The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 422 The Thunder Bear of the Wild Land!

Chapter 422 The Thunder Bear of the Wild Land!

"Where is this?"

"The devil..."

"Black cat, Mu Xi..."


The cat demon wakes up and slowly opens her crystal clear blue eyes. The sunshine in the world is so beautiful, and the air is so fresh. It's a pity that it smells of alcohol. But why is the world turned upside down?

Embarrassing, he was hanged...Hanging on a tree, his whole body was weak, except for his eyes and mouth, he didn't have any sensation in other parts of his body. He didn't even know that something was being exposed to the air...

Suddenly, a loli with two ponytails appeared, drinking, hiccupping, smelling alcohol, looking at him cutely, and asked, "Are you a soul beast?" , I have been drinking and drinking, but I am not drunk, but I am not sober.

"I heard from humans that you can get a lot of benefits by exchanging you for rewards." Little Lolita smiled and squeezed the soft chin of Mao Xiaoyao. Seeing the scars on his body, she was a little surprised, and suddenly He poured wine and asked, "Do you drink?" It seemed that when she asked the question, the wine in her hand had already moved, no matter whether she drank it or not, she poured it up first... Letting the little cat drink upside down, that was a divine manipulation...

It's a pity that the cat demon doesn't even have the strength to speak, his body is empty, a piece of dead ashes, the green demon core has turned gray, and the blood of the demon clan has been burned, but for some reason, the blood that belongs to human beings can be preserved...

"But your current aura, no matter how you look at it, looks like a human being. Or, you are transforming once, and let me see that big black cat with wings just now, how about it?" Little Lolita was very obsessed with the extremely Yuxiemao, because it was the first time she saw such an evil guy, but since she could transform into a human, how could she become a human again?
Mao Xiaoyao weakly looked at the little girl with two ponytails, that aura seemed to be...

"You are a soul beast, do you know Gu Yue, the Silver Dragon King? Where is this place? Did you save me?" There seems to be no soul beast on the foggy continent, so it means that I am no longer in the fog On the mainland, moreover, it can transform into form, and the little cat will not mistake that breath, because there are many in Xingdou Village.

I don't know how about the Mist Continent, the Great Elder of the Elf Race, and finally, whether there is a crack in the seal of the Demon Race, and finally, whether the demigod Demon Race was really forcibly summoned, and whether the Black Cat and the others are safe...

Feeling powerless, Mao Xiaoyao wanted to go back and check everything, but, he was crippled, he couldn't feel any breath, his cultivation was crippled, his demon core was crippled, there was only pure human blood in his body, and his body was crippled, there was no blood below his neck. without any consciousness...

Survive a catastrophe, but also crippled...

He can no longer protect Black Cat and Mu Xi like before, and now, he is just a waste...

"You, you, you, didn't answer my question, but let us answer your question, it's really unreasonable!" The double-tailed loli was very angry, and she was drinking, she was also shocked in her heart, but there was no expression on her face.

She was unexpectedly seen through by an unknown guy. At this moment, she even wanted to kill the guy in front of her...

"Sun Moon Federation, Xihai, what kind of Silver Dragon King, I don't know, but you actually recognized my identity. It seems that you, the evil soul master in the mouth of human beings, doesn't seem to be that simple." Jean, the loli with two ponytails threatened, and said coldly: "Tell me, who are you and why do you know my identity?" With a murderous look, the claws cut the neck of the little cat, blood dripped, tick-tock, but, the little cat The demon can't feel any pain, and he doesn't have any fear. Perhaps, giving himself such a crippled body without death is the most terrible punishment.

"Human world, Xihai." Mao Xiaoyao tightly closed his eyes, and said calmly, "I can only see your aura. Since you don't know the Silver Dragon King, then you shouldn't be from the Star Forest."

"I am also a half-soul beast!" Half of them are not, and now I am only a human being, and no one seems to believe what I say...

It's just that he didn't expect that there is a soul beast that can transform into a shape. He doesn't know the Silver Dragon King, so how did she transform into a shape?

Shapeshifting Dan?
Silver Dragon King?
Or, the cultivation base has arrived?

It seems that there are only three possibilities, but now I can't feel anything specific, and the cat demon can't be sure.

"A human being, who says he is a soul beast, hehe, do you think I will believe it?" The twin-tailed loli forcefully said, blood began to bleed from her neck, a stream of pure human blood, the cat demon's explanation was so superfluous.


"Why don't you talk?" Lolita with two ponytails saw that the cat demon was not in any pain, so she didn't continue talking, and suddenly got a little angry and furious. What does this mean, close your eyes and enjoy?
Mao Xiaoyao said very weakly: "I am the one who deserves to die. To be alive may be the world's punishment for me. I will not let him punish me!" And everyone, he would rather be killed! ! !
But he is not reconciled.

He also couldn't explain his identity, human beings are human beings, and he was originally half human.



"Then you hang yourself to death!" The twin-tailed loli was very angry, and smashed the wine bottle hard on the little cat's head, blood was dripping instantly, the human body is so weak...

Mao Xiaoyao closed her eyes, didn't speak, and let the blood flow...

One day, two days, three days, little loli never came again, it was as if she disappeared...

However, when she reappeared, she was a little surprised to see that the little cat was not dead. His vitality was very tenacious, but his body was very weak, as if his blood had been emptied...

Phew, the rope broke, the little cat landed head first, and hit the ground hard, bang, there was no reaction, just opened his eyes, after all, his body couldn't move...

"You kill me!" Opening his eyes, Mao Xiaoyao said weakly: "Kill me, you can take my body to exchange for rewards, remember to disguise and go quietly."

Seeing no hope of surviving, he doesn't want to drag down the one he loves, after all, he is now...

"Why can't you be aboveboard? You are an evil soul master, a federally wanted criminal. Is it possible that you are afraid that I will be retaliated by the evil soul master?" The twin-tailed loli drank a sip of wine, dazedly, and said, "Evil soul master is a ball !"

"Then it's up to you, just kill me." Mao Xiaoyao said, by doing that, he just didn't want the girl in front of him to fight directly with the soul beast.

"Okay." The twin-tailed loli radiated the power of lightning from all over her body, and instantly injected it into the little cat's body. The little cat, who was waiting for death, did not wait for his own death. …

Without any cultivation level, he actually attracted lightning into his body, devoured the lightning, and felt numb. For a moment, he actually felt...

"Shock me, keep shocking me!" Mao Xiaoyao excitedly said, he seemed to see the possibility of regaining consciousness...

"Hurry up, you flat-chested loli, you're electric..." Mao Xiaoyao couldn't help cursing, what's the matter with this little loli, why don't you continue?
"What are you talking about!" Lolita with two ponytails yelled angrily, her aura changed little by little, she seemed to hate people calling her flat-chested the most!

Stepped on the thunder...

"O" was stunned, the cat demon saw the unbelievable picture, the flat-chested loli who was scolded by him turned into a 36D scary Yujie, who beat him up and gave him random electricity...



(End of this chapter)

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