The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 439 There is a problem!

Chapter 439 There is a problem!

"Xiao Xi..."

"I hate you very much." Mu Xi cried bitterly, wiped her tears, used her soul power to control the parts belonging to 9527, wrapped in her soul power, got in the car, she needed a place, she wanted to revive her 9527...

Seeing his daughter so sad, Mu Chen also slapped himself heavily, obviously half of him didn't believe that it was a cat demon inside.

However, his self-confidence was hit, and he still wanted to see what happened.

Tang Wulin was also silent, "Teacher, Ma'am, I'm sorry, I'm going back too!" Tang Wulin bid farewell to Teacher and Madam. Today, he has got the answer he wanted, but if he made Senior Sister Mu Xi so sad and sad, then It wasn't his intention...

Tang Wulin left.

Muchen remained silent, blaming himself very much.

"Xiaoxi likes Mao Xiaoyao very much. She cherishes everything that Mao Xiaoyao gives her very much. If you do that, she will definitely be angry." Alas, Mu Xi's mother sighed slightly. The family had a good meal. It's cold, it seems that it can't be eaten.

"One day, she will understand that it's impossible between them." Clenching his fists, Mu Chen was also very helpless. The cat demon's terror could already make him an enemy of the entire Federation. It would be very dangerous for his daughter to follow her.

Even if his daughter hates him in the future, it doesn't matter that he won't put her in any danger.


Shrek City, an underground base.

"Little Bear, this wine is for you." Ever since she heard that Little Bear punched Mr. Xiong, Hu Lili has now become a loyal fan of Little Bear. Go take a shower or something, it doesn't matter if you wash or not.

Little Xiong hugged the wines, drooling, and then Mengmeng looked at Hu Lili with big eyes, and said: "You are more reliable than the little cat, that guy promised me that he would not give me any battle armor, and the wine would not give me anything." Very stingy, now I don’t know where to go, Star Dou Forest won’t take me.” Zuihuhu, Zuihuhu, talking normally, but Hu Lili didn’t believe a word, but she also believed, believed Xiaoxiong definitely couldn't accept the death (disappearance) of Mao Xiaoyao, so he drank all day long.

Could it be another person who has a crush on the cat demon?

"Dougai, Jijia, I'm making it for you. It takes time. Those humans are very powerful." Hu Lili smiled and flattered her: "How about I take you there? I know there is a way to enter the Star Dou University Forest." At the beginning, the pangolins dug for a long time, so that the Spirit Pagoda could not detect them. At the beginning, they escaped from that passage.

In fact, this is also a problem that has troubled Xu Haoqing for many years. He has read the records of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda. When the cat demon asked him to pick up the spirit beasts that day, he did not check the Spirit Transferring Pagoda's record to let the cat demon enter.

So, how did Mao Xiaoyao get into the Star Dou Forest that was "protected" by the Spirit Pagoda, and how did he get out?This question has been bothering Xu Haoqing!

(After Mao Xiaoyao revealed his identity as a soul beast, Xu Haoqing understood everything, and understood the role of the soul beast garden, and how he was being used...)
"Okay." Xiaoxiong said drunkenly, Star Dou Great Forest, she glanced at the humans working below, and those soul beasts that can transform into form in less than 10 years, what happened?

Transformation so casually?

Hu Lili was also happy, and immediately entered the office where the black cat was.

The black cat is discussing things with Tiehu at this time.

"Black Cat, I want to take Little Bear to the Star Dou Forest, she said, she wants to go and see it." Hu Lili said, they were forced to come out before, they had to come out, and they walked very embarrassingly at that time.

Frowning, he looked at Little Bear, "Be careful, don't conflict with those soul beast kings, I don't want to bring out any soul beasts."

"The little demon is not here, Transformation Pill, Lingyin Pill, some medicine pills are very precious, one is less than one." The black cat doesn't want to conflict with Gu Yue and the others now, and doesn't want anything. Since the other party looks down on them, then they also Do not pray for any cooperation.

The loss of Mao Xiaoyao made her feel endless pressure now. She didn't think about those things before, but now, sitting in Mao Xiaoyao's position, she seemed to understand why Mao Xiaoyao was so painful.

"Just looking at it." Hu Lili nodded, and then went out with Xiaoxiong.

Little Bear smiled at the black cat, and then went out too.

In the office, there are black cats and iron tigers.

The name of the iron tiger in the state of soul is to summarize its appearance. It has hair like metal iron, so the cat demon gave it this name - iron tiger.

"Your leader, where did you pick up such a 10-year-old soul beast?" The black cat smiled lightly. Before, if there were no bears around, they would have been even more contemptible.

What does the bear say?Now he has not officially stated his intention to join Xingdou Village, and he doesn't seem to care much about anything. He likes to drink, get drunk, and also likes to be alone, looking at the stars.

She is a soul beast with a story.

Can't see through.

Tie Hu: "Um...not sure." The ghost knows where the leader found it. Every time he sees the little bear, Tie Hu is afraid, afraid that she will say everything in a daze and expose something. Fortunately, no one believes it. Her wine talk.

The black cat stopped thinking about the little bear, and then asked Tie Hu again, saying: "You said, the evil soul master will use our soul guide bomb to carry out terrorist attacks?"

Evil soul master, the black cat hoped that the cat demon would cooperate with them in the past. After all, an enemy's enemy is a friend.

However, after cooperating once to assassinate Zhenhua, Mao Xiaoyao never cooperated again, instead, he always carried the blame of the evil soul master.

So, how do evil soul masters own the weapons they produce?

"Have you checked the warehouse records?" The black cat was a little confused. Could it be that there is something wrong with them?
"There is nothing wrong with the underground base! The three bases, Xingdou Village and Sea Island Base, have not been investigated clearly at present." Tie Hu said, everything in the underground base, no matter what, must be approved by it, the entire underground base is Its body, there are things in the body, will it not know?

The black cat fell into deep thought, sat on the chair, thought for a long time, and Tiehu waited quietly.

"Tomorrow, when I go back, I will investigate it in secret. I will leave the matter of the underground base to you and Lili. Stop teasing her and cooperate more." The black cat thought for a while. She had to go back and investigate clearly. It was to cooperate with Gu Yue and the others to talk about the new homeland, but it failed.

However, she has already told Mu Xi about some things, but Mu Xi doesn't seem to believe what Yudie said... After thinking about it, she also envied Mu Xi's mentality...

However, the cruel reality made her know that the cat demon may no longer be here...

Tie Hu nodded, and then disappeared.

Very quiet, the black cat is lying on the chair, eyes closed, imagining when the little cat is around...

What will he do?
She knew the conversation between Huanya and Dai Shu back then!Hope, yes, hope is better than no hope.

(End of this chapter)

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