The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 231 Staying in a Hotel!

Chapter 231 Staying in a Hotel!

"Understood, understood, one room, right? We have everything here." At the front desk, a male waiter in a strange dress, with heavy makeup and raised brows, took out a bag of things like balloons, and smiled meaningfully!

(??) TT?In Douluo Dalu's TT, Mao Xiaoyao was ashamed for a while, the quality looked good, but is he that kind of monster?He couldn't help stretching out his hand and said, "No, no, two rooms!" However, after thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "No, no, forget it, one room!"

The enchanting waiter was envious, what a pretty girl.

Soon, Mao Xiaoyao opened a room!
Mu Xi blushed the whole time, her ears were hot, what's the matter?Why is it a room? Could it be that they are going to sleep together tonight...


Should I refuse?
Just when Mu Xi was dreaming, their room arrived. The cat demon checked with his spiritual sense, and found nothing unusual, then took out the shielding jammer to interfere with all monitoring and monitoring soul guides.

"The bed is yours, so let's make it right! Just now, we provoked those people, I'm afraid it's not safe!" Mao Xiaoyao recalled those evil soul masters just now, before leaving, those evil thoughts knew about it. They wanted revenge on themselves and Mu Xi!

Letting Mu Xi live in a house alone, Mao Xiaoyao was not at ease, so he let Mu Xi live with him, since he had a tent anyway.

Go, set up, sleep!
"Oh, oh!" Mu Xi said lightly, and then sat down on the comfortable and soft bed.

The rabbit had started wandering around, looking around the room to see if he could find anything.

After driving all day, her body was sticky, and Mu Xi wanted to take a bath. Girls are very clean and love to take a bath, and so is the black cat.

Mao Xiaoyao just came out of the bathroom, and said: "Cold water, hot water, there are all, very complete, you take a bath first! I'll go out and buy something to eat!" Said, Mao Xiaoyao went out, hungry, and the space soul guide Inside, there were a lot of dried fish of all kinds, but Mu Xi was a girl, so she definitely couldn't eat dried fish like herself.


In the room, there are only the rabbit and Mu Xi!
"Do you want to take a bath?" Mu Xi asked the rabbit, with a sad expression on his face, the little cat has never taken a serious look at himself...

Just now, she was still thinking that the little cat was happy to care about her own safety, but in a blink of an eye...

"Me too!" The rabbit bounced.

Mu Xi hugged her, went into the bathroom, and began to wash and scrub. During the process, gurgling, the rabbit almost had a nosebleed. It was too exciting, too exciting, she was a girl.


Outside, Mao Xiaoyao packed a bunch of delicious food and put them in the space soul guide to keep warm.

At this time, on the way back, just arrived at the door of the hotel, the communicator turned on. The message seemed to be that he was a floating soul guide car, and someone wanted to build his own soul guide car...

The little cat's eyes turned cold, who wouldn't be afraid of death?
Next to the suspended soul guide car!
"Did you find out, which room were those two guys just now?"

"I found it, No. 520, a room, they are all there."

"Very good, let's start tonight, the man, just kill and steal the soul guide, the woman..."

"Hey!" Several evil soul masters began to plan everything, trying to steal Mao Xiaoyao's soul guide car.

However, everything was heard clearly by the cat demon in the dark. Suddenly, the suspension car honked, scaring a few evil soul masters to run around...

Seeing the escaped evil soul master, the cat demon in the dark fell silent. Why is it tonight, but his state...

Oh, forget it, go back!
The fragrant Mu Xi has already finished taking a bath. At this moment, she is wet and blowing her hair, and the whole room is filled with her smell, which is very fragrant and irritating to the nerves.

The little cat came back, had a room card, and came in directly, which startled Mu Xi.

"Let's eat! I've already eaten outside!" Mao Xiaoyao said, slowly putting the food on the table, and then he started busy with his own affairs.

Do not eat together?Mu Xi looked at the food indifferently, then sat at the table, looked at Mao Xiaoyao quietly, opened the lunch box, she was stunned, "Thank you!" When eating, she often orders these dishes...

Unexpectedly, Mao Xiaoyao always remembered!
"You're welcome, how do you say, we are also friends, let's eat! Tonight, we may..." The cat demon sighed, he didn't know what was going on, the state was wrong, I hope those evil soul masters will not make trouble!
Install soul guides, spider soul guides, all crawling on the wall to monitor everything outside, each spider has a soul guide gun, and various anti-attack soul guide bombs.

If there is a disagreement, it will explode!
friend?Mu Xi suddenly smiled foolishly, and fed the rabbit. This rabbit seems to eat meat too...

carnivorous rabbit...

It seems terrible!
"What are you doing?" Mu Xi tried, she really wanted to talk to Mao Xiaoyao, and she also found that Mao Xiaoyao was not so indifferent to herself...

"Tonight, those people may come to trouble us, so I have to be on guard." After installing all the soul guides, Mao Xiaoyao glanced outside the window, hoping that tonight...

Mu Xi ate, "Why did they retaliate against us, and we didn't provoke them..." Is the outside world so dangerous?Mu Xi didn't understand why she started to take revenge on others at every turn.

Mao Xiaoyao rolled her eyes, and really wanted to curse, who told you, aunt, that we are a fifth-level blacksmith?
Ordinary people, evil soul masters may dismiss it, but a genius blacksmith...

Just when Mu Xi was about to ask something!
"Good night, be careful tonight, rabbit, keep watch!" The cat demon suddenly entered his tent, ignoring Mu Xi and the rabbit.

"Hey..." Mu Xi was very disappointed and didn't have any appetite, so she immediately fed them to the rabbit. She lay quietly on the bed, looking at the little cat's tent and began to think wildly.

However, the more I thought about it, the more irritable I became, and I couldn't help falling asleep with my head covered, covered with a quilt...

The eating rabbit glanced at the tent in doubt. What did the cat demon say just now?

Forget it, forget it, eat, and then sleep, this meat is really delicious, plump and juicy, with a smooth texture.


The little cat in the tent kept shaking. The physical condition he was most worried about was coming. His soul power and demon power were passing away bit by bit. His dantian was empty. At this moment, strange cracks appeared in his demon core, and the process was very painful...

"Cracks in the demon core, why is this happening?" Mao Xiaoyao fell into extreme pain, every time a new crack appeared in the demon core, he would suffer even more, he could not feel any demon power...

Every monster clan will have a demon core. This is the foundation of a monster clan and the source of strength. If the demon core breaks, it means that the cultivation base will be completely abolished!
From now on, I can only be an ordinary monster that cannot transform into form, and has a pitiful lifespan!
Pain, fear, surround Mao Xiaoyao's mind, very rare, evil spirits are no longer close to Mao Xiaoyao, as if he does not exist...

"Ah!" Mao Xiaoyao finally couldn't help making a sound. The feeling of tearing his heart and lungs was too painful. lose!
Then what should I do, what should I do, what should I do in the future...

"Little demon, what's the matter with you!" Patting the tent, Mu Xi, with her white and tender feet, knelt on her knees and listened closely to what was going on in the tent, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Just now, she couldn't sleep, she heard Mao Xiaoyao's painful moans, that hopeless and powerless voice, what happened...

 What's wrong with cat demon?

  Guess what!

(End of this chapter)

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