The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 424 Curse yourself?

Chapter 424 Curse yourself?
"..." Regarding this ancient soul beast, Mao Xiaoyao didn't know what to say, Old Antique, she was able to stay in the West Sea for such a long time, drinking and drinking every day, and not caring about anything.

Neither do nor think.

If it's not because of love, then something must have happened, otherwise, I won't be addicted to drinking every day, after all, a few sips per minute, a huge amount.

Or, sick in the head, drunkard!
"For your current situation, shouldn't we take the big road?" Xiaoxiong scratched her head and wondered. She took a serious look at the map and found that this broken map was not accurate at all. It seemed that she hadn't appeared in the city for a long time. On this big road...

how to get to?
Why, everyone looks at their carriage?
Is there a problem?

"Sun Moon Empire, Star Luo Empire, and Heaven Dou Empire, isn't there three countries? Why, so much has changed now?" Little Bear was very puzzled. At this time, the carriage was about to enter a town. The soldiers of Doukai wanted to check. At the notice at the city gate, there was a crystal screen, which showed a picture of Mao Xiaoyao's handsome, suave, and Yushu Linfeng, anyway, he thought so.

"It has been unified for 1 years, and now there is only one country, and that is the Sun-Moon Federation. Xingluo, Tiandou, they have gone to live on other continents." Old Antique, Violent Baby, and Mao Xiaoyao were a little speechless, and said: "Then , you must not know, the current situation of the Star Dou Great Forest! The soul beasts are almost extinct..." The current situation of the little bear is like the first time when the little cat came to this world. It was strange, and so out of place.

The human world has been unified, and now the Sun Moon Federation is managing the Douluo Continent. The situation 1 years ago was when Huo Yuhao left. His child was a king, and his country would naturally be unified.

"..." Little Bear was stunned, extinct?
Just when she was in a daze, they finally arrived at them. The soldiers took out the soul guidance equipment to check, but she seemed a little nervous. It was her first time to go out. The situation here seemed to be more developed than that remote town.

What, I don't know.

"Don't move, relax, let them check, it's okay." Mao Xiaoyao reminded, it seems that there is nothing wrong with normal inspection, but there is a problem...

"Where are you going, what are you going to do?" The guard asked puzzled, looking at the little bear's animal fur coat, a bit strange, and there was a guy lying on the car.

The strange duo naturally caught their attention, facing people and carriages, they had to check one more time.

"Take my brother to see a doctor." Little Xiong cooperated very well, because she saw a huge metal man five or six meters high. What is that?Why is it about the same size as her body?

Taking out an imperial identity card, Lista and Tataxi, a pair of brother and sister, come from a small place by the west coast, their identities are real, there is no problem, the inspection passed.

The guard handed the ID card to Little Bear, and then gave Mao Xiaoyao a strange look, and said, "Why, in your brother's information, there is no record of his disability?" The girl kept drinking, and the guards were stunned. They can't drink so hard...

Little Bear froze for a moment, what should I do?what to do?She was drinking non-stop, but she couldn't think of how to explain it. She clenched the bottle tightly and prepared to do it...


"Cat demon, ying ying, they are all cat demons." The cat demon cried loudly, crying loudly.

The two soldiers were startled, what do you mean?
"That time, I discovered that the little cat was preparing to launch a very evil attack in the West Sea. I was greedy for rewards and wanted to catch him with my sister, but..." The tears started to burst into tears, and the little cat started crying, blah Crying, very pitiful, "Sir, I'm useless, hey, you must go to the West Sea to catch the cat demon, right in the West Sea, West Sea..." He couldn't transmit the sound, otherwise, he could communicate with the little bear.

Regarding the matter of identity, when they passed by a mountainous area before, a few fools came out to rob them. Among them were two brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, that group was swallowed up, and the cat demon also had a piece of clothing and an ID card .

Fortunately, there is no bad information on the ID card record, otherwise, it will be very troublesome...

"What? The little cat is actually in the West Sea? Could it be that the little cat really couldn't do it to attack two three-character combat armor masters?"

"I've been saying it's the cat demon all the time, it seems it's really him, pity those two seniors..." From the conversations of the guards, it can be seen that their identities should be from Shrek Academy.

Moreover, everyone hates the cat demon very much. After all, there are so many legends about the cat demon, and now they hear the victim's own words, and they feel deeply.

"Brother Tataxi, don't worry, we will report to the higher-ups, and someone will definitely avenge you!"

"You can heal your wounds at ease. We still have a lot of doctors in Beihai. If something happens, call me." The soldier took out the message, as if expecting something...

"Little bear, communicator!" Mao Xiaoyao said anxiously suddenly, it's terrible, it's terrible, the ancient little loli doesn't seem to know what a communicator is...

Little Xiong was stunned for a moment, she had never seen such a brazen person who scolded herself, and, those two Contras were obviously killed by herself.

When did you become a cat demon?
Look, what is a communicator?
Keep looking, keep looking, can't find it, little bear is in a hurry, cat demon is also in a hurry...

However, the people queuing up were even more anxious. The soldier was very embarrassed. He took back his communicator and said, "It's okay, it's okay. You can come here to find me. Let's go!" The cat demon was beaten into a cripple, and the younger sister seemed to be stupid and kept drinking.

"Oh." Little Xiong got into the carriage, and the horse walked away... The carriage was far away from the city gate, and the cat demon kept crying, and when he left, he still scolded the cat demon, that is, scolded himself.

The guards were also angry one by one.

A dilapidated carriage appeared on the bustling avenue. People naturally paid more attention to it. However, seeing the little bear dressed up, people quickly felt relieved. After all, country people are so poor.

"I've never seen such a brazen person, you scold yourself, tell me! What happened to the Star Dou Forest? I heard that there are many soul beasts there, but I haven't been there for a long time." This is a long time but more than 1 years , Xiaoxiong looked at her ID card, when Mao Xiaoyao asked her to pretend to be this person, she didn't believe it, because she didn't know how to do it at all, but the strange magic that Mao Xiaoyao taught her, she could actually confuse the real one...

She had to admire the cat demon.

"It's okay." Mao Xiaoyao couldn't wipe his tears, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and he just got through, he looked at the blue sky and white clouds and said: "No, the area of ​​Star Dou Great Forest has been shrinking all the time, and human beings are almost gone. Destroy the soul beasts..."

"What!!!" Little Xiong suddenly shouted, turning back to look at Mao Xiaoyao coldly, before she couldn't do it, she always thought that Mao Xiaoyao was talking nonsense!

Some people on the street looked at Xiao Xiong with contempt even more. He was indeed a countryman, yelling and shouting, his quality is really poor.

"On the way to Shrek City, we won't pass by there. Go there if you have time, and then you'll understand. Now the pattern of mainlanders has changed, and soul beasts are not so scary." Mao Xiaoyao sighed softly In other words, judging from the soul ring obtained by killing the soul beast, the extinction of the soul beast seems to be destined by the heavens, which cannot be changed.

The bear's face was pale and ugly, how could it be like this?It is said that the Star Dou Great Forest is a sacred place for soul beasts, so how could there be so many soul beasts?
(End of this chapter)

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