution Mao Xiaoyao thought of was to create a mecha exclusively for the souls. Of course, it must not be a humanoid mecha.

Soul, what does it look like!
Then, what does that soul mech look like? The soul enters the control, and indirectly, the soul also has its own body, which can come out to move around in the outside world, a mechanical body...

Mao Xiaoyao was suddenly in a daze, maybe, at that time, he created the possibility of a new race...

Mechanical Eldar?

Clap clap clap clap!

Wusiduo applauded suddenly, completely forgetting that she had always wanted to beat up the little cat. She could only say that the little cat's thoughts were too exciting...

She really wants to study mechs with Mao Xiaoyao...

"Ahem!" The cat demon was instantly flustered, human?hehe!What do you know, the young master didn't even mention the most important idea?

Thought sensing system!Did you know?

Ever since seeing the Ascension to Lingtai of the Spirit Pagoda, Mao Xiaoyao has had that idea. Since the mind induction can enter the Ascension to Lingtai, what about the mecha?When a person is lying in the mecha, if he also senses the whole mecha with his mind and operates it, will it be more flexible?

Of course, Mao Xiaoyao will not tell humans about these things, he will slowly experiment by himself...

Of course, assistants are indispensable!

He has to control some human mech geniuses. These ideas require a lot of research and experiments, and these things require talents.

This is also one of the reasons why Mao Xiaoyao entered Shrek Academy, and this is also the reason why Mao Xiaoyao insisted on staying in the human world, knowing that Tang Wulin knew his secret.

"Starting today, Mao Xiaoyao officially becomes the mecha committee member of the class. I will study the mecha together with the maintenance committee member Wu Siduo. I hope you can study the new operating system." A punishment, but Wuchangkong would not bury his student's talent.

The little cat is very passionate about mechs, and he is also very fanatical. He thinks that this little cat may be able to create some miracles.

Wusiduo glanced at Mao Xiaoyao, cooperation?She returned to reality in an instant, now, she hates the cat demon very much, and cooperates...


Kind of looking forward to it!

Mao Xiaoyao also looked at Wusiduo, it was a look of looking at the prey, this girl, the soul beast needs her, then she will be the person I need in the future!
Caught it!


 Soul and armor?

(End of this chapter)

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