The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 311 Who Is The Conspirator!

Chapter 311 Who Is The Conspirator!
Donghai City, as always!

Tost has been here for so many years, and the site he has painstakingly managed is naturally impossible to be easily found by the main tower of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

The secret base, hidden in the troubles, is also completely hidden in the troubles, a perfect combination, even if the little cat comes to look for it, it may not be able to find it.

After all, who would have thought that there would be a secret base hidden under a bustling and noisy vegetable market?

Moreover, the vegetable market workers above are all from the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda... all vendors, big and small!
Just entered, a familiar person appeared, Murong Yun'er, I haven't seen her for many years, she is getting more and more beautiful, and her status is getting higher and higher!
"Little demon, black cat!" Murong Yun'er smiled and gave them a hug, "Long time no see!" Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Mao Xiaoyao and the black cat after being wanted, Murong Yun'er was immediately relieved, she believed that cat Xiao Yao is not the kind of short-lived person.

"Well, long time no see." Mao Xiaoyao smiled softly. When she was in the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, Murong Yuner was still a weak girl who was bullied, but at this moment, her temperament has changed. The frail girl is gone.

The black cat looked enviously and said depressedly, "I really don't know, what did you all eat to grow up!" The black cat stared at Murong Yun'er's perfect big breasts. It hasn't been seen for more than two years, why is it getting bigger and bigger? Woolen cloth?On the other hand, not much has changed!

Mu Xi probably did too, getting bigger?
The black cat sighed.

Murong Yun'er was stunned for a moment, blushing, not daring to look at Mao Xiaoyao, she lowered her head and said, "Let's go! Elder Tost, I'll wait for you inside!"

Girls' topics are always so magical. Black Cat and Murong Yuner went to visit everywhere. Lika took Mao Xiaoyao into the secret base. After passing through many magical and mysterious places, Mao Xiaoyao also saw everything.

This place is very similar to the place below the Soul Beast Garden, but it's not as high-tech and comprehensive.

"Little demon!" A familiar figure, Tost smiled, gave Mao Xiaoyao a hug, patted him on the chest, and laughed loudly: "My boy, the whole continent is looking for you, and you are so active!" , That’s awesome, haha, I’m also very excited about the most wanted criminal in mainland China!”

Rika smiled and went to prepare coffee for the two of them.

Tost, who was in the Soul Douluo realm before, as an auxiliary soul master, he didn't have much, but since he practiced the skills given by Mao Xiaoyao, he finally became a Titled Douluo, and his cultivation is improving day by day.

Of course, so does ambition!When he becomes Limit Douluo, it is probably time to counterattack. At that time, he will let the people at the main tower see who is the master of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

However, there is a price for practicing this technique, but fortunately, Tost can accept the price!

"Seeing that your cultivation is making steady progress, I am relieved! I will need your help in the future, and you know my current status." The cat demon saw Tost's progress, and at the same time smiled inwardly, let's be strong!In the end, the stronger the better, practice hard!

"Thank you!" Mao Xiaoyao nodded to Lika, took the coffee, and took a sip. The coffee was very delicious.

Rika smiled, and then stepped aside.

"After all, I can't appear aboveboard!"

But some things have to be said, Mao Xiaoyao will not let Tost become his enemy, nor will he make him a true friend, they will only maintain a cooperative relationship at most.

"Well, the soul mech you mentioned before is progressing well. In the future, it will be our secret weapon, and you too! Evil soul master..." Tost sneered, he always wanted to have a relationship with the evil soul master Cooperation, but those guys are too mysterious, there is no way to get in touch, and ordinary small fish and shrimps are not people who can cooperate.

Now, it's different, Mao Xiaoyao is an evil soul master, and so far, the only evil soul master on the mainland who is wanted at a high price, his status must be different!
"Evil soul master, try to keep as little contact as possible! It is best not to let the evil soul master know your secret, otherwise, you will never know what those lunatics will do." This is what Mao Xiaoyao is most worried about Place, now that I am an evil soul master, then those evil soul masters will definitely find a way to contact me...

That group of horrible lunatics, cooperating?
Seems a little dangerous!
"Don't worry!" Tost smiled, his eyes flashed a strange look, and he quickly returned to normal.


"Thank you for the information you provided. Let me kill my enemy. I have been looking for him for so long, and I can finally take revenge!" Mao Xiaoyao clenched his fists and his eyes were still full of anger. At that time, if Tost hadn't told himself, then he would never Not knowing all that seems like a favor.

Favors are always the hardest to repay.

"I'm just doing my best! At the beginning, when you asked me to investigate, I started investigating. After all, the place beyond the reach of the Spirit Pagoda and the Sun Moon Federation is probably Shrek Academy. I thought it was an evil soul master." , but, evil soul master, you should recognize it!" Tost looked embarrassed, showing a trace of guilt, if he found out soon, then it would be fine!

"It's my fault! You lost your position in the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda! But don't worry, I will help you. I will stay in the East China Sea for a while to improve the soul mech and the ten thousand year soul technology!" Mao Xiao The demon finally showed an ambitious smile, this smile hit it off with Tost...

However, Tost didn't know that the soul is poisonous, and the soul actually listens to the little cat...

This plan is similar to Gu Yue's technology in the Spirit Pagoda. When the cat demon handed it over to Gu Yue's technology, he also told him how to fully control it!

At that time, whoever uses the soul will be controlled, thus disintegrating the human race! ! !
"It's okay to lose for a while!" Tost also smiled, his eyes were as hot, he even saw everything in the future!
"However, little demon, when you bombed the East Sea Spirit Pagoda, you should have taken out those souls and soul beasts first, but now they are all killed by the bombing, what a waste!" Tost said suddenly.

This question made Mao Xiaoyao stunned for a moment. He looked at Tost quietly but couldn't see anything unusual. He couldn't help saying: "You have to be serious when acting, otherwise, no one will believe it. Besides, I hate soul beasts." !" No one knew, in fact, those spirit beast spirits had already been transferred by the little cat, and Tost didn't know it at the time.

It's just that Mao Xiaoyao doesn't understand why Tost asks that.

Lika, who had been silent all this time, also said: "Indeed, if not all blow up, the main tower will not give up easily, and will definitely continue to investigate!"

Tost nodded, as if so.

The cat demon smiled, that's it.

Afterwards, Tost took the little cat to visit the underground base, and kept asking for his opinion and discussing future plans...

For a month, Mao Xiaoyao has been in the East China Sea, helping Tost perfect the soul mecha, and creating the stability of the ten thousand year soul!

As for the hundred thousand souls, the million year souls...

It was blown up by the cat demon long ago, and all the information was destroyed!
Of course, it was destroyed in the human world!
At the same time, in Shrek City, some teachers, students, and humans began to disappear, and the cat demon's revenge appeared. After two years, the cat demon suddenly appeared, and the first time he appeared, it was revenge!

Those teachers who were killed, as well as some people, either raised soul beasts at home privately, or owned soul beast products, fur, fangs, etc...

Damn those people!

Yan Wuhua led a special operations team to carry out revenge and assassination operations, all under the name of the cat demon!

People, after two years, finally heard the name of the sky-high reward: Mao Xiaoyao!

Some people are happy and some are worried!
For those who are happy, seeing the appearance of the little cat, it seems that the sky-high price of the reward seems to be a joke...

For those who are worried, it is because the cat demon has finally become their enemy...

 As the lyrics: ? ? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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