The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 437 9527 Cat demon?

Chapter 437 9527 Cat demon?
"Mom, I'm back. It smells so good. Is the meal ready?" Mu Xi opened the door and said, changing her shoes, she smelled a scent, very fragrant, and her mother seemed to be cooking. Things, but no matter what, there is no meal that my mother cooks.

"Well, wash your hands and eat, Wulin is here." Mu Xi's mother smiled, took the last dish, put it gently on the table, untied her apron and prepared to eat, a woman who can cook is the most beautiful, Mu Xi's chef That's probably how it came about.

"..." Mu Xi was stunned for a moment, and finally saw Tang Wulin who was chatting with his father. Why did he come here?Didn't you go to military training or something?
"Hi, Tang Wulin!" Mu Xi greeted, this kid was a lot of hacker, it seems that he did not suffer less during the military training.

"Long time no see, Senior Sister." Tang Wulin smiled.

Mu Chen also smiled. In fact, he really wanted his daughter to find a boyfriend who was better than Tang Wulin and more normal.

Otherwise, a normal person is fine, as long as he lives in peace, and lives an ordinary life, he doesn't ask for too much, but he will definitely not agree to the little cat.

Washing hands, eating, while Mu Xi was eating, she turned her head and looked outside, why didn't that 9527 come in, what was she dawdling about?

Yu Die and You Lang will not come in, they will only be in the dark, usually only when Mu Chen is not at home, Mu Xi's mother is not at home, etc., they will come in, or they will not come in at all, unless Mu Xi looks for them.

"I'm back, why don't I go? What are you doing with so much military training? Think about me, a two-character combat armor master, who can graduate at any time. Have you tried soul forging?" Mu Xi was very curious and competitive, no match for the cat demon She can admit that pervert, after all, is her own man, and losing to her own man will not be ashamed, but, Tang Wulin, since she learned the forging method left by the cat demon, she can now be full of confidence.

Two-word battle armor master?Tang Wulin envied him very much. Now that his realm was sufficient, it seemed that it was not difficult for him to become a two-word combat armor master, the Soul King. He needed to find metal and forge it to become a two-word combat armor master.

But, don't worry.

"It's just half a step of soul forging, but it doesn't seem difficult for a sixth-level blacksmith, and you can break through soon." Mastering soul forging and forging alloys, then you can become a sixth-level blacksmith. He has already mastered the alloy, but the soul It's just forging, giving the metal the same soul forging as the soul.

I don't know, will the cat demon know it?

Mu Chen nodded and smiled, "As a teacher, I am very happy." He is very happy to have such an outstanding student, which shows that he is capable as a teacher. Haha, I feel very happy...

"Huh..." Mu Xi rolled her eyes at the master and apprentice. She also has a more powerful armor, and a mecha that is not weaker than a god level. as well as……

Bad, Dad and Tang Wulin are here, so shouldn't 9527 come in?

Mu Xi finally thought of a serious problem. Dad and Tang Wulin didn't seem to know the existence of 9527. Regarding the mechanical spirit race, they would definitely...

The door opened, and 9527 came in, with bags all over his body, which looked ridiculous.

The few people who were eating were completely stunned, who is this?
"Get out, get out." Mu Xi rushed forward without saying a word, trying to push 9527 away, but she found that she was too weak to push such a metal thing.

"Xiao Xi, let your friend come over for dinner." While Mu Xi's mother was stunned, she had already prepared the dishes. This should be her daughter's friend, right?No wonder I can't see what I buy when I go shopping.

It turns out that they are all here.

Muchen also frowned, blocked by things, couldn't see anything, but, there was an aura that was neither human nor any creature, could it be...

"Senior sister, it's dangerous, get out of the way." Tang Wulin's complexion changed. He has been forging all year round. He has a strong sense of metal. To him, this guy in a trench coat is a piece of metal that can walk. .

Mu Xi's mother is puzzled, isn't she a friend?

Mu Xi shook her head, "9527 is not a bad person."

However, blue silver grass had already appeared around Tang Wulin. It was crystal clear, and it was winding away. It was not dangerous. He had seen some dead people today, which was very dangerous.

Regarding Tang Wulin's behavior, 9527 still didn't respond. It just put down everything and revealed his true face, a mechanical spirit clan with a metal body.

"Mao Xiaoyao!!!" Mu Chen exclaimed in surprise, it looks very similar to Mao Xiaoyao's armor, very similar to a style, and recently he also wanted to imitate the armor, but unfortunately the flexibility and some problems have not been solved, I have to say that Mao Xiaoyao is A genius, Armor is indeed stronger than Doukai in some respects.

Light mechs didn't even do it!
Junior brother?Tang Wulin also looked at 9527, who looked exactly the same. Those metal men today also looked the same. Could it be that they were really cat demons?

This time Mu Xi also looked at 9527 in confusion. Could it be that there is really a cat in 9527?Mao Xiaoyao was afraid of revealing her identity, that's why she got so close to her?

"I'm not the leader." 9527 replied, a thick mechanical voice came out from the metallic mouth, it was indeed not the voice of a cat demon, it was the usual voice of 9527.

Mu Xi was a little disappointed, alas, she originally thought there was such a possibility...

"Then what are you? Why did you appear beside my daughter, and what is your purpose?" Muchen said angrily. As a blacksmith, although he really wanted to know how this metal man forged, but such a strange metal man appeared In my own home, this seems very abnormal.

Mu Xi's mother was not too scared, she went up to pull her daughter Mu Xi back.

Mu Xi was dragged away abruptly.

9527 was still standing there blankly, letting Tang Wulin and Mu Chen inspect it casually, it didn't seem to be afraid of anything.

"My lord? But the little cat?" Mu Chen asked again. Seeing that his daughter and wife were safe, he and Tang Wulin naturally had no worries.

The two immediately surrounded 9527. Tang Wulin remembered that this metal man had powerful destructive power, so he was always paying attention.

"Yes, our great leader." 9527 still replied, answering without moving, whatever the two people in front of him thought.

"Who are you, evil soul masters?" Tang Wulin asked puzzledly, but Mao Xiaoyao doesn't seem to be an evil soul master, and this metal man seems to be devouring evil soul masters today. Think about that terrifying ability Just terrible.

If they were evil soul masters, why did they hurt each other?
"The leader gave us the name, Mechanical Eldar!" 9527 still replied like that, as if he was not afraid of revealing the secret of the little cat.

"What is that?" Mu Chen frowned, what race was that.

"Mecha Eldar." 9527 replied.


"Then what are you doing next to my senior sister? What are your plans?" Tang Wulin asked. The blue silver grass had already begun to wrap around 9527. He seemed a little nervous now, seeing such a thing for the first time.

"It's my duty to protect the leader's wife." 9527 said something, which made Mu Xi, who was depressed next to him, very happy.

"9527, let these two idiots take a look at your body, so as not to keep asking them."

Mu Xi is not afraid of anything, since she was exposed, she should be more upright, after all, 9527 will always appear in the future.

 No. 9527
(End of this chapter)

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