The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 265 The Power of the Protagonist, Are You Angry!

Chapter 265 The Power of the Protagonist, Are You Angry!
call out!

The sound of metal clashing...

The Three-Word Battle Armor Master's complexion changed, because there was one bullet that went towards Dai Yun'er...

Familiar bullets, this seems to be the person who attacked them last time, those metal bullets...

One was blocked by the three-word combat armor and was shot in the chest. Fortunately, it was defended by the three-word combat armor...

"There are assassins! Hurry up and protect the princess!" Before the words finished, two other bullets came again, but the targets were different.

The other two are going towards the second prince...

At this moment, the second prince was terrified, his pupils were dilated, he smelled of death, his scalp was numb...

"Be careful!" At the critical moment, Tang Wulin stood up and stood in the front...

Ziji magic pupil, purple eyes looking at the trajectory of the bullet, he shot resolutely, regardless of everything, the second prince can't die no matter what...

If the second prince died!Then the misunderstanding between the two continents will never be explained clearly...

There may be a war by then!

Tang Wulin blocked a bullet!The golden dragon's claw was dripping with blood, and the other seemed to be...

The second prince fell to the ground, covered in blood...

"Second prince..." People from the Sun Moon Federation wailed one by one. If something happened to the second prince, their entire family would have to be buried with them...

Dai Yun'er came out from the crowd, she was in a daze at the moment, what was going on?
Isn't the second prince the murderer?

Why did someone assassinate himself and the second prince?
"What's going on!" Dai Yun'er looked at Tang Wulin with a distressed face. Fortunately, Tang Wulin was protected by Gu Yue, and just now, Xu Xiaoyan used the soul skill to slow down the bullet and stop it...

Otherwise, Tang Wulin's life would be in danger!

The three-character combat armor master shook his head and said: "The aura is wrong, this second prince... doesn't seem to be the murderer who attacked back then, it's just his appearance..." The appearance is exactly the same, but the aura of this realm seems to be different...

Dai Yun'er fell silent, and immediately ordered to save the second prince, because the second prince didn't seem to be dead... The bullet hit his chest, and he was breathing a little...

"It's okay!" Xie Xie stood in front of Tang Wulin, looking at the rough sea, where did the attack come from?

The black cat and the others also came over.

The soldiers are also lined up to protect their princess!

"It's okay!" Tang Wulin also smiled, expressing that he had nothing to do, and it was important to treat the second prince, and the second prince should have nothing to do.

Tang Wulin, whose arm was injured, came to Dai Yun'er and said, "If an imperial prince dies in the hands of your Xingluo Continent army, you know what it means. Yun'er, please think twice before you go back and deal with it slowly." !"

"The enemy is in the dark! The enemy has been watching us in the dark, and we never know who the enemy is!" Tang Wulin looked at the rough sea, in the sea?The bullet seemed to fly out of the sea, because the bullet had a faint smell of sea water.

Gu Yue also said: "Wu Lin is right!" Just now, in fact, she didn't want to block it... because, the war between the two continents is what she wants to see...

However, Tang Wulin was in danger, so she had to act!

Thank you, they all have the same idea.

Dai Yun'er frowned, "Go back and let the emperor and the emperor decide!" The fleet was closed, and the fleet returned!

The second prince didn't die either, the power of the bullet weakened, he was only seriously injured, his lungs were punctured, but fortunately there was a healing soul master with the light attribute, healed the second prince with all his strength...

Tang Wulin also breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled at Gu Yue, because if he saved the life of a prince, then a war could be avoided!
But who is the enemy?
Evil soul master?

Submarine, in the sea!
Just now, the people in that fleet were all from Mao Xiaoyao. At this time, they are in the sea...

All kinds of weapons are already aimed at Dai Yuner and the others, just waiting for Mao Xiaoyao's order...

"Made, damn Tang Wulin, always spoiling my good deeds. If the second prince is not dead, then my identity will be in danger in the future. After returning, the second prince will definitely insist that I did it!"

In the submarine, the cat is so devilish. A perfect plan to set the blame was destroyed by the damn Tang Wulin. What a great opportunity...

The crew are all soul beasts. Of course, they have a mission to go to sea this time, that is to find new land and a new home...

Every soul beast has an armor, the first time it jumps into the sea, the armor possesses its body, and enters the underwater submarine. Dai Shu has been waiting for a long time, and then, the cat demon only needs to kill the second prince, and the blame will be completed!

A prince died at the Xingluo Continental Army. No matter how he explained it, he couldn't explain it clearly. However, the second prince didn't seem to die!
Dai Yun'er is not dead either!
"How about, let's catch up and let the soul beasts in the sea help us to solve them completely?" Dai Shu is also angry, she doesn't know why the little cat doesn't use magic weapon bullets, if it is magic weapon bullets, then the second prince will definitely die ...

As for why not use weapon bullets?
In fact, Mao Xiaoyao is also afraid of being exposed. Now the black cat's magic weapon armor and his own magic weapon armor both have magic weapon bullets, and they are all unique magic weapon bullets. Once something is noticed, it will not be able to explain clearly.

That's why Mao Xiaoyao used the spirit-forged metal alloy bullet just now. Unfortunately, the power was a little weaker. When it penetrated the ice wall of Gu Yue, the power was reduced by half. The second prince was not affected at all. It is estimated that after the treatment, there will be another hero.

However, what makes Mao Xiaoyao most angry is that the second prince will definitely tell his own affairs, because the second prince followed him out...

Although Hu Lili is now pretending to be him to discuss things with Xu Hao in Donghai City, but to be suspicious is to be suspected, and some caring people will definitely...

"Speed ​​up to find the New World, made, damn Tang Wulin and that mentally handicapped Silver Dragon King, it's their good deeds to sabotage me every time." The little cat is so angry that he really wants to curse and kill a few people, "The black cat also On the fleet, forget it, I will talk about it later, and I will let the black cat help us divert the target, hehe, the evil soul master will be very happy to take the blame!"

Now only evil soul masters can come out and take the blame, who made them so evil?
"I know!" Dai Shu said nothing immediately, looking for a new continent is important, as long as they find a new continent, then they will have a new habitat, and they will no longer be afraid of being exposed, and they will not have to live in fear all day long.

The task of searching will fall on the soul beasts they brought out. Now the influence of the Shadow Ghost Shark King in the sea is increasing bit by bit, and the territory is expanding bit by bit, as well as the places where they can move.

"Made, it's time to do something, divert attention." Mao Xiaoyao frowned, it's time to contact the evil soul masters and provide them with some high-tech, so that they can do something recently.

Divert attention!
Don't let people stare at me all the time!

Moreover, Mao Xiaoyao had to go back immediately after finishing his work, because Hu Lili was not him after all...

Dai Shu and the others gathered around, wanting to hear what good ideas the little cat has!

(End of this chapter)

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