The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 303 Yang Conspiracy!

Chapter 303 Yang Conspiracy!


In the middle of the night, the bonfires of the orcs are bright!

I dare not sleep, because the human army is on the other side of the river, and this side of the river is the border of the orcs. The big battle, I don’t know when it will happen...

I heard that they have been negotiating terms!

The humans offered to hand it over: Li Qingxian!

But, where did the orcs find Li Qingxian?

At this time, Mao Xiaoyao went out alone, the cold wind in the middle of the night was blowing bitingly, under the howling cold wind, outside a tent, an orc was tied to a wooden pillar, he was the Obogru during the day!
Inliel still didn't let him go.

Obogu is the most outstanding child among the several children of the leader of Lieshan, but because of his birth, he has always been looked down upon and criticized.

However, Obergol also used his own strength to be positive. He has the strength not to lose everything, but his mistake is that he likes humans...

If Obogru uses humans as playthings, then he has nothing to do, but he likes...

Obogu was hit by a small stone. The small stone was not authentic, it was specially hit on the forehead...

Obergol opened his eyes slowly, thinking it was his brother who wanted to kill him again...

However, he saw a strange orc. !
"You have resentment in your heart, why don't you vent it?" The cat demon suddenly appeared, appeared around Obergol, and circled around. Inside the tent were the cheerful and joyful voices of Yinglier and the female orc. Found out, the cat demon outside!

Obergol closed his eyes, he didn't want to talk to the cat demon.



take what?
"If I tell you that your child is not dead, and I can help you recover your tendons and hamstrings, as well as your cultivation base, will you do something for me!" When I heard about this before, Mao Xiaoyao asked Spirit Eye Eagle to look around to see if there was a baby in the nearby human river. Sure enough, a dying baby was found in a river.

No, it's a half-orc!
Mao Xiaoyao used a elixir to restore him, and fell asleep peacefully. At this moment, he was with the Spirit-Eyed Eagle.

Quietly absorbing the huge resentment on Obogu's body, the little cat said with a sly smile, "Do you want to?"

"What!" Obogu was shocked, his eyes widened, and he struggled desperately, but as soon as he struggled, the sharp barbs on the pillar entered his skin bit by bit...

"Everything is your choice!" Mao Xiaoyao said calmly, he needs a person, a puppet, an obedient guy to manage the Lieshan Tribe, then with the cover of the Lieshan Tribe, the new Star Dou The forest will all belong to the soul beasts.

This place, which is bigger than the Star Dou Forest on Douluo Continent, will become the new home of soul beasts!
"If my child is safe and sound, my life is yours. I am willing to give everything for you, even my life..." Obergol was already disheartened. His wife died and his son was thrown into the river. My own cultivation base has also been abolished, and there is no hope at all, but...

"Very good!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, he likes this kind of guy who sincerely surrenders, and has a little hatred, because when extracting the soul, there is no resistance at all, and the loyalty is also very high...

Forcibly extracting souls is unstable, and when resisted like that, the cat demon is prone to backlash, and the other party will also die. Under that kind of soul instability.

"Ah!" There was a scream, and after the soul was twisted, everything returned to calm...

"The ghost is called Nima!" Yinglier hugged a naked female orc, took a seat, and still did not leave the seat, still starting...

Obogu ignored Inlier, but closed his eyes, holding a pill in his hand tightly. Since the other party showed him the portrait of his son just now, he has no right to refuse.

Because, the son is in the hands of others!

"Let's go back." The female orc held Yinglier in her arms, her feet didn't touch the ground, and was dragged by Yinglier.

"Tomorrow is the day of your death!" Yinglier said viciously, and then went back to turn the clouds and rain, ignoring anything...

"Maybe we don't need tomorrow!" Obogu smiled, his eyes lit up, he was full of energy, everything was full of hope, and he was no longer so lifeless...


late at night……

An orc patrolled with a yawn every day. He felt a surge of clear water, so he had to find a place and turn on the faucet. With a shiver, he saw the stars flying all over the sky...

No, what's going on?

The stars are getting closer...

"Not good, the enemy..." Poof, headshot, a rocket headshot, human bows and arrows fell, every rocket was burning, the animal skin tent was on fire, and there were killing sounds...

The area that Yinglier was in charge of guarding began to be chaotic, with flames everywhere, screams, and shouts of killing...

One night after the battle, Yinglier, dragging his exhausted body, rubbed his waist as if he had been hollowed out, and cursed: "Made, what happened?"

"General Yinglier, humans are here..." an orc said, before the words fell, an arrow feather fell, and the orc's life fell on the spot...

Inlier was taken aback. He saw that there were flames everywhere and the sound of the human army attacking, but he was still not afraid of anything.

"Counterattack!" Yinglier smiled confidently, isn't he a human being?What's the matter?

"General Yinglier, our food and grass have been burned!"

"The weapons and equipment were also destroyed..."


The bad news one after another makes Yinglier not calm down. He is a commander, but his strength is only so little, if all his subordinates are dead!Then there is no resistance at all...

"Retreat!" Yinglier gritted his teeth, if he didn't retreat, he would die too...

Retreat and seek support from other defense areas...

These human beings, it doesn't seem like a coincidence, they destroy the food and grass as soon as they come, they seem to have come prepared...

However, at this moment, Inlier discovered a big problem, Oberg was missing!
When we were about to retreat, Obergol disappeared?
"Let's go, King General Yinglier!" The cat demon appeared with the soldiers of Karl Village, and took him away without giving Yinglier a plan to think about...

Inlier was thinking, if Obergol was alive, he would go back and tell his father that he had broken his tendons...

Obviously can be killed, damn it, Inliel regrets not killing Obergol...

Fortunately, the cultivation base is abolished!No threat!
Under the safety protection of the cat demon, Yinglier escaped from the defense zone where he was...

However, the orcs in that defense zone didn't even receive an order to retreat, they kept fighting, and none of the orcs flinched...

However, in the face of the prepared attack of humans, the orcs seem a little powerless...

"Where are we now?" Yinglier took his lover and looked around, but he didn't seem to find anything, no man's land...

What is this place?

"You are..." Yinglier sensed something was wrong, this orc... seemed to have a little impression, but he was not his subordinate...

Looking at the equipment, it seems to be...

"Um, I don't know anything, I just passed by! Sorry, it's not me looking for you, but him!" The cat demon smiled, stepped back a few steps, and an orc appeared behind him, it was Obogu...

Now that the meridians of the whole body have recovered, and the cultivation base has also recovered, the strength of the high priest makes Ying Lier afraid even when he looks at it.

(End of this chapter)

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