The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 407 Go in if you can!

Chapter 407 Go in if you can!


"I lost, you are very strong, but your realm is obviously not as good as mine, why..." the Limit Douluo said bitterly, he lost, lost to the young woman in front of him, he has no chance of winning, and his cultivation base is strong It was useless, and he still lost to the opponent.

Just the opponent's strange armor, he is helpless, unable to break through!

It's like a tall man in the sixth grade, when he went to the first grade to dominate, he was beaten up and cried by a small man in the third year who passed by.


Very humiliating.

Yan Wuhua, Douluo of the other side said lightly: "The Misty Continent is very special, and your unique physique will make you stronger." Winning or losing is normal, but she saw something different, that is the other party's soul ring. Each soul ring is related to one's own soul skills, and each soul skill is also related to martial souls.

They all seem to be related to each other!
This is probably the magic of this world. It is a world of its own. According to Mao Xiaoyao, the world beyond the Douluo Continent is very magical and mysterious.

They form their own soul rings, maybe the soul beasts live here, and they don't have to worry about being killed to take the soul rings.

"If you lose, you lose. I'm in Kers of the Sunset Empire. May I ask your name?" The Limit Douluo asked again. The other party was very powerful. This friend, after all, he is not the idiots of the Allen Empire.

Since people can act safely with the elves inside, then naturally they have their own reasons, and it is unwise to provoke them.

"Xingdou Forest, Xingdou Village, Bian Douluo, Yan Wuhua." Yan Wuhua replied lightly, very natural and indifferent, glanced at those thoughtful people lightly, and warned: "All challengers are welcome, anyway , you all like to use strength to speak, and I, strength is like that. I don't want anyone to sneak behind the scenes, since everyone wants to fight among themselves, and hope that the demons will invade the foggy continent, then it's very good, then let you go in, please!"


Yan Wuhua said coldly, the two-color black and white eyes revealed an aura of life and death, and the strands of pale yellow, she knew that she was not invincible in the foggy continent, but those powerful people would not Fight her desperately, once she does, she will not die, but those people will either die or be injured.

Heaven is bound very much.

Kesr's face twitched slightly. The opponent was very strong. Although he felt uncomfortable, could their army, those bows and arrows really fight against the metal army?

He said: "I am the army of the Sunset Empire, and I am willing to contribute to the eradication of the demons. Before that, it was the Allen Empire's own initiative, not what we meant."

Borrowing the next price hike, following the trend, the representatives of other imperial races also said that it was the idea of ​​the Allen Empire that it had nothing to do with them.

"I hope so. If you don't accept it, you can go in. I'll wait for you inside." It's a crime to stand on the sidelines, but seeing that the little cat didn't intend to continue to pursue responsibility, Yan Wuhua also left such a simple sentence, and then flew in to seal the demon Moreover, the crater also left the Sunset Empire with a huge problem.

How do they get in?

Before they tried to send people in, they became a demonized creature within a few steps, otherwise, they wouldn't have waited until now to snatch those soul armors.

Glancing lightly and frowning, Mao Xiaoyao also left, entered the soul guide transport plane, swaggered in front of the Sunset Empire and the others, started it, took off, everything was like being at home.

He didn't take them seriously at all, after all, it was still the same sentence: Shoot me with a bow and arrow!

Weapons are not of the same grade, and the overall strength is not directly proportional.

For example, two people with high kung fu meet for a PK, but what!One came in armor, with a knife in his hand, one with bare hands...

For a reason, people in the Mist Continent are fighting with bare hands, unless they have absolute strength and can kill everything with one punch.

However, everyone has strength, what do you use to kill in seconds?

Inside the soul guide transport plane, Huan Ya looked at the corpses of the soldiers of the Allen Empire below. As an elf, she really couldn't bear it, so she couldn't help saying: "Everyone is to resist the demons, you do that..." She didn't show up, It's because she can't get out at all, and the cat demon doesn't seem to want the elves to meddle in their business.

The Ninth Elder was also angry, and said: "You are really a cruel person who kills innocent people indiscriminately." Some elders were not convinced by Mao Xiaoyao, but now seeing Mao Xiaoyao's actions, they naturally want to get angry.

Snake Seven also has a bad temper. He rolled up his sleeves, but was blocked by Yan Wuhua. After a cold look, Snake Seven was scared.

The cute little rabbit rolled his eyes, and then scolded: "Old thing." The six-year-old cute baby scolded, with a long single ponytail tossed, it seems very cute, the rabbit has changed a lot after the experience, used to eat grass , Now she is a meat-eating rabbit.

Just do it if you don't accept it.

"Little boy." Ninth Elder blew his beard and stared, but he couldn't understand like a child, so he had to endure it and quietly watched how Mao Xiaoyao answered the next thing.

"Huan Ya, what if you were the one who was bullied just now? Will these old fellows stand up for you?"

Mao Xiaoyao asked with a smile, they have already arrived at the crater of Fengmo Volcano, the soul beast army and the elf army are going down one by one.

Huan Ya turned her head to look at the Ninth Elder, could it be?
"Naturally! Those who hurt my elf queen will have to pay the price in blood." Ninth Elder said, proudly speaking in front of Huanya, and it was only natural, after all, she was their queen.

Who doesn't open their eyes? (Cat Demon: ???)

Huanya's pupils widened slightly, as if she understood something, no wonder Mao Xiaoyao was so angry.

The cat demon smiled without saying a word, opened the hatch, went out directly, and began to absorb the surrounding purple magic energy, what a delicious magic energy, it seemed very refreshing.

Ninth Elder is confused, what do you mean?
The black cat and Dai Shu also went out, not looking at anything, but Dai Shu was very moved, with tears in her eyes.

"Old man, sister Dai Shu is our deputy leader. Whoever dares to hurt her is our enemy and will pay the price with his life, no matter who it is!"

The little rabbit was very arrogant, and the armored body also flew out, ignoring the Ninth Elder and the others.

The soul beast troops and the mechanical spirit clan troops all went out and gathered outside, waiting for the little cat.

"Let's go! Don't forget what you said, if you don't obey my order, then you will be punished!" Huan Ya led the elf troops out, each of them is a master of elf warriors, she Nothing will happen to the clansmen, so they must absolutely obey the command. She also warned the Ninth Elder and them.

Don't make trouble.

Ninth Elder and the others nodded, "Yes!" However, they were also very unhappy.

Huan Ya also went out, just after leaving, Atolst came to greet them, everyone was there, nothing happened.

The cat demon is currently checking the situation at the crater of sealing demons. He can't see any demons, but there is a lot of demonic energy, which seems to be bad news.

"How? What should I do!" Huan Ya also came, looked at the entrance of the cave and asked, there was too much purple magic energy at the entrance of the cave, and it kept spreading out. She felt very uncomfortable, and it was hard to imagine the huge magic energy inside. .

"I will open the way. The mechanical spirit clan will go down with me. You elves and my people will go down together. Two lines of defense will go down, and the third line will be at the entrance of the cave. Make sure that none of the demons can escape."

"Dai Shu, let those humans come in and give them soul guide armor."

"We need some powerful forces. I now suspect that there may be masters from the Demon Race."

The demonic energy has changed, become more and more powerful, so the demons below must be the same. Now that they have changed, they have to think of some countermeasures.

"But..." Dai Shu hesitated.

Mao Xiaoyao lightly smiled, "Don't worry, it's us, it's us after all."

Dai Shu looked at Mao Xiaoyao in disbelief, and suddenly understood something, then nodded and asked someone to arrange it.

"We elves have no problem." Huan Ya also nodded and said, she obeyed the arrangement of the little cat, after all, the mother told her to obey the little cat, although she didn't want to listen to the little cat, but the words of the little cat, She has to listen.

 it has started
(End of this chapter)

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