The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 188 Power Mecha!

Chapter 188 Power Mecha!


In the battle with Class [-] of the second grade, Mao Xiaoyao didn't participate either. He let Black Cat and the others go, as well as the little loli who annoyed him every day!
The little loli is called Yanli, she is too cute, a little sickly... Her strength is terrifying!
Black Cat, Yan Li, Wusiduo, Hong Ling'er, Lan Siyi, Tentacle Monster...

If you add a cat demon!
Not just seven?The Shrek Seven Devils?
As for the results of the battle, only Yuan En and Le Zhengyu were better than Yuan En and Le Zhengyu in Class One of the second grade, and the others were abused by Tang Wulin and Gu Yue!

Finally, under the powerful martial soul fusion technique!
The second class is irresistible!

Overall score, class one won!
Everyone who participated was rewarded, except Mao Xiaoyao, who was absent, was deducted [-] contribution points.


"I said Mao Xiaoyao, you, the life committee member, are getting more and more out of shape now. You are the No. 1 absenteeism in the outer courtyard. You are very good." If you rent it, only blacksmiths like Mao Xiaoyao can afford it, but others can't afford it.

On the ground, a pile of mecha parts and a piece of black cloth eight or nine meters long seemed to be covering something.

"For a semester, you haven't participated in any activities. What are you researching?" Gu Yue rolled his eyes at Mao Xiaoyao and studied in groups. They were all studying the battle armor, and everyone was studying the battle armor. However, Gu Yue secretly asked the black cat, and the black cat said that they were researching mechs, and that the new operating system had been successfully researched.

Mecha so powerful?Gu Yue was puzzled!
At this time, Tang Wulin and the others wanted to go out to celebrate the victory. Xu Xiaoyan and Heimao had already gone out and found a good place. Gu Yue called Mao Xiaoyao.

"Those activities are not important, they are irrelevant, they are all unimportant things." Mao Xiaoyao is making a gadget, which is a bit like a spider, with eight legs, da da, very spiritual, and he put it on the ground...

As soon as it landed, the mechanical spider slowly sensed the ground, da da, and suddenly ran slowly towards Gu Yue, just like a real spider. An ordinary girl would have screamed, but Gu Yue was not afraid.

She put the mechanical spider in her hand and asked, "What is this?" It seemed kind of cute!The mechanical spider is so big, it can move by itself?

"Research it when you're bored. This mechanical spider can sense life through a special soul guide." It's a bit like thermal imaging. The cat demon smiled. If he can upgrade his research in the future, then this thing must be used to deal with it. Human killer.


Soul Guidance Drone!
Of course, that's the idea!
Unless Mao Xiaoyao captures a bunch of human geniuses, controls them, gives them materials and ideas, and keeps them researching, otherwise, it will be difficult to rely on him alone.

"Oh?" Gu Yuewa was interested, how powerful is this little thing?However, when she let go of the mechanical spider, the mechanical spider came again, let go and came again!

"Can I smash it?" Gu Yue was speechless, this was very annoying.

"Eh..." The little cat controls the soul power to hover around the mechanical spider, levitate it back into his hand, and said helplessly: "It only has a simple instinct to find life, it is not intelligence!" If it is intelligence, then it is It's a robot, and Mao Xiaoyao doesn't have to think so much, but unfortunately it's not, a robot is a dream.

An unattainable dream!
"Don't tell me, you've been working on such a gadget for a whole semester?" Gu Yue didn't believe it. She didn't believe that Mao Xiaoyao wasted a semester's activities for such a gadget. One: torture!

"That, see for yourself!" Mao Xiaoyao packed up his things and prepared for the final exam. He will come to this laboratory next semester, and when the time comes, his glory will come again!
His mecha!

Will be invincible!

Fortunately, this big guy covered by the black cloth had the help of Wusiduo and the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, otherwise, the little cat would not have been able to complete it.

East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, provided, all needed material support, Wusiduo's technical support, Mao Xiaoyao was able to research the first generation: power mecha!

Gu Yue looked forward to it, and then pulled the black cloth!






Gu Yue, the first time she saw this black mecha, a few words popped into her mind, is this really a mecha?

Why is it different from ordinary mechs, this one is too tall!


It's all like Thousand Refinements, where did so much Thousand Refinement metals come from?
Could it be that they were all forged by the cat demon?

The black mecha looks very similar to Optimus Prime, but it is also very different. Optimus Prime can turn into a car, but the black mecha can become...

"Such a big guy, are you sure it has such a high degree of flexibility?" Gu Yue curiously touched the black mech, the thousand-refined metal...but it didn't look like a thousand-refined metal, nor did it look like a spirit forged. what is it then?

However, the larger something is, the less flexible it will be!

"Large size, flexibility, don't you know?" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, and then began to hint, as the Silver Dragon King, your size is not small, right?Then when it turns into the main body, will it slow down?
In a world of two, Mao Xiaoyao really wants to explain his identity, this is a good opportunity!

"How do I know?" Gu Yue gave Mao Xiaoyao a hard look.

Mecha can compare?

"Don't touch it, I'll try something good for you! There's no rush to eat, it's rare for us to be together." Mao Xiaoyao pointed to the transparent glass control room next to him, and said, "Do you want to experience the control machine?" A's fun?"

"Why?" Gu Yue's face flushed, and she suddenly felt a little nauseous. She suddenly remembered the last time Mao Xiaoyao said that she liked her.




Afterwards, under the flickering of the cat demon, Gu Yue reluctantly put on the mind-kinetic sensory clothes, which were too much, and her perfect figure was vividly outlined.

The cat demon also wears a thinking tool induction suit!
"Put on the helmet, and I'll let you see what it means to be big and fast." Mao Xiaoyao smiled mysteriously, then put on the consciousness helmet, and entered the virtual mech. When he was free, he would practice the machine with the black cat and the others. Armor fighting.

All virtual mecha data is done according to their design. Wusiduo has now become a loyal fan of Mao Xiaoyao. She expresses her admiration for Mao Xiaoyao's magical operating system!
There is no such mech in the entire Douluo Continent!

"If you play tricks on me, I'll beat you to death!" Gu Yue glanced around, seeing that there was transparent glass, her body was actually floating, she was walking casually, and there was nothing wrong with her, she put on the helmet a little scared.

Go in and be startled.

"Where is this place, little demon, where are you! My body..." Gu Yue touched it, took off the helmet and the screen disappeared, and there was nothing wrong with her body, everything was there.

Didn't turn into metal!

But what happened just now?
She glanced at the cat demon next to her!
The cat demon is also there!
"Put on the helmet, that world is similar to the Ascension to Lingtai, but our bodies are not asleep." Mao Xiaoyao explained, he wants to let the god king of the soul beast take a look, the technology they currently possess is How terrible.

Ascension to Lingtai, Gu Yue was stunned for a moment, okay then!
Give it a try!

Anyway, it won't be less than a dollar!

 Suddenly, many recommendation tickets from today appeared, and tomorrow the little cat will confess his identity!

(End of this chapter)

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