Chapter 418 Hero?

"What's going on? Where's the little demon?"

Seeing the rabbit and the others coming out, still hugging the unconscious black cat, Dai Shu looked towards the entrance of the cave and asked.

Lin Qingxian and the others were also worried, because it wasn't just the rabbit, it seemed that many people came out, many people, and, there were many people, they would never come out...

Does it include cat demons?

"Little demon, in order to cover our retreat, we chose to perish with that demon clan." The rabbit cried loudly, tears dripping down, on the black cat's haggard face, maybe the cry was too loud, maybe the tears were too idle, the black cat woke up up...

"No, little demon!!!" After waking up, the black cat wanted to break free from the rabbit's embrace, and quickly rushed to the entrance of the cave. The rabbit and Dai Shu didn't stop her, but Yan Wuhua stopped her again and hugged her.

"The volcano erupted, hurry up, get out!" The elves, aliens, humans, soul beasts, and some remaining troops retreated quickly, because a huge heat was surging...

It's the smell of a volcanic eruption...

"I'm going to save the little demon." The black cat wept sadly, with sad eyes begging Yan Wuhua, she couldn't leave the little demon cat, she couldn't...

"Calm down."

Taking a deep breath, Yan Wuhua's eyes turned red, and she also said: "In order to save us, the little demon chose to entangle with that demigod demon clan. He knew that he was no match, but he still chose to do that."

Booming, volcanic eruption, at the beginning, unable to erupt magma, the army retreated quickly, and the alliance on the other side was also retreating...


"He's all here to keep us alive. Don't tell me, are you going to die?" Boom boom, just as the words fell, the volcanic lava erupted, and the power of destructive flames fell...

Allied forces are retreating, all are retreating...

"But, I can't leave him." The black cat cried.

Yan Wuhua protected the black cat from the hot magma that flew down. The place where the magma flew down happened to be a forest, and the forest fire spread.

"I'm sorry, black cat!" Yan Wuhua forced the black cat to go out. No matter what, she couldn't let the little cat waste her life in vain.

The black cat was heartbroken, spat out a mouthful of blood, and passed out, but no matter what, Yan Wuhua would not let her pass...


Everyone is retreating. The Fengmo Volcano, which has not erupted for many years, has erupted completely, and the scope is very wide.

Everyone thought that the demons inside must have all died, and there was nothing left.

However, above the sky, a cat demon and the demigod were fighting, they still fought, and the cat demon brought the demigod out with the help of the volcanic eruption, and let him look at the sky, look at the ground.

Those who retreated below were panicked, sad, and sad, but they would never know that above the endless sky, the cat demon and the demigod demons were still fighting...

Everyone also saw the great changes in the world, the thunder bursts, shaking the whole world...

It seems that God is angry.

"So what about the demigods, hehe, leave this world! This world does not belong to you." The cat demon turned into a human form, and he was beaten back into a human form, covered in scars. At this moment, the essence and blood in his body were completely burned , the body has no feeling, but he is still holding on to the demigod demon.

God's punishment came.

The demigods were punished by the order of heaven and earth. This world does not welcome a strong man of his level, and even less like a robber to destroy the world.

And, an evil guy named Mao Xiaoyao, Lei Jie also punished him...

At the same time, the demigods were forced to ascend, and this world does not allow him to exist, and the cat demon just hitched a ride...

"One day, I will find you!!!" The demigod demon said angrily, he couldn't resist the ending of being forced to leave, after all, he was not a god yet.

Although the sky thundered and the punishment fell on Mao Xiaoyao, he was still forced to leave.

"The entrance to the fissure of the demons has not been sealed, so my army of demons can still come over, haha, and you are about to die." The demigod demon looked at the cat demon who had been attacked by the thunder rolling, laughed, and said, Poor, God will not let this lustful evil cat go, he taunted: "Haha, killed by the world you protect!!!"

The sky thunder rolled, every blow represented destruction, even the demigods and demons couldn't bear it, but the cat demon has been bearing it all the time.

"Someone will go to seal it. You are not the only demigod in this world." The cat demon smiled wickedly, spitting out a mouthful of blood, the punishment of heaven and earth was over, and he began to land. If the entanglement continues, the demigods will be forced to ascend, and the demigods will stay away from this world.

Well, his mission is accomplished!
After the Great Elder of the Elf Clan seals the entrance to the Crack of the Demon Clan, the Misty Continent will be very safe, and the soul beasts will have a safe home...

Gu Yue and the others will have a retreat.

black cat...

Mu Xi...


do not.

Mao Xiaoyao gently closed his eyes, tears rolled down his face, he was still sorry for himself and the two girls whom he loved deeply, lost his last sense of consciousness, and fell into the sea very quickly...


At that moment, Mao Xiaoyao even saw his mother and his mother, they were looking at him!Smiling and waving.

do not!

The crater of Fengmo Crater erupted continuously for seven days and seven nights, resulting in a hot magma surrounding it. The temperature was so high that no one with the title Douluo realm could get close to it, because the end of the big eruption would never stop small burst of...

active volcano!
The United Army stayed in a safe area for seven days and seven nights. They didn't find any demons coming out, so they all left slowly...

The entire Fog Continent is reveling, celebrating the victory, celebrating their victory.

However, the sad black cat also cried for a long time, neither eating nor drinking. If Yan Wuhua hadn't stopped her all the time, she would have entered the crater of Fengmo Volcano...

"How about the black cat?"

The soul beasts did not leave, they were waiting for their leader to return, surrounded by six soul guide transport planes tightly, forming a fortress, and the remaining hundreds of mechanical spirit clans and more than 100 soul beasts guarded them day and night.

At this time, Huan Ya was holding a leaf, her eyes were red and sad, because she would never see her mother again, that day, a figure that rushed into the sky included her mother...

The only message is: "The entrance to the fissure of the demon clan has been sealed..." That was the last message that the mother used the soul power elf to bring to her...

For seven days, she never saw her mother again, and the elves went up and the whole family was distraught...

Humans, alien races, have already withdrawn, because they already know the news of the seal at the entrance of the fissure of the demon race, and they will never forget the name of the cat demon, the person who saved the foggy continent...

At the same time, they also began to be vigilant, a terrifying Star Dou Village...

"I don't eat or drink, I've been crying all the time. If this goes on, I'm afraid she won't be able to think about it. I have already called Cangyuhe to come over and ask her to take care of the black cat." Dai Shu sighed softly, with a haggard face, the same She also cried for a long time, but she would only cry secretly in a place where no one was there. After crying and wiping away her tears, she still had to smile and face the clansmen.

Huanya sighed, took a piece and went in, seeing the black cat lying on the bed, lying quietly, tears dried up, and sad eyes, she was very distressed...

Dai Shu also came in.

The Cangyu Crane was examining the body of the black cat.

"Let me go! I want to go to Xiao Yao, I beg you, there will be nothing wrong with Xiao Yao, I don't believe, he will die so easily." Seeing Dai Shu and Huan Ya come in, the black cat got up and begged to see Looking at them, the tears are already falling, she is praying...

Hurriedly going to lay down the weak black cat, Dai Shu said: "Sister Wuhua and the others have already searched for it, and they have already searched for it. Once there is any news, they will notify us immediately, black cat, you need to rest."

Huanya was also hesitant to speak, how could it be possible to live in such a high temperature?But, she looked at Ye Zi, what should she do?

"But, I..." The black cat was crying, hugging the quilt, and crying. She would never believe that the little cat would die so easily.

"Rest and cultivate your body. Now, you are no longer alone. If you are ruining your body, then how can you treat the leader?"

Cang Yuhe said seriously, and at the same time, there was a slight smile on his face, and then he was sad again, because the black cat was not willing to cooperate with the treatment at all.

"What do you mean?" Dai Shu looked at Cangyuhe in confusion, what does it mean that there are not only one person, but there are two people?Could it be...

"Yes, the black cat is pregnant! I detected a very weak life fluctuation in her body." Cangyuhe said happily, the whole Xingdou Village knew about the hard work of the black cat and the cat demon. Black cats are those spirit beasts with children everywhere.

Ask about experience.

"Black cat!" Dai Shu looked at the black cat excitedly and said, the black cat has a child of the little cat...


"Child..." The black cat's whole body was trembling, some were happy, some were sad, wanted to be happy but were sad, was she pregnant?I finally have a child, but where is the child's father?

Where is the cat demon?

 Where is the cat demon?
(End of this chapter)

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