The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 315 Gu Yue's Persistence!

Chapter 315 Gu Yue's Persistence!


"Black cat kid, let's stop making trouble, okay? Then do you know how long a dark night cat demon's pregnancy cycle is? Are you ready to be a mother? You know how to play all day long!" The little cat demon looked at the black cat. Mao, suddenly smiled, this question is a bit of a problem, it is not impossible to reproduce, the cat demon also thinks, with such a beautiful girlfriend, who would not want to turn the clouds upside down?

However, in this special period, the cat demon is really powerless...

The black cat was very angry, "Uh huh..." She really doesn't know anything, doesn't it mean that she needs to know so many things to prosper?

"Wait for your human appearance age, wait for you to grow up a bit, didn't you say that I like girls with big breasts? Then you grow up quickly!" Mao Xiaoyao smirked, the black cat is no longer small, and still treats A That's all, but there are benefits to A as well, they don't necessarily have to be 36D like Mu Xi, one big and one small, just right, a perfect blend.

The cat demon is crazy about YY...

"Hmph, then I'll go find Linghua!" The black cat went out angrily, and went to find Linghua, the big cat's wife, to ask her some knowledge about reproduction...

"..." Mao Xiaoyao is speechless, what do you mean, what I mean doesn't seem to be like that...

Seeing that the black cat was so serious, he was suddenly a little scared...


"Didi..." At this time, the communicator rang, the communication number of an old friend, an existence that the cat demon fought for, Silver Dragon King Gu Yue.

However, I don't know if it is Gu Yuena now!

"Am I calling you Gu Yue, or Gu Yuena?" The little demon cat opened the communication and asked directly. He never wanted Gu Yue to merge, but if he didn't merge, he couldn't become the real Silver Dragon King. Gu Yue seemed to know what he should do Do.

"I'm Gu Yue!" Gu Yue said on the other side of the communication, the familiar voice had an unfamiliar flavor, it was not as unrestrained as before, but now it had a different identity.

"Welcome back!" Gu Yue said with a smile. At the moment, she is in the Spirit Pagoda, trying to manage everything. She also knows some things and is doing some things. Using the spirit transfer technique provided by the cat demon, she is fighting with the geniuses of the Spirit Pagoda. , the Wannian soul transformation plan was very successful, and she crushed her opponents in terms of spirit transmission.

If she wins, she can become the heir of Chuanling, but she is waiting for someone.

"Well, I'm back! Listen to your call at any time, you are in the light, I am in the dark, I will buy time to act." The cat demon looked at the humans in the defense base and said: "Gu Yue, we are here Are you in the Soul Rescue Beast?"

What conflict will there be between soul-saving beasts and revenge on humans?

The cat demon doesn't know either, but just like the black cat mentioned just now, is it difficult to reproduce?Then why hasn't the cat demon always done that?
I just have doubts, are soul-saving beasts and revenge against humans the same?
"Our purpose is the same, to save soul beasts and make humans pay the price!" Gu Yue's voice was bleak and cold. to everything...

All of those are human beings!

She must let humans know what it means: pain!
Hearing Gu Yue's decisive answer, it was so firm, is war inevitable after all?

The cat demon sighed lightly and said lightly: "Gu Yue, I found a new home, we can live there, the area there is bigger than the Star Forest, there are everything... I sent someone to send it there Things, I believe, you should be able to see it!" The secret of Xingdou Village, Mao Xiaoyao sent some video materials to Gu Yue to show, and told her that they already had a way out, a way out, and they don't need to be afraid of anything at all. .

"I already know! But little demon, how big and good it is, but is the homeland still the original homeland? I don't think so!" Gu Yue didn't say anything more, seeing some soul beasts living so happily in the new homeland. Happy, she is also very happy, and very envious.

However, their homeland is in the Douluo Continent, why did they leave?Why be afraid, they just take back what belongs to them, human beings are just a bunch of robbers.

"I" Mao Xiaoyao's complexion is not very good, and he smiled wryly, what is a home, he has grown up so big, he doesn't know what a home is, every time there is a home, human beings will always come out to destroy it.

Home?Mao Xiaoyao thought of the home in Xingdou Village, the home of him and the black cat, that was home.

"Then what do you want to do? Unify the Douluo Continent, or eliminate human beings?" Mao Xiaoyao asked Gu Yue, and he also needed an answer from Gu Yue, so that he would know how to help Gu Yue...

"Unify the Douluo Continent, let humans become slaves of soul beasts, and let them know what life is better than death!" Gu Yue said fiercely, this is Gu Yue's current thinking, not Gu Yuena's, Gu Yue is Gu Yue, her heart has always been towards the soul beast, but Na'er has a human personality, and she is not so decisive.

Fusion?The cat demon is afraid of that problem.

Moreover, he didn't want Gu Yue to disappear!

"I will fully support you! Even if you fail, it doesn't matter, Xingdou Village is our only retreat!" Ever since she knew something, Mao Xiaoyao was very scared. Now the whereabouts of God Realm are unknown, but as the son of Sea God Tang San, Tang Wu Everything about Lin, as his father, Tang San probably watched.

"However, my condition is always just one, very simple, Gu Yue, forget about Tang Wulin, he is a very dangerous person, like him, for you, for soul beasts, there is no future!" Mao Xiao Yao sighed softly, and Tang Wulin will return as king soon, and he will become even stronger at that time.

As a human being, Tang San would not just watch spirit beasts exterminate human beings!

However, Tang Wulin would not just watch Mao Xiaoyao and Gu Yue do that.

" you want me to like you?" Gu Yue let out a crisp laugh, which was very sweet, just like the song of a yellow warbler, so touching.

"My embrace is very big and broad, and it will always be open for you!" After being taken aback for a moment, Mao Xiaoyao smiled. If Gu Yue is willing, then it's not impossible...


"Thank you, little demon!" Gu Yue didn't answer clearly, nor did she refuse anything, maybe there was such a possibility in her heart!

"Wu Lin, all the attacks you encountered have something to do with you, right?" Gu Yue asked suddenly.

On the communicator, Mao Xiaoyao was very silent and didn't speak, because he knew that Gu Yue must have known something.

"To save you, I will do anything, including killing him!" Mao Xiaoyao also said.

Gu Yue sighed: "But he is innocent, he shouldn't be involved in our struggle against human beings."

"No, he is not, his identity, everything about him, he will not just sit idly by, he is the greatest enemy of our soul beasts, and..." Mao Xiaoyao said: "He did not die in Dragon Valley, soon after , will come back!"

Tang Wulin will come back with a stronger posture. At that time, they will be enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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