The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 377 Prevent Pig Teammates!

Chapter 377 Prevent Pig Teammates!

At the entrance to Fengmo Volcano, Dai Shu is like facing a big enemy, and so are the soul beasts.

The support troops seemed to come a little faster than they thought.

"Deputy leader, there is an unknown army in front, the number is very large, are you attacking?" A soul beast soldier reported that an unknown army was heading towards their crater of sealing demons, and it was coming fiercely.


Dai Shu froze for a moment, frowned, then looked at the screen sent back by the air force, couldn't help but cast a glance at Lin Qingxian next to her, and asked, "Qing Xian, is that the army of your Poole Empire?"

Looking at it, it seems to be human, human?The nearest empire is the Poole Empire where Lin Qingxian is located.

Other empires certainly weren't quite as fast.

Lin Qingxian also looked at the display screen, looked at the army inside, stretched his brows and said, "That's the army of our Poole Empire!" One of them was the person he sent earlier - Uncle Da, and that flag was the army of the Poole Empire. , she read it right.

Below the lava cave, there is no distinction between day and night, tense and selfless battles, time flies very fast, the little cat and the black cat don't know, they have already stayed under the cave for three days.

For the people above, it was very tormenting for three days. They had no idea what happened below the cave.

Because no one dared to approach, now Lin Qingxian had to go inside an armored tank due to the entrance of the devil energy, otherwise, if the devil energy invaded her mind, she would become a demonized creature.

"Bring this, let's go out to meet your Poole Empire army, and we can't let them get too close. Although the big formation has blocked the magic energy from coming out of the cave, the amount of magic energy accumulated in the cave is too much. Once it breaks out ,The consequences could be disastrous."

Inside an armored vehicle, the soul beast was working in front of the soul-guided equipment, commanding the troops through the screen transmitted by the air force. At this time, Dai Shu gave Lin Qingxian a new gadget.

That is the auxiliary soul guide armor, which is a pirated armor. Although it is not at the level of magic weapon or Taoist weapon armor, the soul guide function is actually similar, but it does not have the boost of the special rune formation of the monster race.

For comparison, the magic weapon armor and the Taoist weapon armor are naturally at the level of a father and a son level, and they must be crushed by the magic weapon and the Taoist weapon armor.

However, there is a self-help breathing system inside, which can completely breathe through the oxygen system, and, in a completely sealed case, can prevent the invasion of magic energy.

for yourself?Lin Qingxian was a little dazed. Inside the armored vehicle, a rectangular iron box brought by two mechanical spirit clans looked like a rectangular iron box, but what was inside?

When she opened it, she was shocked...

"This thing is called Soul Guidance Armor. In fact, we have just invented it recently. For actual combat, you can try it if you have a chance. The principle is similar to what I wear."

Dai Shu was wearing Taoist armor at this time, which contained monster rune formations. In the entire Douluo world, only the cat demon could make such a terrible thing.

However, the soul-guided armored soldier is an imitation armor.

After all, although Doukai is better than Doukai, for some things, such as diving, preventing poisonous gas, etc., armor has an advantage, and there are also pirated soul-guided armored soldiers.

Moreover, the most important point is that they are actually the metal bodies of the mechanical spirit race, that is, the cat demon created a racial appearance for the mechanical spirit race, similar to robots!
That is: the mechanical Eldar!

They can drive mechas, planes, ships, spaceships, tanks, control drones, etc., and they will not fuse those things themselves in the future.

Moreover, even if those things exploded and were destroyed, it wouldn't affect them at all.

Now, the first-generation test version is first tested by soul beasts. At this time, Dai Shu gave it to Lin Qingxian on her own initiative.

"Thank you." Not knowing how to express her excitement, Lin Qingxian couldn't be happier. After all, she was very envious when she saw Mao Xiaoyao using it. She even wanted to ask if she could buy one.
But, after thinking about it, who am I?It doesn't seem to be a friend of Mao Xiaoyao, so why did they give it?
Now, seeing what was inside, she was very moved.

"Put it on! You have it too! You should understand how terrifying it is for the devil's energy to invade the mind. The devil's energy inside the cave is only temporarily sealed. If the devil's energy leaks out, all creatures within a few miles will become demonized creatures. "

According to the data and information sent back by some mechanical spirit clans, the black cat has reached the end of the cave, but the little cat demon is still not found. Now, for the sake of safety, Dai Shu must not let those human troops come over.

Moreover, in the lava cave, due to the sealing barrier and the magic energy, communication is impossible. Dai Shu doesn't know what's going on now.

I don't understand at all.

"Me?" Huanya saw that the happy Lin Qingxian had already started to wear the soul guide armor, and also took a look at her own, whether to wear it or not?She still chooses to put it on, after all, those demonic energy are terrifying, she no longer wants to try whether it will invade her sanity.

Moreover, counting the time, their elf army should be arriving soon, and she must do something to get it.

The devilish energy accumulated in the lava cave made her scalp tingle even when she looked at it.


A few minutes later, a soul-guided helicopter took off, and Dai Shu took Lin Qingxian and Huan Ya to the direction of the human army. At this time, the human army was confronting the soul beast army.

One is not allowed to enter, and the other insists on entering.

The huge roar of the helicopter, the landing, the huge sound, and the powerful airflow instantly quieted the human army.

"Who are you guys, why did you stop us from going to the Demon Crack?"

"Could it be that you are elves?"

"Or, is your purpose of stopping us to help the demons?" There are so many people, there are all kinds of words, and the human army has never seen fully armed soul beasts. Apart from curiosity and doubt, it is fear!
Humans don't know, what are these mysterious troops whose defenses are like tietong?
Just when he was wondering, three people came down from the helicopter, Dai Shu, Lin Qingxian, and Huan Ya.

"General Zhang is me!" Lin Qingxian appeared for the first time. She was wearing the soul guide armor, and she had just learned how to operate it. She opened the helmet and showed her excited face, so that the Poole Empire army could see her.

Huan Ya also entered the jungle to relocate his clansmen.

Dai Shu took two mechanical Eldars to inspect the fortifications, and took a look at how the defense was doing.

"Deputy leader!" The soul beasts respected, fortunately Dai Shu came in time, otherwise they would have attacked these troops. After all, these troops are all human beings, and they are so annoying to look at.

"Qingxian, what's going on? How is the Demon Crack?" General Zhang frowned and asked, and Uncle Da who was next to him also saw his young lady. It was true that she was safe and fine, so he was relieved!

But, what kind of armor is that on his body?
"I don't know, but there is a lot of demonic energy accumulated in the cracks of the demon clan. The army can't get close for the time being. Once the demonic energy explodes, it will cause very terrible consequences."

Mao Xiaoyao and the others have a soul guide armor, so they are not afraid of demonic energy, but their human army doesn't have so much equipment. Once the demonic energy invades, what will the ordinary soldiers do?
Demonized creature?

(End of this chapter)

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