The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 284 Ability Demonstration

Chapter 284 Ability Demonstration ([-])
"Rabbit, you can take a few more shots. You see, it doesn't hurt or itch!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, even when he faced the King Kong Giant Rhino, he had no choice but to resist head-on, and the copper skin The iron-boned one doesn't give him any chance to claw at all, unless he uses it for everything, not just relying on strength and physical body, at most it's [-]-[-]...

It's hard to beat.

Rabbit frowned, and realized that the matter was not simple, why did he come back?

The Vajra Giant Rhinoceros looked indifferent, thinking that compared to the damage done to it by humans, these are nothing...

Copper skin and iron bones?Invulnerable?There are traces of human abuse on the body of the King Kong giant rhinoceros.

When he was in the human world, he didn’t have enough to eat, and all day long, humans would let him fight with mechas, battle armors, and become a sandbag for soldiers to rehearse...

Every time there is a new weapon, he will be tested by humans for the first time with the new weapon...

Those scars on his body are the proof!

From the moment Mao Xiaoyao rescued him, he knew who he should follow in his life...

"Then I'll come?" Rabbit glanced at Mao Xiaoyao, the distance is so close, the power of the soul guide pistol is very high!What if I get hurt?
The cat demon nodded.

Diamond Giant Rhino also nodded.

"Bang!" A sound, Ding!

Generally speaking, there is no harm in smoking!
That is to say, the dust and smoke generated by the huge attack, then the opponent must be fine and will not be harmed...

However, now the rabbit has no sound and no harm, it only has sound, but no actual harm.

The rabbit was stunned. She didn't close her eyes this time, but opened her eyes to see very clearly. When the bullet hit the diamond giant rhinoceros, there was only the sound of metal colliding, but no trace was left...

The bullet fell, the bullet has been squeezed and deformed...

The rabbit was stunned!
It's amazing!
The soul beasts reacted very normally, because these are basically normal operations...

"Look out!" The cat demon showed his claws while the rabbit was shocked, and slapped it away with the dark night poisonous claws. A purple glow appeared, and the poisonous claws pierced the air, sizzling, and grabbed the diamond giant rhinoceros. , Zizi, making a strange and sharp sound...

The Vajra Giant Rhino didn't retreat, and its warm expression changed, but it also used its own soul skill: copper skin and iron bone!With a flash of golden light, it's like a golden bell cover or an iron cloth shirt!
Steady as Mount Tai, Wensi moved a few steps...

The physical strength of the cat demon comes from the blood of the evil cat, and now it is absorbing evil energy every day. This evil body has just formed, and its power is terrifying.

The ears of all the soul beasts are suffering, and the rabbit is holding her ears. She is the most sensitive to sound...

Suddenly sparks flew...

Mao Xiaoyao's soul skill, Dark Night Poison Claw, was also defended by the Vajra Giant Rhino. Of course, the Vajra Giant Rhino was also taken aback just now, so he quickly used the soul skill copper skin and iron bone to defend against Mao Xiaoyao's terrifying claws...

Every time he competes with Mao Xiaoyao, King Kong Giant Rhino has to be careful...

so horrible!
"How is it?" Mao Xiaoyao turned back and smiled. The mission of King Kong Giant Rhino is to act as a meat shield. He is the tank, meat shield, protective cover of the special operations team, and a giant who charges into battle!
It is also very simple to destroy the human mecha head-on.

"All right, I'm great, but I'm also very good." Rabbit is not convinced, the special operations team is a very fun organization at first glance, and the cat demon is so mysterious, she doesn't want to miss the opportunity for nothing, She naturally wanted to fight for it too.

All the soul beasts smiled, great?What's so great about an ordinary rabbit?
The cat demon also smiled, "I've known you for so long, I don't even know what's so good about you!" Apart from eating well, this little white rabbit just sleeps and patrols. I don't know what the rabbit can do.

Could it be that it will be cute?

"I..." The rabbit thought for a while, what is so good about him?
With copper skin and iron bones, she won't...

She won't smash her head against a rock...

Invisibility, she will not...

To confuse people, she won't...

The rabbit was so anxious that she was about to cry. What advantages does she have, what is so great about her?
The soul beasts were teasing her, asking her if she was acting cute again?

"Running fast, does it count?" Rabbit glared at them, thought for a while, it seems that only this ability, the world said, running faster than rabbits, so it proves that rabbits are very experienced in escaping...

"Run fast?" This time it was Bian Douluo, Yan Wuhua spoke. As the captain of the team, she has the most say. Whoever wants to join will join. The leader Mao Xiaoyao dare not say anything else.

She looks like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, with fiery red hair, yellow, white, and eyes, which always give people the feeling of being stared at by the god of death!

Rabbit raised his head and held his chest high, "Of course! Hmph, if any of them can catch me, then I can quit the special operations team, but if no soul beast can catch me, then I will also join the special operations team..." Talking, talking, the rabbit became a little scared, the other party was Douluo from the other side... In the defense base, there was only a 10-year-old soul beast, and it was also the most terrifying plant soul beast...

How dare you talk like that?
Don't want to live anymore?

Of course, in the past, Yan Wuhua would definitely have shot the rabbit to death, but after taking the Lingyin Pill and Transformation Pill, she couldn't change her mentality, and the idea of ​​not being able to kill each other was promoted by the cat demon. .

Let her not kill those guys who provoked her like before.

"Sister Wu Hua, she..." The little cat is hesitant to speak, the rabbit is just a child, a child of ordinary soul beasts, it is too dangerous to join the special operations team...

"No problem!" Yan Wuhua waved her hand and looked at the rabbit, and said with a gentle smile: "The team needs this kind of fresh blood to join, and running fast is naturally a skill." Yan Wuhua observed the rabbit, she was just a ten-year-old The ordinary soul beasts that I have come to, are so common that they are almost not soul beasts. After ten years, they will have soul rings, and soul beasts can be counted as true cultivation...

But what about the rabbit?
Turning into a human being and cultivating a soul master, this is an eleventh-level little soul master, pitifully weak...

However, the task just now...

Yan Wuhua saw that this rabbit had a future.

"Okay!" The little cat smiled wryly, hoping that when the rabbit suffers later, the black cat will not scold him!After all, special operations teams are no joke.

This is a highly poisonous sharp blade, and the cat demon will lead them to ruthlessly insert human hearts at the necessary time and place!
Fight for the soul beast!

The rabbit looked at Yan Wuhua's yellow, white, eyes, and for some reason, suddenly got a little scared...

"Spirit-Eyed Eagle!"

Yan Wuhua didn't say anything, just called out a flying soul beast, the Millennium Spirit-Eyed Eagle, which was huge, and it wouldn't be wrong to say that she was a small plane.

Because, it is very big!
She is the opponent of the rabbit!
The Spirit-Eyed Eagle has a pair of eyes that are more terrifying than thermal imaging. She can work continuously for a long time in the sky without sleep.

The terrifying ability of her eyes allows her to see through everything on the ground!Even if the target is like a tiny ant!
It can be said that the spirit-eyed eagle is the eyes of the special operations team, seeing through everything about the enemy!

(End of this chapter)

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