Chapter 276 Ask!

"Innocent, such an innocent person, how could there be such a pattern?"

Gu Yue, who had been silent all this time, finally uttered such a sentence. Now that Tang Wulin has disappeared and has not returned, her heart is half dead, and now the little cat has an accident!

However, all of this is because of the damn human beings!

"From the time this person appeared on Sea God Island, all these things will happen. As the owner of Sea God Pavilion, you didn't realize it. That's your responsibility! And it's his freedom for the little cat to take revenge. As for Innocent people, originally, you could have avoided it, but you didn't find out." Gu Yue was not afraid of the Sea God Pavilion Master at all, at this moment, she had nothing to be afraid of, she even wanted to kill the Sea God Pavilion Master!

"Gu Yue!" Elder Cai also reminded, this is the master of the Sea God Pavilion, Qingtian Douluo, you can't talk like that.

"Gu Yue is right!" Hong Ling'er also said: "My master wants to take revenge, what's wrong with him? In other words, once he takes revenge and is discovered by Mian, will His Majesty let him take revenge?"

The answer is definitely: no!

"Shut up!" Wu Changkong cursed, looking at Hong Ling'er coldly, what happened to each of them?
This one, but the owner of the Sea God Pavilion, is going to die one by one, right?How dare you speak like that?

Zhuoshi also said: "Your Majesty, children are ignorant, you see..." He was a little speechless. These little boys are really...

one by one……

"It doesn't matter! What they said is right. It is true that I was also at fault. I did not discover the problem in time, which caused today's incident." The owner of the Sea God Pavilion was not angry, but also admitted his mistake, because it was indeed his negligence that caused everything to happen. occur……

"But, Your Majesty..." Mr. Cai wanted to say something.

The owner of the Sea God Pavilion waved his hand and said: "Okay! Don't say any more, I will make up for my mistakes, but I will let him make up for the mistakes made by the little cat. Because of another thing."

"That's about the identity of the cat demon!"

"The Sun Moon Federation can't investigate, and the royal family doesn't know. I want to ask you, does anyone know?"

On the side of the second prince, he started to engage in the little cat, investigated everything about the little cat, kept it hidden for so long, and finally played a role at this moment, that is: unknown!

However, if the identity is unknown, it can basically be confirmed that Mao Xiaoyao is an evil soul master, because Mao Xiaoyao does have that possibility...

Everyone was silent, none of them knew Mao Xiaoyao, and they didn't even know what kind of family Mao Xiaoyao had...

"Isn't Mao Xiaoyao from Mingdu?" Xie Xie said, Mao Xiaoyao seems to come to Mingdu often, and knows a sixth prince...

Everyone nodded, the little cat seemed to have a token.

Cai Lao frowned and said: "This is a serious problem. Now, the Mingdu of the Sun Moon Federation is saying that Mao Xiaoyao, as an evil soul master, is suspected of framing the royal family, kidnapping the princess of the Star Luo Continent, and provoking conflicts in the mainland... "

Anyway, when a person is unlucky, anything will happen, and the second prince doesn't know what's going on, anyway, he will put all the shit bowls on the little cat's head, and that's it!

Anyway, as an evil soul master, he can do a lot of things, and Mao Xiaoyao definitely can't justify it.

The cat demon has now become a sky-high price gap!Wanted by the Sun and Moon Federation, wanted by the Spirit Pagoda, wanted by Shrek Academy, wanted everywhere...

Wanted everywhere!

"Hehe, it's really unlucky, everything can happen." Hong Ling'er clenched her fists and said, she didn't know what to do now, whether she should trust the little cat or not.

Everyone was silent, kidnapping the princess, this crime is a bit scary...

However, they don't believe it.

Jingle, Jingle...

At this time, Gu Yue's communication rang!

Caller ID: Cat Demon...

All eyes were on Gu Yue's communicator.

The bosses signaled her, hurry up and listen...

Holding the communicator, Gu Yue gritted her teeth and called out to a fool, and endured it: "Hey, talk quickly if you have something to do, fart quickly if you have something to do, and hang up if you have nothing to do!" With so many people around, it's hard for Gu Yue to say anything...

"It's great to hear your voice!" On the other side of the communicator, the cat demon smiled cheaply, as if he hadn't been affected by anything...

Gu Yue held back, she didn't want to curse.

Everyone felt relieved when they heard that Mao Xiaoyao was fine.

"Where are you?" Gu Yue asked.

"No way! You also want a sky-high reward?" The cat demon laughed, and the black cat's laughter came from the other side, and it didn't affect anything at all, and he had to be happy when he should be happy.

Gu Yue can't wait to scold the little cat, when are you in the mood to make a joke?However, seeing that Mao Xiaoyao was safe, she was relieved!

Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Mao Xiaoyao said again: "Turn up the voice, we have something to talk about, everyone is here!"

"Yeah!" Gu Yue was stunned for a moment, then turned up the volume and placed the communication soul guide in the middle for everyone to listen to. She wanted to see what the little cat was going to do.

The boss was taken aback, this little cat...

In fact, Gu Yue herself wanted to hear what the little cat was trying to say, and so did everyone else.


"Ahem, hello!" Audition.

"Hongling'er, Lan Siyi, Yanli, Wusiduo, Xu Xiaoyan, Xie Xie..." Mao Xiaoyao said everyone's names one by one, "I am very honored and happy to meet you, but I am very happy." Unfortunately, I am not the person you imagined, I am not a good person, and unfortunately, I am an evil soul master, I bombed Sea God Island, and I killed people."

"Knowing you is a blessing I cultivated in my previous life, but I don't have that blessing to be your true friend..."

Gratitude and righteousness!The cat demon is here to explain his identity, and it will happen one day. Now, it's just ahead of time...

Everyone was in an uproar, what a cat demon...

"Master..." Hong Ling'er cried, why, why did this happen...

"Little demon..." Xu Xiaoyan also cried.

Wusiduo also had red eye circles, is it the enemy if we meet again in the future?

The little cat is saying goodbye to them?
On the other end of the communication, Mao Xiaoyao was silent, and had a lot to say, but he couldn't really say it...

"You ungrateful thing!" Elder Cai cursed, and the other bosses also cursed, scolding the little cat, bullying the master and destroying the ancestors...

"Quiet!" said the owner of the Sea God Pavilion.

"That's right, be quiet, what are you barking like a bunch of old dogs?" Mao Xiaoyao suddenly cursed.

Old Cai and the others stomped their feet in anger.

The owner of the Sea God Pavilion asked: "Tell me! Mao Xiaoyao, why! Why did you kill innocent people and kidnap the princess of Xingluo Continent!"

The owner of the Sea God Pavilion wanted to know why, why he did that.

"Why? Hehe! My enemy has been in your Sea God Island for four years. Tell me why? The murderer who killed my people and my mother lived quietly for four years under your protection!" Mao Xiao Yao said coldly: "Now, you actually told me why? Hehe, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Everyone was shocked, it turned out that the person with the pattern turned out to be the enemy of Mao Xiaoyao...

No wonder the little cat did that!
"I said I don't know, do you believe me?" said the owner of the Sea God Pavilion, he really didn't know...

have no idea?Mao Xiaoyao sneered: "Then let me tell you, I didn't kill those people, do you believe it?"

The owner of the Sea God Pavilion was silent.

"Hehe, if that's the case, why ask so many questions! From today onwards, the entire Shrek Academy is my cat demon's enemy. Every student and every inch of your land will be within the scope of my revenge. One day, I will completely blow up Shrek Academy!" Mao Xiaoyao threatened.

The bosses didn't believe it, "Hehe, it's just you?"


Suddenly, there was an explosion...

The work-student dormitory area was instantly razed to the ground!The underground was also blown to pieces...

"Did you hear the explosion?" Mao Xiaoyao sneered: "Hehe, this is just a warning. Don't think that I can't kill you because of your strength! Master of the Sea God Pavilion, aren't you just? Then you, Please look after your wife!"

"How dare you!" Before the words finished, the owner of the Sea God Pavilion destroyed the communicator in a rage...

call ended……

The threat from the little cat seems to be no joke...

 your wife……

(End of this chapter)

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