The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 379 Suspicion of Pig Teammates!

Chapter 379 Suspicion of Pig Teammates!

Just when there was a stalemate.

Two strange breaths appeared!It's huge, and there are a lot of them. Dai Shu looked into the distance, frowning, and couldn't help worrying!If it's just the human army, they can stop it for a while.

However, the alien race of orcs, dwarves and elves...

"His Royal Highness, those are alien races and elves!" the eunuch said softly, and at the same time looked at Dai Shu and the others with contempt. Now that all three races are here, what can these people do to stop them?

His Royal Highness also glanced at it lightly, and suddenly became a little excited. In any case, they arrived at the Poole Empire first, and the face is enough!Moreover, waiting for the command, they must be in charge.

First come, first served.

Lin Qingxian was stunned, so many people?Looking at the number, it should increase slowly, right?But what's the use of having more people?Once the demonic energy erupts, everyone will die...

She looked at Dai Shu, what should she do now?
It was almost impossible to stop the army of the Poole Empire just now, now the aliens, elves, how should they stop them?
Dai Shu still said coldly: "Don't act rashly! Wait for my order!" Through wireless communication, Dai Shu gave orders to each soul beast and mechanical spirit clan, that is, no matter what happens, don't do anything, once you do, you will do nothing. The explanation is not clear.

However, no one can enter.

"Qing Xian, go and clarify with your imperial army! Anyway, I can only say so much, if something happens, you are responsible for the consequences." Dai Shu said lightly, they must not be able to stop so many people, and There are so many powerful auras, they are all people with strong cultivation bases, they must not be able to stop them, but if they can be delayed, then try to delay the time as much as possible.

After all, there is no news about Mao Xiaoyao and the black cat, and the current situation is unknown, so she has to do that.

"En." Lin Qingxian nodded, and then ignored the crown prince and went to explain the situation to General Zhang. This crown prince is mentally ill, so it probably won't work.

However, on the other side, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has already gone up to meet them, laughing and looking at the representatives of the alien race and the elf race.

"We are from the Poole Empire, and I am the prince of the Poole Empire. Excuse me, are you a great and noble elf?" His Royal Highness smiled and looked at Huan Ya who took the lead, and he was stunned again. Then this elf girl is a little fairy who fell from the sky...

And so many beautiful elves, it's really wonderful, if you can get one.

His Royal Highness began yy.

The human race and the alien race were equally uneasy. It was the first time they saw so many elves appearing.

Huanya ignored His Royal Highness, as the queen of the elves, now that the people of the elves have arrived, she has the confidence, she will not be afraid of anything, then she brought a handsome young elf boy to Dai Shu, and said: "Here Let us elves take over! We are responsible for guarding this place, and we have a certain understanding of the demons, and we have ways to deal with them."

Huan Ya is a little more talkative, she explains the situation to Dai Shu in a nice manner, unlike His Royal Highness who only knows threats.

The elves have guarded this place for generations, so they must know better than Mao Xiaoyao, they are confident.

"Now, I should call you Your Honorable Queen, right?" Dai Shu smiled, she also knew Huanya's identity.

Huan Ya also smiled.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was startled, the Queen of the Elf Race?He immediately wanted to go forward and introduce himself again, but was stopped by the elves.

"How dare you stop us, His Royal Highness?" the eunuch shouted.

The elf boy waved his hand lightly, and immediately knocked the eunuch into the air, and said coldly, "Yin Yang, I save your life this time." He is the person with the highest cultivation level of the elves this time, possessing the same strength as Limit Douluo The elves, the number one warrior of the elves - Atolst!

General Zhang also appeared in an instant, protecting His Royal Highness, and at the same time looked at Artolst coldly. Humans would not be afraid if they wanted to fight them.

"Ridiculous human beings." Atolst sneered, then ignored His Royal Highness and the others, but looked at those strange metal lives...

As a race of nature, he can clearly sense that those metal bodies are actually lives one by one...

What race is this?
Looking at Huan Ya, the mysterious elf troops, and the powerful man in front of her, Dai Shu felt very uneasy. If you compare them, their soul beasts are really pitifully weak. She said: "The situation inside you I also know that if you force your way in, there is nothing we can do. But, are you sure you can afford the consequences?"

Huanya was silent, and the devil energy invaded the mind, and they could purify it, but they couldn't purify it too much.

There is too much magic in the ending, are they sure about purifying it?She doesn't know either.

However, His Royal Highness said at this time: "What if the elves can't deal with the demons? Could it be that you guys with unknown origins can do it? Hehe, don't be ashamed and conspicuous, and don't force us to do it."

"How do you say, you can also deal with one or two demons." His Royal Highness sneered, if the elves came, then he must be the commander of the elves. He can cooperate with the elves and maintain the relationship.

It's just that Huanya doesn't seem to care about him.

"Please rest assured and leave it to us, this is my duty." Huan Ya said, they had to fight, even if there were many dangers, they would not stop.

The aliens were relatively quiet, because Obogu saw the metal troops, and when he came, he had already received news from the cat demon, and at this moment, he waited quietly.

All aliens have no brains, but Obergol knows how to obey orders.

"Please do it yourself!" Dai Shu gritted her teeth. She couldn't stop so many powerful people. Once they fought, they would suffer heavy losses. That's what the demons wanted to see.

It's just that she couldn't complete the tasks given by Mao Xiaoyao, she was too weak, and no one respected them.

Just when Huan Ya and the others were about to enter, a mechanical Eldar flying over, with a tattered metal body, emitting a smoke screen, covered in lightning, staggered, and fell down in front of Dai Shu.

Something happened, Dai Shu's complexion changed, and she went to check immediately, and asked worriedly: "What happened to the little demon and the black cat?" Finally a messenger came, Dai Shu was very happy, but seeing this mechanical Eldar The situation, then it shows that the following is not optimistic.

His Royal Highness, Huan Ya and the others also looked at the dilapidated mechanical spirit clan strangely. His Royal Highness is very depressed now. He wanted to pretend to be a little bit aggressive. After all, she is the queen of the elves, how beautiful...

However, the elves didn't look at me at all, His Royal Highness was naturally very unhappy, so he could only bully the guys of other races.

At this time, representatives of other races also came, the chief of the Fujishan tribe and the leaders of several small tribes such as Obogu.

The chief of the Fujishan Tribe, tsk tsk, is another powerhouse at the limit Douluo level, and he also brings a few titled Douluo, etc...

Dai Shu was surprised, why don't the strong men on the Mist Continent not need money?

There are three Limit Douluo, right?What about some that didn't show up?
Dai Shu said she wasn't afraid, that was impossible, after all, Yan Wuhua, the highest cultivation Douluo from the other side of Xingdou Village, was not there, nor were the more powerful Big Hei Niu and Grimacing Ape.

Relying on strength can't be said.

Although their soul guide technology is powerful, in terms of hard power, they simply cannot compete with so many people.

The mechanical spirit clan and Dai Shu explained the situation, Dai Shu's face became very ugly, she immediately arranged a maintenance team to repair the mechanical spirit clan.

The metal body is still there, and there is nothing wrong with the spirit body, so it can be resurrected. The mechanical spirit race is so terrifying.

"Sister Dai Shu, how is it? Is there any news from Mao Xiaoyao and the others?" Lin Qingxian asked worriedly. Seeing that Dai Shu's face was so ugly at this time, something must have happened.

"Speak quickly! And, get out of the way quickly, otherwise, we will have to force it in!"

"Stop our army of the three races, we really doubt that your purpose is to delay the time for the demons to appear?" His Royal Highness is very vicious, and he found that he is only the Poole Empire. Race, that is, human race, alien race, elf race!

There are some righteous men among them!One by one they approached with powerful aura threats, and the spirit beasts were also very nervous, but they dared not do anything without Dai Shu's order.

On the side of the elves, it was more simple and rude. Atorst ignored everything and flew in directly to check the situation of the Demon Sealing Crater. Seeing this, some powerful people ignored Dai Shu and the others and went in.

Huan Ya nodded and went in too.

His Royal Highness looked at it with contempt, then swaggered in, the army was mighty...

However, Dai Shu still didn't respond, the soul beasts were anxious, she was silent, she was thinking about the mechanical spirit clan sent back by the black cat just now, thinking about what it said!

"The demons have come! At this moment, the black cat is stopping them!" Dai Shu put on the induction helmet again, and said to Lin Qingxian: "You guys, if there is no way to block the demonic energy, then it is best not to let the army in, we I'm not on the defensive now, the black cat is in danger, I have to go down and save her!" She nodded apologetically, she didn't want to say too much since the matter was over.

At the same time, Dai Shu took a look at the alien troops who were not moving at all, and looked at Obogu, who was also looking at her.

It seems that the only people with any brains are simple-minded aliens.

(End of this chapter)

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