The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 309 Douluo Continent!

Chapter 309 Douluo Continent!


next day!

Mao Xiaoyao set off with [-] elite troops, magic weapon armor, magic weapon armor, Taoist armor, Taoist weapons, etc., all kinds of equipment...

On a monster as big as an aircraft carrier, the troops are forming a team and preparing to go. The Xingdou, currently the largest warship of Mao Xiaoyao and the others, can dive, sail at sea, and even land and fight. In theory, it can also fly. It's just technical Without maturity, there is no way to support this big guy.

This is something that the soul beasts have completely built by themselves. It is basically the same on the Xingdou. It is all things made by the soul beasts. Now the soul beasts can already produce independently.

No need to rely on humans in underground bases!
In the future, the soul beasts will be even stronger!
"Be careful, don't be brave, you still have us!" At the coastal port, the Xingdou made a sound, the time is up, and it is time to set off!
Star Village, all the soul beasts are here!In fact, every soul beast wants to go to Douluo Dalu, but Mao Xiaoyao only selected [-] elites. After all, it is not many human soldiers to deal with, but fine ones!
Play Crowd Tactics with Humans!Soul beast, can't afford it!
"Xingdou Village is handed over to you, Dai Shu, you are our solid backing!" Mao Xiaoyao said, Yan Wuhua behind him led the amnesty combat team and boarded the Xing Dou, and everyone was waiting for Mao Xiaoyao.

Dai Shu nodded.

Once the war starts, the huge consumption will require a strong logistical support, and this logistical support is everything that Star Dou Village and the Misty Continent has.

The soul beasts bowed one by one, seeing off the soul beast warriors, they are all heroes, all great heroes, watching them off, wishing them invincible and returning safely!

"Goodbye!" After saying goodbye, Mao Xiaoyao was moved, turned around, and boarded the Star Dou!
Douluo Continent, the cat demon is back!

In Douluo Continent, Sun Moon Federation, and Shrek Academy, a figure looked up at the sky, the dark clouds dispersed, and she saw a ray of sunshine.


When Mao Xiaoyao went to the Douluo Continent, he stayed at the island base for a few days to check the transaction with the Shadow Ghost Shark King, and met An Ying.

Snake Seven has already prepared for it, and now there is only one chamber of commerce on the sea that can travel safely, and that is the Star Dou Chamber of Commerce, Mao Xiaoyao's own chamber of commerce!

Once other ships appear on the sea, they will basically be attacked by sea spirit beasts!

However, although the Star Dou Merchant Guild will also be attacked, the ship is strong, fast, and equipped with weapons and coins, the soul beasts in the sea can't do anything about it.

Now, on the sea, the Star Dou Chamber of Commerce dominates!However, Snake Seven is not a fool, he is looking for the second prince to cooperate, [-]-[-] benefits, the second prince becomes the protective cover of the Star Dou Chamber of Commerce.

Naturally, there is no one who can threaten the Star Dou Chamber of Commerce!On the contrary, more and more people are cooperating, and the benefits are getting bigger and bigger...

Owned resources too!
"The Xingdou will stay in the deep sea, and Snake Seven will come to meet us!" Mao Xiaoyao stood on the deck of the Xingdou, and the telescope had already seen the spirit beast flag, Snake Seven is here, come to meet them!After all, a monster like the Xingdou cannot appear in any port of the Douluo Continent!
The black cat saw it too.

The bunny next to me...



"Little demon!" The three ships stopped, and a few figures flew over, it was Snake Seven and the others.

When brothers meet, they naturally have to hug each other.

"You seem to be doing well, don't you?" Mao Xiaoyao punched She Qi. She Qi is a Contra and a three-word armor master. Naturally, there was nothing wrong with this punch.

"It's okay!" She Qi smiled, and then greeted Black Cat and the others.

After the transfer, the five hundred soul beast warriors all boarded the three ships brought out by Snake Seven. The Xingdou dived and floated in the deep sea, guarded by crabs and other sea soul beasts.

On the way back, Snake Qi also explained to Mao Xiaoyao and the others the current situation of the Sun-Moon Federation and the situation of all the old friends.

That is, the bounty of Mao Xiaoyao is still there, no one can get it, and people are still looking for Mao Xiaoyao.

Good news, Tang Wulin didn't come back!
However, Gu Yue also leaves Shrek Academy from time to time!Whereabouts are uncertain.

Mu Xi is safe, everyone is safe.

The underground base is still in operation, and there is no trouble. In the production of countless soul guides, they already have the ability to fight!

Only the sixth prince, Xu Haoqing, was forbidden to leave the Ming capital and lost all power!
Soon, a trading port dedicated to soul beasts arrived. The employees here are all soul beasts. The five hundred new soul beasts were quickly arranged, each with their own identities and jobs...

Fully integrated into human society!

The dominant force is still the Silver Dragon King and the others, but the Cat Demon and the others will turn into sharp daggers and infiltrate humans with deadly venom.

"Everyone will leave it to you! My actions need to be kept secret. Regarding the matter of rescuing the soul beast, take your time and take a long-term plan. Don't expose it!" Sturt, because, in the future, Tost and the army of soul mechs will be the main force to bring down the Spirit Pagoda!

However, the organization of evil soul masters seems to be looking for Mao Xiaoyao, after all, Mao Xiaoyao is now the idol of evil soul masters...

Sky-high rewards, no one can match!
However, Mao Xiaoyao doesn't want to contact the evil soul master at the moment, because it is useless to contact before that time, and it will be very dangerous to get along with those lunatics.

"Well! We will wait for your instructions at any time!" Snake Seven nodded, all actions were ordered by the cat demon. They have been preparing for this moment for a long time, and everything is for the soul beast!
"Sister Wu Hua, go and announce to the world that my cat demon is back! Before Tang Wulin returns, I will put the entire Shrek City and Shrek Academy in panic! I want the entire Sun Moon Federation to enjoy it in advance. The end is coming!"

If you are not afraid of the attack of the evil soul master, if you are afraid that it is not the attack of the evil soul master, you will be hit with a thousand faces!Every member of the combat team has learned the disguise technique, which is a trick of the monster camouflage technique, although it is not as good as the monster camouflage technique.

However, everyday camouflage is not difficult.

At the same time, the cat demon will also tell Gu Yue that he has come back, and that he will buy time for her and divert human attention.

Let her rest assured to do what she wants to do!
"Humans will be afraid!" Yan Wuhua smiled and disappeared with the special operations team. The little rabbit was also saying goodbye to the black cat. They wanted to infiltrate into the human world and find out all the military bases and military equipment. wait……

The task of the special operations team is very important!

The first mission: kidnap a genius, assassinate important personnel, put Shrek Academy into a panic, and let humans focus all their attention here!

Hit east and west, tune the tiger away from the mountain!
The black cat watched the little rabbit leave, she regretted agreeing to let the little rabbit join the special operations team, it was too dangerous, she was a little worried...

With a few soul beasts, Mao Xiaoyao and Hei Mao also set off to the East China Sea...

 it has started!

(End of this chapter)

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