The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 294 The Battle of Autumn Hunting!

Chapter 294 The Battle of Autumn Hunting!

next day!

The horn is sounding!

Mao Xiaoyao led two hundred warriors from Karl Village to set off to the human village to start grabbing food...

From the current life style of the orcs, Mao Xiaoyao understands a truth, that is, the importance of food, no worries about food and clothing, safety and health, that is the yearning for a better life.

The war is in turmoil, no race is hopeful!
At this time, Mao Xiaoyao and the others were rectifying and resting in a mountain range. Regarding the orc equipment, Mao Xiaoyao said hehe, damn, spears, swords, maces, bows and arrows?

Do you want to be so behind?
He glanced at it and almost laughed, ahem, Mao Xiaoyao is not very worried now, what kind of threat the Fujiyama tribe can pose to the defense base, this kind of combat method of carrying it with the body is simply an act of death...

On the tower, aim the gun and pull the trigger. It is estimated that the orc army is helpless.

Not to mention, mechas, battle armors, fighter planes, cannons, soul missiles...

What to stop?

Mao Xiaoyao believes that that piece of land is bigger than Tianhuang Forest, and in the future he will divide it all into his own territory, so that spirit beasts can move freely in it.

As for the matter of fighting for hegemony over the Fog Continent.

Let's talk about it later!Now, Mao Xiaoyao just wants to build a home, so that the soul beasts have a way out...

"Agu Zong Zong, Karina Zong Zong, we found a child who secretly joined the team, what should I do?" An orc rode a big wild boar, which is a demonized creature that has nothing to do with spirit beasts, and , Transformation Pill seems to be of no use to Warcraft, because there is no soul power in the body of Warcraft...

Very strange!It seems to be a unique creature in the Demon Continent, and Mao Xiaoyao once wondered if there is any connection between this place and the abyss, or other worlds?

Soldier, throw the orc girl on the ground and go back immediately, because the order given by the little cat is to obey absolutely and not to kill each other!

The cat demon and the black cat looked back, that orc girl from yesterday?Her mother has been buried, what is she running out to join the procession?
"Do you want to die? This is not a place where you can play, go back!" The cat demon stared at the orc girl coldly, and there was a human village not far in front of him. As his first battle to establish his prestige in Karl Village, this But very important thing.

The black cat also frowned. At this time, the Spirit-Eyed Hawk was flying a hovering fighter jet, high above the sky, helping them deal with those human spies.

According to Mao Xiaoyao, it is to support a puppet regime with the aliens, so that it is convenient to trade some things.

The orc girl patted her tattered animal skin dress, wiped her dirty little face and said, "Mom is dead! No one will give me food. I want to live, so I have to fight so that I can eat! "The orc girl still has a dirty little face, but her words are not wrong at all, and the orcs around will give you admiring eyes.

Indeed, according to the rules of the orc world, if there is no contribution, there will be no food!

However, as the mother of an ordinary orc, she didn't contribute much, so when others were given food, what she was given was not enough to eat at all...

"Believe it or not, I'll kill you right now, so you don't have to worry about eating so much?" Mao Xiaoyao wanted to slap this orc girl to death, without any equipment, would she die with her bare hands?
The orc girl turned pale with fright and didn't dare to move, because the cat demon's terrifying strength made her feel afraid, but when she went back, no one would pity her, no one would give her food, and she would also starve to death in this cold winter !

She couldn't fight the monsters, and couldn't get food...

"Take it!" Mao Xiaoyao threw a long sword to the orc girl, made of thousand-forged alloy metal, which he took out specially to pretend to be aggressive...

Forget it, use it for the orc girl!

Anyway, memory metal sledgehammer is even more refreshing when hitting people...

The orc girl looked at the big long sword inserted into the ground, and couldn't help being stunned. She was taller than her. Then she put away the long sword and carried it. As a very powerful orc, this long sword is not difficult for her.

"Let's go!" Mao Xiaoyao gave an order, the spirit-eyed hawk just sent the news, the spies have dealt with it almost, so they can go, the village in front is empty and can go in and snatch it all.

"Remember what I said, try not to hurt ordinary humans, it's meaningless to kill them, keep them, so that when we come back next time, they can have something for us to grab." This is the same as cutting leeks. If you cut it, it will grow back next time, and if you uproot it, there will be nothing next time it comes.

"Yes!" the orc army said, each with tattered equipment, but without a trace of fear, people who fought would basically like this kind of army very much, and they would not be afraid of death and rushed forward.

Of course, only in the Fog Continent.

If you are in the Douluo Continent, the soul guide gun will teach you how to be a man every minute!A few chugs, no matter how bravely you charge, it will be of no use.

The orc girl also clenched her weapon tightly. This was her first fight, and she was so nervous!

The orc army charged into the battle, directly entered the village chief, grabbed everything they saw, killed them immediately when they saw the army, seized weapons, and continued to rob...

Ordinary orcs are responsible for carrying the goods, and skilled orcs are responsible for charging into battle!Defeat those who are stubbornly resisting, and there are so many orcs, so it is naturally a bit chaotic...

The human army was defeated in front of the cat demon, and the army was basically on the front line. There were only a few soldiers left in the village, which was useless.


The people in the whole village were gathered together, one by one...

The orcs moved the goods, taking away all chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep, horses, food, quilts, and basically everything that could be used anyway.

However, the request of the little cat is to leave a little food for the human village so that they will not starve to death.

However, orcs are orcs. Although the orders are so issued, orcs are vicious in nature. Where the little cat is not around, the discipline is a bit...

"Don't, don't..." A human woman screamed, because several orcs were pulling at her, and everyone knew what to do.

The woman's husband was resisting, but he was tied up and could only watch his wife get arrested. One can imagine the fate...

The village names are all afraid, what's the use of being angry?Next to them, fierce orcs were watching them, and if they made a rash move, they would die!
Moreover, their fate is in the hands of the orcs, how can they resist?

The human woman was pressed to the ground by the orcs, one orc began to tear the clothes of the human woman, and the other orcs were all laughing, this is their tradition of invading human villages, sex first, and then kill them all...


Here comes an arrow feather!
A few more!

Several orcs fell to the ground, the human woman was rescued, fled in a hurry, and returned to her husband, she was almost raped by the orcs...

Who saved him?

"Damn orcs!" A young soldier appeared, holding a bow and arrow in his hand, and behind him a hundred well-equipped human soldiers appeared, and it was he who killed those orcs who were about to do evil.

Human army?

The orcs have no fear and fight directly!

However, Mao Xiaoyao also knows through the spirit-eyed eagle that no matter how sophisticated the human army is, this is his first time fighting with power, and he must not fail!
(End of this chapter)

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