The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 369 Humph 2 Generals, Demon Race!

Chapter 369 Humph Second General, Demon Race!

Huan Ya, one person stopped the progress of the demonized creatures, if the little cat is here, then he must be cursing, made, why didn't you use this trick before?
The ground sank into a deep pit, and the earth wall suddenly rose, instantly isolating ordinary demonized creatures. After all, those demonized creatures have no attack power at all, and if they fall into the pit, they will basically be unable to get out.

The ones that can rush out are basically demonized creatures of the elven race. Then, Huanya uses the power of wood to flow a trace of pure soul power to her fingertips. Her white and tender hands are as cold as jade, and the vines grow wildly, entwining the demonized creatures. Elf people.

However, due to the large number, Huanya is a little bit powerless now.

Lin Qingxian, who was watching from the side, was very anxious. The elven girl didn't seem to be a bad person. Everyone was out for the safety of the Mist Continent. Everyone was dealing with demonized creatures. Why don't you help?
She looked at the black cat lightly, watching her reaction.

In the eyes of others, she is a majestic and domineering little general. She has many meritorious achievements at a young age. It can be said that she is very promising and very powerful!
However, who knew that the girl next to her was the most terrifying person...

She is afraid.

The more terrifying guy has not appeared now.

"Qingxian, I know you're worried about her, but you've seen it yourself, demonized creatures can't reason with people at all." The black cat glanced at the defensive formation behind and smiled reassuringly. She must not let Any demonized creatures enter it to affect the actions of the little cat.

"It's just a stupid woman. If she dies, she will die. I will not let my people be in danger, and no demonized creature will be spared." The black cat tapped the armor helmet lightly, and then notified the air force to do something. Get ready, get ready to attack those demonized creatures, and don't let any of them escape, otherwise, more people will be sacrificed, which will threaten the safety of Star Dou Village.

"The little demon is fighting the demons below. If anyone threatens his safety, I will attack without hesitation, no matter who it is!" The black cat said coldly, and then threw it to Lin Qingxian. Soul guide gun, let her not attack in melee, once infected it will be very dangerous.

She didn't want to kill Lin Qingxian like killing other demonized creatures.

Dai Shu and Hu Lili are all there. They must guard the entrance of this fissure of the demon clan, and they cannot let any demonized creature go down.

"This..." Lin Qingxian looked at the soul gun in her hand, feeling very excited, but when she looked at the elf girl, she sighed slightly.

How to do?
Why so stupid?
Those elves have already invaded their minds with demonic energy, and even if they are rescued, they will die...


Huan Ya is still insisting, but how can she stop so many demonized creatures alone?

run in a...

With a headshot, an elf demonized creature fell down and died with a headshot!It is very clean and neat, and it is terrible from the Dao Qi Barrett sniper rifle. The bullets are Dao Qi grade and can be recycled!
After all, Dao weapon bullets will not be damaged so easily!
"No..." Huan Ya said in pain, she looked desperately at the fallen clansmen, she was still restraining the demonized clansmen with vines, but still not all of them were restrained, some demonized clansmen still broke free and rushed towards that Iron and metal array...

That is hell!

"I don't know if you're stupid or not, but come in and I'll kill one! If you insist, please do whatever you want! But, think about it, they are demonized, will they suffer and suffer? Do you want to hurt more people by yourself?" Simply raising his hand, the black cat shot to the head and killed another fish that slipped through the net. The air force was also closely monitoring and reported to the black cat that there were not many demonized creatures coming. .

It is estimated that all the demonized creatures in the vicinity have been concentrated!They don't need to wait any longer.

Huanya was desperate, her eyes showed a trace of sadness, she didn't know that once the devil energy invaded her mind, she would be declared dead and there was no cure, but...

She can't bear it!She couldn't do anything, because those were all her clansmen, and every familiar face was now ferocious, very crazy, and her eyes were always staring at the faint smell of blood coming from her body...

her friend……

At this time, a demonized creature with the same cultivation level as Contra finally broke free, her blood-colored setting sun-like blood eyes stared fiercely at Fanya!Manipulating a huge boulder, she belongs to the head of that kind of demonized creature!

That is to say, it has evolved, and the evolved demonic creatures can simply use their soul power!It is no longer just a simple physical attack, this is also the scary part of the demons...

Once a demonized creature evolves and can use soul power, it will be a very terrifying existence.

"Ali, it's me, Huan Ya..." Huan Ya's face was full of sadness, looking at her familiar friend!
That was the general in charge of guarding the fissures of the demon clan—Ali, and now she has also become a demonized creature, with blood-colored eyes, always looking at herself, staring at her neck...

Huanya couldn't do it, she thought of the scene when they were playing together when they were young, this is her good friend, how could she do it?

Bang bang bang!

The boulder fell and attacked Huanya. Demonized creatures have no friends. They only see killing in their eyes. Huanya had to be distracted to defend, but once distracted...

Bang bang bang!Countless bullets shot at the same time, attacking those demonized creatures that broke free, and killed one by one, leaving no one behind!
"Clean up the demonized creatures on the periphery, and leave none behind. We can't waste time, we must go down to support the little demon." The sky has darkened, and the situation will be more complicated at night, so we can't delay the time, the black cat ordered: "Kill!"

Now, Mao Xiaoyao is not here, she is the commander, a strict commander will not ruin the lives of his soldiers just because of a little sympathy.

Air units attack!Due to the existence of the earth wall, the black cat allowed them to use soul missiles to attack, but at most five levels of soul missiles!

The power is too great, and she is afraid of affecting the cracks of the demons below.

Boom boom boom boom, the explosion begins...

Uncle Li, who stood firm and had no chance to make a move, saw the metal objects in the air, falling one by one, making the sound of explosions, and the flames were soaring into the sky. He basically knew without thinking that it was definitely not a good thing.

"Miss..." Looking around, Uncle Li said softly to Lin Qingxian who was saving bullets bit by bit, "What should we do?"

If the army of their Poole Empire and other armies arrive to fight these terrible guys without knowing the truth, then how to fight?
This is not a high-level army at all, no matter what weapons or anything, how can their Poole Empire resist it!

Lin Qingxian, who was reluctant to use bullets, took aim, and shot with [-]% hits, looked back and saw Uncle Li's worry. She also looked at the black cat with a little fear, and suddenly realized that she was looking at the phantom of the elf girl. Ya, watching Huanya being beaten by demonized creatures, seems to have no intention of making a move.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qingxian said: "Sister Black Cat, if there are some troops outside, please remember to tell me, because it may be the troops of our Poole Empire, or other empires, all here to fight the demons ..." means: one of my own!
Looking at the poor elf girl Fan Ya, Lin Qingxian shook her head and sighed, the elf army will definitely come, right?
very pitiful……

"Well! Don't worry, I won't attack them!" The black cat nodded and smiled, Lin Qingxian's worried expression seemed a little cute.

Before, the cat demon had told the black cat to pay attention to the fact that there might be troops from other races in the human army. After all, they must not only know about such an important thing as the crack of the demon race.

Cooperation, they must cooperate, otherwise, soul beasts alone will not be able to deal with the demons.

"You have to cooperate to deal with the demons, Qing Xian, and you have to reconcile the relationship between them. You are afraid of the demons, and we are equally afraid. We are not enemies, but we have common enemies." The black cat said with a smile, she I understand Lin Qingxian's worry very well. After all, it is normal for a very backward race to be worried when they see such terrible weapons.

In the past, when their soul beasts looked at humans, they were also like this, full of fear as well.

However, confidence is brought by Mao Xiaoyao, which rekindles your hope!
At the same time, she also understands Huan Ya's mood!Facing his own clan friends...

However, death will allow them to get real relief!After all, they don't want to hurt their friends after becoming demonized creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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