The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 317 If You Are the One?

Chapter 317 If You Are the One?


If You Are the One is in progress... Bah bah, it should be the sea god fate blind date meeting, in progress...

Any girl under the mask, as long as she knows her, can't escape the cat demon's keen sense of smell and sharp eyes.

Forget about the boys, except for Tang Wulin, Mao Xiaoyao is too lazy to observe! (???)
But, on the boss side, Mao Xiaoyao seems very happy to see a person, a person who makes him very unhappy, Qingtian Douluo, Yun Ming, and his wife Yali?

I don't know, will I be happy later!
Suddenly, Yun Ming stood up and glanced at the crowd, not knowing what he was looking at.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Zhuo Shi also looked at the crowd, could there be some problem?However, the students continued without finding anything.

Everyone also looked at Qingtian Douluo.

Ya Li also gently held her husband's hand.

"Nothing!" Qingtian Douluo smiled, then looked at the crowd indifferently, maybe he misread it!With so many people here at Shrek Academy, that cat demon probably won't come!

After all, if he comes, there will be no return!
The crowd didn't ask any questions, but looked at the students' confession success, and confession failure, etc., recalling their previous youth...

In the past, when they were all students, they did the same thing. They liked and adored senior girls, but they belonged to other people...

So are the juniors and seniors.

At this moment, among the crowd...

"Such a dangerous place, the little demon probably wouldn't come!" Mu Xi thought the same way. At that time, she was just joking. After all, the cat demon is a wanted criminal now, and she definitely wouldn't want the cat demon to come. Come on, it's so dangerous after all.

Tonight, she just came here with her good friends Ouyang Zixin and Ye Xingchen. They all have someone they like, and they all look forward to whether that person will confess themselves today...

Mu Xi is very strange, but unfortunately...

"Sister, can you reveal your face?" Suddenly, a guy wearing an elephant mask said, I don't know who it is, so everyone is very courageous.

"Then reveal your face!" Mu Xi rolled her eyes, she heard the voice was not a cat demon at all, she didn't bother to pay attention to it, and when she got tired from walking around, she would withdraw from Sea God's Fate. If the person is not around, this Sea God's Fate is meaningless.

The other party really revealed his face, he was a handsome boy, but at this moment, in front of the jealous face of that girl like Mao Xiaoyao, this junior was probably just a younger brother.

"Sorry, I don't like you!" Mu Xi looked unhappy. She thought it was some prank done by someone she knew, but after she took a look, she didn't know this guy.

Mu Xi wants to leave!

However, the other party stopped, "Senior sister, what kind of person is it that I can let you expose your face?" The boy refused to let go, and when he saw such a girl, he would all expose his face, but only Mu Xi and the girls did not. , So, he was a little more curious.

"How is it?" Mu Xi smiled, and punched that junior, who fell to the ground...

Everyone around laughed, because the junior was miserable and was punched by Mu Xi...

"If you can't beat me, don't think about revealing your face, junior, you should go find those junior girls!" Mu Xi smiled, smiled, smiled, seeing Ye Xingchen and Ouyang Zixin fighting with her Chatting with people you like, this is very cruel...

The junior got up, patted the clothes, very helpless_`, it turns out that the senior is a violent temper, forget it, forget it, I can't provoke another target...

cat mask...

The junior changed another target. He saw a girl with a cat mask.

Mu Xi sighed softly, she was about to slip away, it was meaningless, seeing that her good friends were all in pairs, but she was alone...

So angry, so envious...

Little cat, where are you?

"Sister, do you want to reveal your face?" Suddenly, a guy with a cat mask stopped Mu Xi.

Mu Xi was taken aback, her voice didn't sound like a cat demon, but this strange feeling... Mmm, this guy actually wanted to hide, probably to tease himself!
Mu Xi smiled, "Brother, do you know what happened to the guy who said that last time?"

"Oh, how is it?" The cat demon smiled and resumed her original voice. It seemed that in front of Mu Xi, it didn't make any difference whether she wore a mask or not.

Intimate lovers, they know everything about their lovers!Mu Xi understands Mao Xiaoyao, and likewise, Mao Xiaoyao also understands Mu Xi.

"Huh?" Mu Xi started to fight, punching Mao Xiaoyao. It's abominable to make her wait for so long, and it's also abominable to be so dangerous...

The wind of the fist is soft and there is no strength. If the junior saw it just now, he would probably cry. Why did he use so much force when it came to him?

Hey, hey, now, he was beaten even worse by the black cat...

"Senior sister, your hands are so beautiful!" The little cat tightly grasped Mu Xi's hand, pulled it warmly into his arms, and domineeringly lifted off Mu Xi's mask. The cute little Mu Xi blushed and embraced the cat Little demon, but she dared not take off the mask of cat demon.

Because, if the cat demon can come, it is already a very dangerous thing.

Everyone clapped their hands, Niubi, this junior is very awesome, he revealed the mask in such a direct and domineering way, he didn't need any host at all, whoever he likes, whoever he reveals, the key is to hold the senior sister...

"Kiss one, kiss one..."

I don't know which bastard made a fuss, and everyone said that in an instant. The onlookers don't think it's a big deal, they just like to watch the excitement, and most of them are single dogs.

Hong Ling'er, Lan Siyi, Yan Li, and Wusiduo are all here. The armor made by the cat demon is not recognized, but they are still one-word combat armor masters, because the cat demon left them There is also a one-word battle armor.

Martial spirit, soul, battle armor, armor, it doesn't affect at all!
Now they are all double-armored!The battle armor is attached to the martial soul, and the armor is attached to the soul. Anyway, no one-word battle armor master can beat them.

Even Xu Xiaoyan, the Seven Shrek Monsters, might not be able to defeat them in Dou, but there are only five of them including Chu Shou, so there is no quota for the Seven Shrek Monsters.

Because, the cat demon and the black cat are missing.

"That person is like a master!" Hong Ling'er took Lan Siyi's hand and walked like no one else, like a couple?They seem to be closer than lovers.

Wusiduo frowned, "Indeed!" According to the plot, if there was no little cat, Wusiduo would have fallen in love with Tang Wulin, but with the appearance of the little cat, it was the little cat she fell in love with.

It's just that admiration is just admiration, and it's useless, because there are black cats and Mu Xi in front of her.

There is no place for her in Mao Xiaoyao's place!

"It shouldn't be possible! It's so dangerous now, he probably wouldn't come here." Lan Siyi said, Shrek Academy is looking for him, and the entire Sun Moon Federation is looking for him, the cat demon should not be so stupid...

"Then tell me, why Mu Xi..." Hong Ling'er asked a fatal question. Few people know about the relationship between Mu Xi and the cat demon. Coincidentally, they are just a few of them...

Everyone is silent, accompanied by happiness and worry!
(End of this chapter)

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