The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 190 The Cat Demon and Gu Yue!

Chapter 190 The Cat Demon and Gu Yue!

"who are you!"

The cold Gu Yue erupted with a terrifying aura. She was not the same as usual. When she looked at the little cat, she had a murderous intent. She was naturally murderous, but also had a trace of hesitation, a deadly hesitation.

"Are you softening your heart? Softening our classmates' emotional identity? Or friends?" Mao Xiaoyao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled, rubbing the pain on his shoulders. Was it the strength of the physical body just now?The Silver Dragon King's attack is estimated to be less than one percent, right?
After all, Gu Yue is a clone that has not grown up, a clone of a soul orc, the main clone, but, in order to make herself think of humans more, she must seal something!
Boundary, memory...

Previously, Mao Xiaoyao had always thought that Na'er in Shrek Academy was the dominant Silver Dragon King, but he did not expect that Gu Yue's reaction was greater than he imagined.

The name Silver Dragon King is a taboo!
Gu Yue is the leader!
"Why didn't you just kill me? Why are you softening your heart? I know your biggest secret. If I tell humans your real identity, how would you feel? Humans won't let you go!" Mao Xiaoyao sneered , looking at Gu Yue quietly, one can see her pain and entanglement, could it be that living as a human for so many years has affected the judgment she should have?

The avatar, the main body, which one should I believe, the cat demon is not sure, but, Na'er, Gu Yue, one of them must be towards humans.

Na'er's human soul, Gu Yue's soul beast, but which one would take pity on those weak soul beasts?
If, which one is facing human beings, Mao Xiaoyao will definitely not work for her, and even wants to kill her!

"Mao Xiaoyao, don't force me!" An extremely cold ice spear appeared, piercingly cold, surrounded by cold air, just like Gu Yue's eyes were very cold at this moment.

Gu Yue's eyes were red, and she was entangled in whether to kill or not, and rushed towards the little cat. Her identity was a secret, and she didn't want anyone to know.

The sound of spears piercing!


"You didn't think of it!"

"How could you..."

The two fell into a strange conversation, and the ice spear pierced the wall, just a little bit away from the little cat's head, and he had to go back to report to Lord Hades, and go back and tell jokes with Tiger King.

Gu Yue knew that her identity could not be revealed, and the cat demon also knew about Gu Yue's attitude!

Just now, at the moment of life and death!
The little cat released an aura that did not belong to humans. That aura made Gu Yue stop, calm down, and move the ice spear away from the attacking position!
"Lord Silver Dragon King, I'm also a soul beast, but I'm also a non-soul beast, but I'm not a human being." The little cat broke into a cold sweat and begged for mercy, "My own, my own, Master Gu Yue?" The little cat closed his eyes immediately. With his eyes closed, he took another sneak peek at Gu Yue to see the expression on her face. After confessing her identity, would Gu Yue believe her?

After all, the current Gu Yue is not the real Silver Dragon King, and some memories have not been fully integrated.

After several years of human life, some things have also changed, and they are not so decisive. This is all related to the memory of the seal.

Gu Yue restrained her breath, looked at Mao Xiaoyao coldly, and said, "Mao Xiaoyao, I don't know who you are, but since you know my identity, you should also know your mission. "Soul beast?Why didn't she remember that there was such a soul beast as Mao Xiaoyao?

Who is this cat demon?

Why do you know your identity!

What is the purpose of getting close to yourself?
"Mission? I don't know. I just wanted to come to you. What mission did you release? Why don't I know?" Mao Xiaoyao scratched his head in embarrassment. At that time, he didn't even know if he had come to Douluo Dalu. , even if he comes, will the Silver Dragon King tell himself that this guy is not even a soul beast?
"Then who are you! Who is the black cat!" Gu Yue raised her fist, wanting to hit, but when she saw the aura of the cat demon, she sighed softly, then lowered her fist and said, "Take back your aura, this is a human being." world."

No matter what the identity of the little cat is, anyway, he is not a human being!
Hearing the name Silver Dragon King, Gu Yue couldn't control her desire to go, and couldn't help but want to kill the cat demon.

At the beginning, when she transformed into a human form, she sealed her memory. In order to be more like a human being, one Na'er, one Gu Yue, one with a human personality, and one with a soul beast personality. When they fuse together, they will recover. a little memory.

At that time, they were the real Silver Dragon King. Now, Gu Yue's memory is not complete, but her subconscious mind told her that she must kill the cat demon.

However, the breath of the cat demon just now!It's not human, that's why she was so confused.

Mao Xiaoyao explained: "The black cat is a soul beast, from the night cat demon family, I am actually a soul beast! I am not a human being, and you can see the breath just now." There were many times when the cat Xiao Yao wanted to confess her identity, but she was afraid that Gu Yue would not awaken her memory of being the Silver Dragon King.

Therefore, I have always dared not say it!

Today, Gu Yue saw such a great achievement of her own. If the mecha was equipped with a human army, it would definitely be a devastating blow to the soul beast.

So would Gu Yue kill herself?
Mao Xiaoyao finally waited for this moment today, even if he is himself, seeing such a talented genius, either to win over, or to control or kill him!
Gu Yue, just chose the latter!
"How could you be a soul beast? I don't remember, there are you and the black cat in the transformation!" Gu Yue rubbed her forehead and fell into deep thought. Could it be that she remembered it wrong!Or the memory is not complete now, so part of the memory is not complete!
easy to forget?

"I'm the same as you. I don't belong to this world. I came to Douluo Dalu in fact..." To put it bluntly, the little cat came from another world. He was ashamed to tell others exactly how he came here.

"As for how we transform, there is actually a kind of grass called Ghost Grass on Douluo Continent. It is refined into a kind of elixir. After being eaten by soul beasts, no matter how many years you have cultivated, you can transform into shape."

Mao Xiaoyao explained, in fact, he wanted to talk about the Transformation Pill, but he did not bring the Transformation Pill with the black cat.

"I can't understand what you said, but how did you know my identity, and what is your purpose for coming to me?"

Gu Yue began to question Mao Xiaoyao. Over the years, she had been doubting Mao Xiaoyao's identity, but she just couldn't be sure.

I always feel that the appearance of the cat demon is not accidental.

In the past few years, the terrifying talent that Mao Xiaoyao has shown has made her fearful!

Possess the ability to study more stable and powerful ten-thousand-year souls, and the ability to have one hundred thousand souls, as well as this terrifying mech technology, no matter what, it is fatal to soul beasts!

Today, just when he made up his mind to control or kill Mao Xiaoyao, he suddenly threw himself a blockbuster...

It caught her off guard!
"Me? I came to the human world to take revenge, to find the murderer who killed my mother and the night cat demon, or to exterminate mankind. Our purpose is the same." The cat demon's eyes are full of hatred for humans, that is An indelible hatred, unless the cat demon finds the real murderer, or the soul beast finds a habitat, a safe and stable life...

Otherwise, he would not be reconciled!
Talk about hate!

Gu Yue was just as angry!
Whether it is true or not, the story and the wine, in fact, the little cat has a lot to say to Gu Yue...


After thinking about it, let's talk!The cat demon slowly approached Gu Yue, not afraid of death, grabbed Gu Yue's shoulder, and said seriously: "You are very weak now, before you awaken your own strength, you need to be protected and grow up slowly."

"Let me protect you, Yue'er."

"You are the god king of soul beasts, you can't like Tang Wulin, in fact, Tang Wulin is..."

Gu Yue had a gloomy face. The little cat seemed to know her very well, a little too much. Just when she was about to ask something, there was a knock on the door!


 Who knocks?

(End of this chapter)

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