The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 214 Exploded the Forbidden Land of Soul Beasts!

Chapter 214 Exploded the Forbidden Land of Soul Beasts!

"Who?" Xiong Jun glanced around coldly, who spoke desperately?

However, the soul beasts still bowed their heads and surrendered, not daring to make a sound, so who are they?

"I, the cat demon you are looking for!"

Transformed into a human form, the cat demon came, looking at the wounded Sky Swallowing Python lying on the ground, he felt an indescribable anger, what's wrong?The soul beast beats the soul beast, this Xiong Jun is really majestic.

"Wounding the soul beast, you, Mr. Xiong, are really majestic, powerful, powerful." The little cat laughed sarcastically, and looked at Mr. Xiong coldly with anger in his eyes. Is it Gu Yue?She finally sent someone to check the Star Dou Forest, but what are those on the ground...

Soul guide?
Why, they are all soul guide fragments!
"Little demon!" The leader of the night cat demon and the others gathered around. There were not many soul beasts supporting the cat demon, but the cat demon still had a warm heart.

"The soul guides are all destroyed..." Big Cat looked at the fragments of the soul guides on the ground and said sadly, all their soul guides were destroyed by Mr. Xiong, they were their soul guides, they were there every day Practically used, now destroyed, why exactly?
The giant python, the big black cow, and several soul beasts all looked at Mao Xiaoyao. They knew that Mao Xiaoyao was very angry...

However, what's the use of the cat demon coming back, the other party is Mr. Xiong!
A ten-year soul beast, killing him is a matter of minutes.

"Oh, you're the cat demon?" Mr. Xiong glanced at the cat demon lightly. He was so ordinary that he couldn't see through it, but he didn't seem to find the cat demon's figure and the surrounding beasts among the soul beasts brought out by the master. this girl...

If they hadn't released the soul beast breath, he would have thought it was a human being.

"Destroy my soul tool, beat my friend, Mr. Xiong, what exactly do you want to do? Gu Yue, didn't you tell you how to protect the soul beast?" The little cat was furious, those soul tools, he didn't Knowing how much resources were wasted to build it successfully, it is now a piece of debris, which makes people feel distressed.

What do you mean?
Suddenly, Mao Xiaoyao's expression changed, and a powerful force rushed towards him. With that kind of air-tearing attack, Mr. Xiong seemed to want to kill himself!
Unable to lose, unwilling to be reconciled, the evil cat changed, and the evil cat of extreme desire appeared.

However, the violent force shattered his internal organs, the boulders shattered, and the trees broke down...

"Spicy chicken, I thought it was some kind of powerful guy, the little cat demon in your mouth, that's all it is? You still want to command the soul beast? Who do you think you are?" Mr. Xiong laughed mockingly, he could withstand one blow, then the first blow Woolen cloth?It's a pity that it is so weak that it can't stop the first blow, which is really pitiful.

boom!Mr. Xiong is here, his attack is simple, to deal with trash like Mao Xiaoyao, just crush it with strength, one punch, one punch, that's worth it!

Fury is another punch!
The powerful force that pierced through the air hit Rangmao Xiaoyao again, the black winged body protection, but he couldn't stop it. He was pressed and hit the ground, and spit out a mouthful of blood. Shock injury, and the horror of the 10-year-old soul beast is like this, every gesture is a terrorist attack.

"Little demon!" Seeing that the little cat was blown away and seriously injured, the black cat was also furious, and the ghost's claw fell, and she attacked for the soul!She wants to tear Jun Xiong's soul apart and avenge the cat demon.

The faint purple claws fell from the void, slapped hard, and hit Mr. Xiong with precision!

The other soul beasts still didn't dare to move, they were watching all the time, because whoever resisted would be beaten, which made them understand a truth!
Xiong Jun is the boss!

Xiong Jun is a 10-year-old soul beast, the black cat failed to attack, but was backlashed...

The Void Soul Claw was completely shattered, she suffered backlash, and was also sent flying by Mr. Xiong!
Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth and fell to the ground, life and death are unknown.

However, at this moment, Mr. Xiong stepped on Mao Xiaoyao, stepped on Mao Xiaoyao's chest fiercely, twisted, and said with a mocking smile: "Hehe, what was your look just now? Why, are you scared now? You, wanting to command the soul beasts, who do you think you are?" Mr. Xiong needs to re-establish his prestige in front of the soul beasts, so he must defeat this little cat and let the soul beasts know who their king is!

This is the soul beast!
"Black cat!" The little cat was furious. Dragons have reverse scales, and if you touch them, you will die, let alone cats?

The black cat is everything to him!

Anyone who hurts her will have to pay the price in blood, no matter who it is!
No matter what the cost!
The sky seems to be the same, it also seems to understand that the little cat is angry. At this time, the little cat grabbed Xiong Jun's feet fiercely, smiled slyly, and the sky thunder flashed, crackling and booming, a snake-shaped lightning struck fiercely. On Mr. Xiong, it was the cat demon's attack that consumed all of its power!
Heavenly Thunder Flash, that is the great power of the monster clan. It imitates the Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation. Its power is basically the same as that of Heavenly Tribulation. With a full blow, Mr. Xiong does not dare to resist this kind of punishment...

Big Cat and the others looked worried.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I don't care if you get back the commanding power of the soul beast, but you actually hurt the black cat, damn it, damn it!" The cat demon was completely angry, now half of the soul power is still in the demon core, Enough, Didi, the soul guide grenade appeared, and a dozen cat demons blasted Mr. Xiong in the face.

Mr. Xiong is finally not calm, the soul guide...

show up!Magic weapon armor!

As soon as the space soul guide lighted up, the space soul guide that Xu Haoqing gave him was so big that it could hold a mech, so there was no problem.

Here we come, black mecha!
At this moment, Mao Xiaoyao just wants to let Lord Xiong see his own strength. If he is not strong enough, what about external forces?
Soul guide cannon, soul missile, come on, let's fight!

"Big cat, take care of the black cat." Mao Xiaoyao didn't explain, didn't talk nonsense, just entered directly, directly controlled the black mecha, and directly locked Mr. Xiong. He never thought that the current thunder and lightning could kill Mr. Xiong!

To kill Mr. Xiong, you must use the power of the soul tool. Coincidentally, he has a lot of soul tools. He originally wanted to use them on humans. Hehe, now, let this so-called Mr. Xiong, the so-called king of soul beasts , let him see his anger.

The big cat and the others nodded, then tightly protected the unconscious black cat, and moved her to a safe place.

"Damn it!" Lord Xiong was also angry. He erupted with terrifying power, and there was a violent aura around him. It had been a long time since no soul beast dared to challenge his majesty, and no low-level soul beast could hurt himself. This damn cat demon... …

The weird attack just now caused him to be slightly injured!Damn it, damn it!

The little cat attacked wildly. At this moment, he didn't think about the surveillance of the Spirit Pagoda or any exposures, but instead, he was thinking about how to kill this damned Xiong Jun, or how to blow up the entire forbidden area of ​​spirit beasts. !Blow up the last souvenir of the soul beast kings.

In the forbidden area for soul beasts, a huge flaming incendiary bomb was thrown by the cat demon, which instantly exploded and burned. The flames shot up into the sky, and the soul beasts fled in all directions. A soul beast like a kangaroo mother put the black cat in her front bag directly. Protect the black cat!

Big cats they are right behind!

Inside the big fire is the battle between the little cat and Mr. Xiong!
"You know, what do you mean by doing this?" Mr. Xiong was furious, and the entire forbidden area was blown up. This was their place before, but now the fire is spreading. The feeling of their home being destroyed makes him have endless thoughts of anger. To tear the cat demon!

"Even if the Spirit Transferring Pagoda comes, it won't doubt me. On the contrary, you are a so-called one hundred thousand soul beast, and the Spirit Transferring Pagoda really wants to study you!" Seeing his masterpiece, he was very satisfied, and the fire burned Bar!With his own anger, Mao Xiaoyao said coldly: "Who do you say I am? I, Mao Xiaoyao, will tell you who I am! Anyone who hurts the black cat must die, no matter who it is!" Install the soul missile, aim at Mr. Xiong, lock it, the mecha has the function of tracking and locking, regarding the technology of the fixed soul missile, Mao Xiaoyao has always wanted to study, but the Sun Moon Federation is very strict about such a powerful thing , Strictly controlled, most people don't know it at all.

Now, Mao Xiaoyao basically buys the custom-installed soul missiles equipped with mechas by herself, and installs some soul guide cannons that she invented, but due to lack of knowledge, the power is definitely not as good as the real soul missiles.

That's why Mao Xiaoyao thought of Xu Haoqing!

Phew, a level 1000 soul missile went down, and Mao Xiaoyao's more than [-] million federal coins instantly evaporated and exploded, but it also made Xiong Jun finally frightened, so he ordered the soul missile...

"You're crazy, you damned bastard, this place is going to be destroyed by you!" Mr. Xiong didn't dare to resist the powerful custom-installed soul missile head-on, and he fought normally. He killed the cat demon in minutes, but the soul guide device...

However, the Sun Moon Federation has always been very strict about this kind of weapon.

So, where did the little cat get it?
Hehe, who has trouble with money?

"Why, the majestic Xiongjun is also afraid? What are you afraid of? If this place is gone, another Spirit Pagoda will be built, and soul beasts will be raised in captivity from generation to generation." It’s like raising pigs, which ones are fattened, which ones are killed, which ones are caught, and which ones are studied...

In the name of guardianship, let the soul beasts become slaves of the Spirit Pagoda, and always pay the price of their lives for research!

This is the protection of the Spirit Pagoda!
In front of Mao Xiaoyao, a virtual screen appeared, aiming at Mr. Xiong, he said: "I will make him pay the price for hurting the black cat!"

The seventh-level soul missile is not just one. At this time, Big Cat and the others have already hid in a cave they dug in advance. No matter how they hit it, it will not affect them.




Explosion is art!

Art is also a blast!

At this time, Mao Xiaoyao, the magic weapon black mecha at the center of the explosion, began to shatter bit by bit. In order to hold Mr. Xiong and die together, he had to manipulate the mecha to entangle Mr. Xiong and prevent Mr. Xiong from running away. No, one mechanical arm was torn apart, but under the large-scale explosion, Mao Xiaoyao and Xiong Jun were both injured!
And the last self-explosive mecha is even more terrifying. Such a crazy and desperate cat demon finally made Mr. Xiong feel a little bit of fear. He is not afraid of cat demons alone, but he is afraid of this kind of soul guide , the body cannot resist...

The point is, those Spirit Pagoda masters around are all ready to move!
The entire forbidden area of ​​spirit beasts was blown to pieces. The fog did not become thinner, but more dense. Ten meters away, nothing could be seen clearly...

Xiong Jun was injured and ran away!

He had to run, he could have killed the unconscious cat demon, the seriously injured cat demon, but a terrifying titled Douluo came, Tianfeng Douluo——Leng Yaozhu!

The deputy head of the Spirit Pagoda, today, she happened to come to the Star Dou Forest to inspect the work, and she encountered this kind of thing.

"Mechs, soul missiles? Is your defense just to watch?" Tianfeng Douluo yelled at the people behind, and when she saw the explosion, the corners of her mouth twitched and she took a deep breath, but, She also found a problem, the figure just now seemed to be Mr. Xiong from Star Dou Forest...

Who is Mr. Xiong fighting with?
Now that Mr. Xiong has appeared, the previous doubts are gone. The soul beast kings are here.

However, which blind guy came in with a mecha to fight Xiong Jun?

Fog, swamp, scary!
Leng Yaozhu put on a soul guide mask. She didn't dare to inhale too much of this weird poisonous mist, as it was harmful to the human body.

There seems to be something under the mech fragments in the distance...

 Mecha, gone!

(End of this chapter)

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