The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 291 Clash of Clans!

Chapter 291 Clash of Clans!


Orc tribe!

The environment can be described as dirty and messy, and the prisoners of war can be seen everywhere. There are all kinds of races, such as centaurs, bears, tigers, and foreigners. They all belong to orcs. Beasts are not humans anyway.

No, humans also have them, most of them are naked women, one can imagine what the effect is...

Rules are dispensable in the orc tribe. Some powerful orcs are not restricted by rules at all. They can do whatever they want, and everything is respected by the strong.

"Mommy mommy……"

On the way to the residence of the village head, Mao Xiaoyao and Hei Mao passed by many thatched houses, saw a lot of things, and also understood the basic living conditions of the orcs. Orcs who have enough food and clothing can have food and clothing, and those who cannot, then they have to go out plunder……

This is the norm!
However, the purpose of the village head is also the same, because the village head wants to attack a human village and grab some grain reserves for the winter.

They sent Agu and his wife out to check, and then, when they came back, they turned into a cat demon and a black cat.

As for mom?

Who is calling mom?
The black cat was startled suddenly, and so was the cat demon. From memory, Agu and his wife didn't seem to have any children, right?

The little cat looked around strangely, and found a cute green orc girl, crying, pushing a fallen orc, and that orc was her mother...

"Mom, mom, wake up..." the orc girl cried sadly, but her mother still didn't wake up, "It's all you!" She stared fiercely at a group of ferocious orcs.

The orc girl is only about ten years old. The orc girl is too young and has no fangs. With the aesthetic concept of a cat demon, the orc girl seems to be good-looking!
Because most of the images of the Yaozu are very similar to orcs, but the Yaozu are all fair-skinned and beautiful, without purple and green skin, but they don't look very like orcs.

Monster race incarnations generally retain ears, tails, fangs, and bodies. They are naturally humanoid, which means they are very human-like...

However, orcs have different skin colors.

The orc girl stood up suddenly, and bit a tall orc full of scars. She wanted to kill the enemy who killed her mother!

"Little bitch!" The tall orc slapped the orc girl hard, spat on her, and taunted, "Hey, your mother stole something from the Eagle Sect and was beaten to death, she deserved it, you Bite me? Then you go to accompany your mother today too! Haha!" As he said, the tall orc held up his mace, ready to give the orc girl a fatal blow to the head, just like killing her mother just now, with all his strength Just a swipe to the head, no effort at all.

The orc girl's mouth was bleeding, and her eyes were full of despair. The opponent was in the realm of a venerable, and she was not an opponent. She had just awakened to a realm of a warrior.

However, the mother is just an ordinary orc, and the father died in the battle when he went to attack the human village and did not come back.

In order to keep her alive and have something to eat, her mother also joined the army, but ordinary orcs cannot be in the army...


Just when the tall orc was about to kill the orc girl, the orcs next to her were basically watching, very indifferent, because the girl's mother stole something from a sect and was killed, she deserved it!
No orcs are pitiful.

Poor, I don't have the strength to manage it!
Only one monster!

Mace?The little cat swung the memory metal sledgehammer and smashed it at the tall orc. Bang, the orc flew instantly and crashed into a house. The house collapsed, and his life and death were unknown...

The orcs were stunned. What did they see?A big hammer smashed a Venerable into the air...

"A Guzong!" The orcs onlookers recognized the disguised identity of Mao Xiaoyao. It seems that Agu is a very famous guy in this village, and he will be respected by the orcs wherever he goes.

The orc girl opened her eyes, didn't she die?

She saw the orc, but she didn't dare to look up, because it was an Aguzong...

"Thank you!" the orc girl cried, and struggled to climb to the side of her mother's corpse, continuing to cry.

At this time, Mao Xiaoyao was greatly touched. Seeing the orc girl and the indifferent orcs around him, he remembered how helpless he was when he was a child...

"A Gu Zong, this girl's mother just stole something from the Ying Lie Zong. If you do that, the Ying Lie Zong will be very unhappy." A thin orc said, looking at the figure, he knew that it was probably in the The guy behind the plan.

At this time, the tall orc who was beaten into the air was dying, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, basically useless...

All the orcs were talking about it. The Agu sect protected this girl, and it seemed that they wanted to make an enemy of the Ying Lie sect. Now there is probably a good show to watch...

This village, named Karl Village, has a population of more than 1000. It is neither too big nor too small. It can only be called a small village in the Fujiyama tribe.

Among them, there are about 700 ordinary orcs.

There are more than 300 orcs who can cultivate, most of them are great warriors, venerables, zongzhe, this kind of soul lord, and the realm of soul ancestry is very small, after all, it is a weak village.

With limited resources, it is difficult to improve strength.

Orcs who can cultivate can't kill each other. As a result, any orc who wants to be strong must cultivate by himself, and go out and kill human monks to improve his soul ring.

Practice by yourself?

Without the guidance of a famous teacher, everything depends on oneself, so progress, naturally there is no progress. The orc tribe, unlike the human world, does not have that kind of civilized world, and it can be said that there is no education.

However, orcs are naturally powerful, and they can often fight against human soul masters when they practice as a great warrior.

If the Venerable is cultivated, he can forcibly resist the Soul Sect.

That is to say, the guy that the little cat smashed into the air with a hammer just now is not a venerable, but a soul sect equivalent to a human being...

"Ying Lie? What kind of thing is he? When I went out, I just killed some humans and took some of their things." The cat demon played with his memory metal hammer and said disdainfully: "I just want to try it. Can you beat him to death? Tell him to get out! What is the ability to kill women and children, let him have the ability to come out and fight me!"

If you understand the beastman society, you must fully integrate into the beastman society, and everything must be solved according to the beastman's method. If you don't accept it, then it is: do it!
Mao Xiaoyao feels sorry for the orc girl, because she is very similar to his own experience, but he will not feel sorry for that orc girl, because crying can't solve the problem.

She should cheer up, practice hard, and one day she can take revenge and kill that enemy with her own hands!
Or make yourself stronger!

"Little..." She kept looking at the black cat, hesitating to speak, and said, "Agu..." She was about to call Xiaoyao, but suddenly found that their identities had changed. ...

"Karina, don't worry, it's just a little eagle." The cat demon blinked at the black cat. They need to control this orc village as a base, and they are slowly learning about the Fujiyama tribe and the foggy continent. Now, They have more than two years to learn.

Two years later, they had to go back to Douluo Dalu, because when the Silver Dragon King started to act, it was also when they acted to rescue the soul beasts.

At that time, Tang Wulin will come back stronger, and there will be such a battle between Mao Xiaoyao and him!
The black cat sighed, all right!
Outside, men call the shots!
How is love.

 Scratch it! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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