The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 435 The Evil Soul Master's Strangeness!

Chapter 435 The Evil Soul Master's Strangeness!

Arrived, a big shopping mall, a shopping mall in Shrek City.

"Hi, Senior Sister Mu Xi." Hong Ling'er, Lan Siyi, will always be two people. They are also shopping, and Yan Li is also an angel, a demon, and a dual form. Anyway, she doesn't feel bored at all. .

Mu Xi also waved, "Ling'er, Siyi!" She also saw them, what a coincidence.

"Park your car here, don't run around, wait for me, you are a big metal monster now, don't let anyone catch you." Mu Xi explained a few words, and then walked with Ye Xingchen in the direction of Hong Ling'er and the others. , Ghost Wolf also followed slowly, keeping a certain distance, in the car, only 9527 Mao Xiaoyao was alone in an instant.

Honestly, that's impossible.

"Tianyan No. 3, are those guys there?" They just left!Mao Xiaoyao began to contact the Sky Eye satellite that has been monitoring in the sky. Since the recovery of the body needs to devour the evil soul master, then these guys who are the leaders of all evils are simply dead.

Tianyan Satellite No. 3 said: "Yes, but they are eating in a restaurant, and there are many people around. Sir, I suggest you not to do it now."

"Continue to monitor, and at the same time, monitor those who come into contact with them. I need to know what they are talking about." Mao Xiaoyao said, he must know what the evil soul master wants to do recently?Although he could obviously prevent things from happening, but Shrek Academy was bombed, Tangmen headquarters was bombed, and everything was beneficial to the soul beasts.

Besides, Yun Ming had to die, even if he wanted to be resurrected, he would not allow it.

"Well, the bee army has been dispatched." Tianyan Satellite No. 3 said, and then it opened a hole, and several bees started to move, grabbing things the size of corn, and began to enter the restaurant...

Mao Xiaoyao has seen a movie "Ant-Man", in which there is such a situation, controlling ant army to fight, but Mao Xiaoyao not only controls ants, he can control many small things now.

But, he can't control the plants!However, Tang Wulin can!Because, Tang Wulin will become a child of nature, and he will also get a bunch of 10-year-old plant soul beasts to help him, and the location is the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye! ! !

That's his benefit!

At this time, the bee landed very casually, after all, no one would pay attention to a bee, eavesdropping on the soul guide, and the installation was successful.

The wiretapping begins.

"It feels like a sci-fi movie!" Mao Xiaoyao complained immediately after hearing the voice. Now he is like some kind of spy, trying to obtain enemy intelligence, and he basically uses high-tech equipment.

However, soon, he couldn't be happy.

The dining room in the room is not accessible to ordinary people.

Secret conversation:

"Recently, we must collect information today, and we must ensure that Qingtian Douluo Yunming is in Shrek Academy."

"Unfortunately, the flag we buried in Shrek Academy for so many years was killed!"

"It's okay, kill one, we still have a few more, don't worry, we must make sure that when Yun Ming is here, we will notify the leader." The conversation in the private room was very mysterious, but it was still overheard by the cat demon There is a lot of information, and it is difficult for Mao Xiaoyao to digest it for a while.

The evil soul master actually arranged for spies to be in Shrek Academy?Moreover, was killed?Who is that?

Yun Ming?Qingtian Douluo?And what action would it be to bomb Shrek Academy?

Lord leader?It is estimated that it is the Holy Spirit Sect, an organization formed by a group of evil soul masters. They do not do good things all day long, but do some things that are devoid of conscience.

"Do we need to contact there again?"

"No, I don't need anything for the time being. We will wait until the matter on our side is resolved, but we can agree to their request."

"Over the East China Sea, we will send people to take a look!"

"Okay, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. We can't stay in the city for too long, or we will be exposed."

After finishing speaking, a group of evil soul masters immediately retreated, left the restaurant, got on the soul guide car, and stayed away from Shrek City.

After hearing some information, Mao Xiaoyao wanted to search for souls, but unfortunately, he has no cultivation base at all, but just because he has no cultivation base does not mean that he cannot kill those evil soul masters.

"Are you ready?" the cat demon asked.

"It has been placed, and at the same time, the target is within the monitoring range." Tianyan Satellite 3 said.

"Very good." Mao Xiaoyao also went out in the soul guide car. He was very happy to see that Hong Ling'er and the others were fine just now, as long as they are all well, now he needs to devour these evil soul masters.

Outside Shrek City, a soul guide car suddenly exploded, and the sound of the explosion was heard very far...

9527 The cat demon appeared, relying on the special soul guide armor, let the little rabbit soul control the movement, he quickly came to those screaming, but not dead people, these are the evil soul masters just now.

"It's useless to ask." Mao Xiaoyao snorted coldly. He wanted to ask some questions before, but he was almost killed by self-explosion. The evil soul masters are a bunch of lunatics.

Before they could take the poison or blow themselves up, Mao Xiaoyao gave each of them a shot of poison, instantly making them pass out, and they stopped screaming.

After all, some had broken hands, some had broken feet, some had their internal organs protruded, and their intestines were colorful...

Devouring, absorbing, Mao Xiaoyao had a happy face, when absorbing the devouring soul power and the opponent's martial soul, Mao Xiaoyao took off his helmet! ! !

After trying to move his fingers, Mao Xiaoyao found that his fingers finally had a little reaction. He was very happy...


"Stop!!!" The familiar blue silver grass, the familiar winding method, and the familiar voice said...


Without looking back or responding, he put on his helmet in an instant, and under the command of 9527 Mao Xiaoyao, the little soul rabbit crazily avoided the blue silver grass that wanted to entangle him. At the same time, he raised his hand vigorously to become an energy cannon! ! !

Boom, smash those blue silver grasses. ,
However, an invisible dagger, flashing golden light, slammed into the metal head helmet of 9527 Cat Demon, bang bang, with great force, it was an attack from Xie Xie, the Shadow Dragon Dagger.

Light Dragon Dagger, Shadow Dragon Dagger, and Xie Xie of Twin Martial Souls blocked the way of 9527 Cat Demon, "Where are you running! How dare you commit murder in Shrek City?" Xie Xie frowned. , Who is it?

It looks strange.

"Who the hell are you?" Tang Wulin also arrived. He, who hadn't really reached the two-word combat armor, was also very powerful at this time. A thousand days of burying the dragon allowed him to be blessed by the souls of the entire dragon clan, making him very terrifying.

Tang Wulin's hair was tingling with horror seeing the mummies with distorted and hideous faces. This death was exactly the same as the one he had seen on the soul guide train.

"Boss Wu Lin, let's go! Catch him, and he will naturally understand everything." Xie Xie was impatient and couldn't waste time. He manipulated the Light Dragon Dagger and Shadow Dragon Dagger to attack the 9527 Cat Demon, bang... and then It's the sound of metal.

what happened?


Copper skin and iron bones? , invulnerable?
 (Broken sound) My Neighbor Totoro!
(End of this chapter)

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