The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 357 Medical Institute!

Chapter 357 Medical Institute!

Star Dou Village, inside the medical research base.

That is the hospital in Xingdou Village. The soul beasts working here are basically soul beasts with special healing abilities.

As early as the transformation, the cat demon had already sent some capable soul beasts to the human world to study.

The purpose is to make up for the shortcomings of soul beasts in some aspects.

After all, soul beasts need talents, and they can develop slowly by accumulating experience slowly. They must learn! ! !

The head of the medical school is a thousand-year-old blue-feathered crane with a light attribute, all of which are auxiliary soul skills, healing, amplification, etc...

Mao Xiaoyao looked at it and thought it was something, anyway, there was no attacking soul skill, they were all healing soul skills, when not fighting, the power of the healing essence on his body looked scary.

"Master Chief, you have been seriously ill recently, do you want some injections?" A beautiful and sexy big sister Yu came out, wearing a white coat, tsk tsk, it was simply the temptation of the system, but her body revealed endless holiness Beautiful, that is an angel in white!

Thousand-year-old Cangyuhe, female, a level 75 soul sage, a two-word battle armor master, and the only soul beast in Xingdou Village who can only heal!
She is the dean of the medical school, and she has been concentrating on studying the "Medical Strange Records" handed to her by Mao Xiaoyao, studying every day...

The little cats and demons were all arrested to do several experiments and act as guinea pigs.

"I've absorbed some gadgets, it's okay, it will be digested slowly!" The cat demon smiled awkwardly, gently rubbing his darkened chest, the demonic energy in his body had been swallowed up by the demonic energy, turning into a stream of pure The power, magic energy, seems to be a great tonic, but it is a bit dangerous!
Mozu?Now Mao Xiaoyao really wants to know how many demons exist in the Misty Continent. If they can be caught, it will be of great help to his cultivation.

In the next battle, Mao Xiaoyao must have the strength to fight against Contra head-on, so that he can stand firm on the dangerous Douluo Continent!
"Soul damage, body damage, sir, no matter what, try to absorb as little as possible! The breath on your body now, I look very annoying!" As a soul beast with a light attribute, Cangyu Crane naturally dislikes Mao Xiao The demon is a guy full of evil.

At this time, the little nurses behind them also smiled, very young and beautiful, youthful and beautiful, 15 or 16 years old girls, pure and lovely, they are all assistants of Cangyuhe, and their abilities are more or less life-saving auxiliary skills.

When they saw the handsome leader, they all seemed to be infatuated with each other. They couldn't be happier, and peeked at them from time to time.

Little face flushed.

"Ahem!" The cat demon was serious, thinking happily, no matter which world he was in, he had to rely on his appearance to walk the rivers and lakes, "How about that elf girl?" Pills can save people, but, some Mao Xiaoyao couldn't check the physical condition. After all, men and women are different, so he brought him to Cangyuhe for treatment.

Cang Yuhe said: "My lord, the pill is the best in the world. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with it. She just lost too much blood and her soul power is overdrawn." After coming out, we can only research some potions, the effects of which are simply heaven and earth, incomparable!
"Wake up soon!" Cang Yuhe glanced at the glass wall and said.

In the room, there are only Mao Xiaoyao and Cangyu Crane, and the other soul beasts are sent out by Mao Xiaoyao to find traces of the demons.

Through the glass wall, Mao Xiaoyao and the others could see the elf girl lying quietly on the white bed.

"That's fine." The cat demon breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "When she wakes up, you can notify me, but try not to get close to her, she is very dangerous!"

The elves can control the five elements, and there are no such things as the five elements in the room, only the formation enchantment left by the cat demon.

"Understood!" Cang Yuhe nodded.

She asked again: "Who is she..." Ever since the leader of the cat demon came in with this mysterious girl in his arms, she really wanted to ask, such a beautiful girl must not be picked up casually, she looks like a human being, but Ears are not human...

Everyone was curious and looked at the cat demon.

Mao Xiaoyao looked at the sleeping beauty lying quietly, frowned and said: "On the foggy continent, there are three races in total, the alien race, the human race, and the other is the elf race. The elf race lives in the endless forest. Among them, they never care about world affairs, they are the guardians of nature, very scary!"

Cangyuhe and the others were all surprised, it turned out to be an elf tribe, they had heard of it before, it was something that the residents of Xingdou Village must know.

Learn about the Mist Continent.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace!Mao Xiaoyao wants the soul beasts to know that there are still powerful enemies outside, and the Mist Continent is not necessarily safe, they must work hard!
"Today, I saw a few elves in the New Star Dou Forest. There seems to be something wrong with them. I don't know why they broke into our place."

"Da Hei Niu and the others are already investigating!"

The demons are terrifying, and Mao Xiaoyao doesn't want to explain too much, and, after explaining, Cangyuhe and the others don't understand, anyway, it is a very terrifying enemy, that's right!
"Well, her physique is very special, and the power of life contained in it is very strong." Cang Yuhe said, through business with humans on the Misty Continent, she also read some human books and learned about things on the Misty Continent.

Elves, mysterious!

"Well! You take good care of her. When she wakes up, I will ask her some questions." The cat demon can't be careless when it comes to safety issues. Next, he has to rearrange the formation. In the future, any stranger will enter Star Dou Great Forest will be discovered!
Set up a formation that can cover the entire New Star Dou Great Forest—the reincarnation formation of the five elements of heaven and earth!

With the power of the five elements, reincarnation is endless, so the consumption of the formation will be absorbed from the five elements, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, so there is no need to worry about huge consumption...

However, the resources consumed are still very large, and the time and energy invested are also...

Mao Xiaoyao rubbed her head, why is she always so tired?

slip away, slip away...


"The leader is so handsome."

"Hey, it's a bit bad, my dish!"

Several little nurses began to discuss. They were very happy to see Mao Xiaoyao for the first time. As expected, he was young and handsome as in the legend!


Cang Yuhe said: "Such an evil guy, only you little brats like it!" Cang Yuhe rolled his eyes and cursed, and the little nurses also slipped away and went back to work. Today's research task has not been completed.

Mr. Chief, I guess it is Mr. Dean, right?

Do not!

At this moment, Mao Xiaoyao, who just came out of the hospital, is about to go back and write a list of materials for Dai Shu. The formation must be done quickly!
Because, when the situation is known, the cat demon will definitely eliminate the hidden dangers of the demons!The demons cannot stay!

"My lord, I heard that you brought back a little beauty. Is it true?" The black cat waited outside for a while, and when she saw the hover car, she knew that the little cat must be there.

"..." The little cat has a bitter face, looking at the more and more charming little black cat, his body is revealing a mature aura, touching it from time to time, it has indeed changed a lot, but the wildness remains the same, waiting tame!
(End of this chapter)

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