The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 391 Darkness and Light!

Chapter 391 Darkness and Light!
"Xiao Yao, let's go! There is a grimacing ape watching here. Anyway, don't you have to wait for the materials?"

Holding Mao Xiaoyao's hand, the black cat looked forward to it, no matter what Huanya said was true or not, she didn't want to miss this opportunity, the yin and yang were in harmony, there must be something wrong with her physique with Mao Xiaoyao.

However, looking at the reaction, Mao Xiaoyao must have known something, and she also knew...

"Athorst will lead the elves to guard here, and those humans and aliens will definitely not leave. Maybe, our elves have the materials you need." Huan Ya smiled lightly, and the fairy smiled just like that, with blond hair and blue eyes It's a pity that the queen of the elves doesn't have the aura that belongs to the queen, but is a little cute.

This is estimated to be a trainee queen.

Huan Ya also said some conditions that the little cat could not refuse, time does not wait for the soul beast, so he must get busy with the affairs of the Mist Continent as soon as possible.

Time, time again, now that Tang Wulin is back in Douluo Dalu, Shrek Academy will be bombed, and then the conflict will start.

The cat demon who was in deep thought held the soft little hand of the black cat, squeezed her looking forward to her, smiled, then looked at Fanya, and said: "I have no reason to refuse your conditions, so let's go now Time is not on our side, the sooner the better." He also understands what the black cat is thinking, and that is also his pain, so, for the sake of the black cat, he can be an elf and go to see that someone.

Huanya nodded, and three cute white deer appeared behind him, they were originally intended to be mounts, but the hover car appeared, and the cat demon and black cat were already waiting for Huanya.

This is the fastest way of transportation. In order to hurry up and deal with the affairs of the demons, the little cat is not afraid to expose them on the foggy continent.

Huanya was a little embarrassed, yes, Mao Xiaoyao possessed some terrifying things, faster than any mount, after giving the mission to Artolst, she also got on the car and took off!

Throughout the whole process, Huan Ya was eating cat food!The black cat lay in the cat demon's arms the whole time, while Huanya told the hovering car spirit the location of the elves, and let the hovering car soul fly according to that position.

"You, how do you reconcile?" Mao Xiaoyao couldn't help asking, a little embarrassed, as if to solve infertility.

The road to the elves was not so fast, but the hearts of him and the black cat were no longer so peaceful, because they were both eager to solve the problem, and they would feel at ease after it was resolved.

Otherwise, this question is like a big mountain, pressing hard on the two of them, making them both breathless.

That will become a knot in the heart, and after a long time, it will become a problem, a problem that affects them.

That's why the cat demon agreed to go to the elves, and the black cat had no reason to refuse to go. They all hope that there is really a way to solve the problem of fertility difficulties.

It's embarrassing, but that's the truth.

"Eh..." Hearing Mao Xiaoyao's question, the black cat in his arms suddenly got up, looking forward to looking at Huan Ya, what is the solution? ? ?But no matter what the method is, as long as she can, then she can give everything to do it.

She must fix this problem!

"The ancient tree of life can purify everything! The problem of your infertility is mainly caused by the cat demon. He has too much evil aura, which is opposite to your aura, black cat. That's why your fertility has become so poor. "Huan Ya said quietly, this problem is originally a normal phenomenon of yin and yang reconciliation, but once one party exceeds that balance, it will cause some problems. Of course, she has only read about these things in ancient books, and there are a few specific cases.

"I'm sorry, Black Cat, actually I..."

Mao Xiaoyao said sadly, his face was full of guilt, he actually knew about this problem a long time ago, but he didn't tell the black cat because he was afraid that she would be sad...

His solution is to wait until everything is resolved and the soul beasts live a stable life, then completely abolish his cultivation and stop absorbing evil energy, so that he will have no influence.

The gentle black cat looked back at Mao Xiaoyao, smiled, and then hugged him tightly, saying: "You are like that, you never think about yourself, you are always so stupid, but I just like you so much." She knew The little cat has done everything for the soul beasts, but sometimes she also thinks, with Gu Yue and the others, can the little cat be lazy and pay more attention to the people around her?
Mao Xiaoyao was very guilty, and hugged the black cat tightly, he had no choice but to push him on that road.

Just like the demons this time!Not too much, not too little, just right, the evil cat family can absorb the magic energy, so who will the important work be entrusted to?
Then it must be the cat demon himself!
He clearly knew that absorbing magic energy would be harmful to his body, but what could he do?
He is the only cat in this world who is extremely lustful and evil. If he doesn't absorb it, can it be that the black cat and the others can't absorb it?

Therefore, sometimes he is really helpless, helpless, helpless, everything has been arranged, and he has no way to resist.

Just like coming into this world by yourself?
Mao Xiaoyao looked deeply out of the car window, white clouds and blue sky, he was thinking, thinking about Yaosheng, thinking about the next road.

Huanya didn't say anything, she closed her eyes and rested her mind, she sat and waited quietly, with traces of soul power surrounding her, she suddenly discovered that the cat demon really loves black cats, loves them very much, if only to solve Fertility problems.

Then, he only needs to choose an ordinary girl, and the pure light attribute of the black cat is itself a conflict, darkness and light!
What the hell is this?

A long time, a long time, I don't know how long.

When the spirit of the levitating car passed a place, it suddenly stopped and could not move. No matter how it was pushed, it could not move forward.

As if there is any resistance.

"Who is invading our elves' land?" A voice said coldly, several powerful figures suddenly appeared, holding weapons, looking at the hover vehicle one by one, all holding bows and arrows, blond and blue-eyed.

"Here we are, below are our elves." Huan Ya opened her green eyes, big eyes, very beautiful, golden hair shawl, faintly shining, like a strand of gold thread, at this moment, she is casting a spell, her little hands are condensing the soul Force, because the hover car was trapped by the elf barrier and couldn't move.

The hover car descended slowly and landed on the grass.

Huanya was the first to come down, and the elves surrounding the levitating car looked respectful: "Queen!" They didn't expect it to be Her Lady Queen.

"Well! They are all my friends!" Huan Ya pointed to the cat demon and the black cat and smiled. Sure enough, it's better to go back to the elves. Although the outside world is very magical, it is too dangerous and too dangerous. confusion.

The black cat nodded, then hugged the little cat's arm, looked strangely at the few elves around, looked around, in fact, this place is similar to the Star Dou Great Forest.

Seeing the faces of the elves with no good expressions, Mao Xiaoyao scratched his head, the elves are really a terrible race, evil spirits, they have already hidden themselves, how could they still be discovered?

Mao Xiaoyao didn't care about anything, but looked at the barrier, there was something about this transparent barrier, and now he couldn't break it.

(End of this chapter)

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