The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 313 Changes in the secret base!

Chapter 313 Changes in the secret base!

Seeing the little cat coming out in a mess, Yudie and Youlang thought that something happened to the little cat, so they came over to check, but found nothing.

what's going on?
"Boss, could it be that there are enemies?" Spirit Wolf looked around solemnly, but still did not find any enemies around. At this moment, every human looked very normal.

Yudie was also nervous.

"It's okay, let's go! Go to the underground base!" Mao Xiaoyao looked back at Mu Xi's house. The mother-in-law is a bit scary, even more terrifying than the enemy. It seems that it is easy to attack Mu Xi, but it is a bit difficult to attack the mother-in-law.

Youlang nodded, Yudie followed suit
The suspension car landed, and the black cat also came. I haven't talked to the little cat, and the atmosphere is a little bit...

The entrance of the underground base is in a busy city. This is an ordinary small hotel, and the business is booming. In fact, the soul beasts eat it by themselves...

The entrance is here, and this is just one of them!
"Boss!" Entering the hotel, several soul beast waiters recognized Mao Xiaoyao and the others.

"Well, thank you for your hard work!" Mao Xiaoyao responded lightly, then entered the hotel, entered the elevator, and went down to the underground base...

"Wow!" When the transparent glass elevator came down, Youlang's eyes widened. This underground base is more luxurious and bigger than the arsenal under construction in Xingdou Village...

It was also the first time for Yudie to come here, and she couldn't help being dumbfounded. She felt very happy when she saw aircraft flying by from time to time...

After all, girls.


From the time Mao Xiaoyao and the others stepped out of the elevator, there were spirit beasts welcoming them, "Welcome back the leader!" The spirit beasts respected, and now the spirit beasts in the underground base are basically in charge of logistics, maintaining the operation of the underground base, In terms of forging and manufacturing, those humans are responsible for...

The remaining soul beasts are basically gifted soul beasts, absorbing new knowledge every day, and will teach other soul beasts when they go back.

"Well, go get busy! You've worked hard!" Mao Xiaoyao said with a smile. It is not easy to manage the entire underground base. Fortunately, every human being is controlled by his own soul, and there is no rebellion. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to manage .

The soul beasts retreated and returned to their respective positions!

Mao Xiaoyao also started to inspect the underground base, and to see what happened to the underground base during his absence...

"Take that kind of aircraft!" The black cat pointed to the aerial soul guide that had been flying all the time. Some humans were driving it, and it seemed very fun to watch.

Something new, they don't seem to have seen it before.

Mao Xiaoyao smiled and nodded, but the black cat turned away without giving him a good look, and was still angry about Mu Xi's matter. She was not angry that Mao Xiaoyao went to see Mu Xi, but was angry that her figure was not as good as Mu Xi's.

Seeing Mao Xiaoyao's intoxicated face, she wanted to scold people very much!

Yu Die and You Lang scratched their heads, what do you mean?
Mao Xiaoyao shrugged, just wait a while, girls, just coax...

The inspection continues. During the inspection, the cat demon also discovered the innovative ability of human beings. If it is a normal research, then human beings will definitely research new things...

After all, all their work and actions were arranged by Mao Xiaoyao before he left, and they were only following orders, so naturally they would not be idle to help Mao Xiaoyao innovate.

However, since Mao Xiaoyao is back, he has to discover those problems, create them himself, and let those humans create them...

After all, under the control of human beings, they definitely don't innovate like normal research. They hate to have to do it, but unfortunately, under the soul contract, they have to do it...

"Everyone, gather in the square!" Mao Xiaoyao didn't bother to look at them one by one. He wanted to announce his return and speed up the production of various soul guide weapons. Time was imminent, and war was imminent. There was no time to waste.

However, with the appearance of the cat demon, people are like seeing a devil...

After a while, the square was overcrowded...thousands of people, everyone was looking at Mao Xiaoyao, they hadn't seen Mao Xiaoyao for two years, they thought Mao Xiaoyao was dead!It's a pity that he didn't die...

Mao Xiaoyao saw some acquaintances, Lin Yuhan, that little beauty from Star Luo Continent back then, seems to have grown up now!become more beautiful!
And the classmates from Shrek Academy...

Friends of the Blacksmith Association...

They are all there!
They were all looking at the cat demon.

"I know, I haven't seen you for two years, you think I'm dead! But, it's a pity, I'm not dead, and I'm alive and well!" In the middle of the square, Mao Xiaoyao stood on a flying soul guide, on the big screen, It's his handsome appearance, and his voice...

... a bunch of crap

"Damn, why is this guy here again!" Lin Yuhan was very unhappy. She had been waiting for rescue for the past two years, waiting, waiting, but no one came to rescue her. They were all arrested one after another...

Now, she has given up the idea of ​​going back, and is working, practicing, and researching every day. After all, there is everything she needs here...

Since, Mao Xiaoyao said, he will let them go in the future!Then look forward to...

"Yuhan, look, that..." No. 002, Huniu, is still very fat, and now she is an ace mecha tester, and her life is very nourishing.

Mecha test, will look for her!
Lin Yuhan didn't want to listen to the nonsense of the cat demon. She looked at the direction Huniu pointed and saw the black cat. It was a very beautiful girl, about the same age as her, sixteen or seventeen years old, very beautiful...

Lin Yuhan took a look, and he was jealous of that appearance.

"That's Mao Xiaoyao's girlfriend!" Looking around, Hu Niu said softly, "She's very nice and beautiful." In the past, when Mao Xiaoyao scolded them and punished them, the black cat always Will intercede, some people remember...

It's a's the girlfriend of the perverted demon!
"Come on! What kind of person do you think Mao Xiaoyao's girlfriend is?" Lin Yuhan had a look of disbelief, anyway, she didn't really believe it. Before Mao Xiaoyao was away, she could work slowly, but now that Mao Xiaoyao came back , probably not...

Huniu thought about it, and it seemed that she also...

Then, I listened to Mao Xiaoyao's nonsense for a long time. Generally speaking, it was a new mission...

After the lecture is over, everyone returns to their posts, and they need to work hard before new tasks are issued.

"Lin Yuhan!" The cat demon came, and the first time he looked at Lin Yuhan, the black cat took the wolf Yudie to visit. He came to the genius of the Star Luo Continent, and the people of the entire Star Luo Continent, Listen to her!

Lin Yuhan looked back and found that it was the cat demon, and he was very unhappy for a moment.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yuhan asked impatiently.

Mao Xiaoyao said: "Are you interested in having a drink?"

Lin Yu gave Mao Xiaoyao a blank look. She could refuse, study the refusal, and scold Mao Xiaoyao. Unfortunately, she couldn't...

Huniu was taken aback, then scratched her head, "I'll go back to work first!"

Lin Yuhan was a little speechless, Hu Niu is really unreliable, why did she run away?

Mao Xiaoyao and Lin Yuhan came to the entertainment area and came to the coffee shop to drink coffee. After the "human" Mao Xiaoyao came, they scared away one by one!Don't dare to enjoy it in the coffee shop.


(End of this chapter)

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