The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 441 Mixed into the power plant!

Chapter 441 Mixed into the power plant!

"Hey, Zhang, are you back?"

A garbage truck slowly entered the garbage factory. Just as it backed up and dumped out the garbage, a bunch of people from the garbage disposal station rushed over...

Basically, every garbage truck will have this kind of situation. This is the dream of a garbage factory to get rich overnight. After all, where there are rich people and where there are developed countries, there will be poorer people.

People in the garbage dump started to grab things, but they wouldn't fight, after all, they knew each other, and Shrek City was so big, garbage trucks basically came here from time to time.

In addition to sorting garbage, they are basically looking at which ones can be used and sold, and then take them back...

The rubbish dump has also become the golden mountain and silver mountain for these ordinary workers.

They are not soul masters, if they want to survive in this world, then first, they must not be afraid of suffering, if they are afraid of suffering, they are destined to be eliminated by the times.

Soul master, any job is easy.

Now other people think that way, whether you are a soul master or not, it is easier to find a job if you are a soul master.

I'm not a soul master, and I don't have the ability, so I'm sorry, I can only do some work that others are willing to do.

Lao Zhang got out of the car and said with a smile: "I didn't gain anything today. Unlike you, you can enter Shrek Academy. The students there are very rich, so you must gain a lot, right?" Shrek Academy produces a lot of rubbish every day. Scrap, metal scrap, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...

And, some high-end apartments have everything, such as clothes that you wear once and throw away, for example, some old furniture, but you can use it, etc.

Old Wang smiled, and said, "Students today are really having a good time, haha." The cars are full, and the cars are full of good things. Those people are picking them up. If they sell them for money, the driver can also get a share of the money. Garbage is also a good job.

Lao Zhang was very envious.

"Haha, by the way, I bought some vegetables, why don't I go to your house for a few drinks, I kind of miss my sister-in-law's craftsmanship." Old Wang smiled, sister-in-law is awesome.

Old Zhang said: "Let's go!" Old Zhang didn't seem to notice anything wrong, good brother, let's have a few drinks.


"Huh, so scary?" At this moment, the cat demon under the garbage truck is hiding himself, trying not to expose anything, and the operation responsible for interference detection is also in progress.

Just wait until Lao Zhang drives the garbage truck into the power plant tomorrow, then he can act.

But, what does Mao Xiaoyao think, the old Wang just said: I miss my sister-in-law's craftsmanship, listen, why is it weird?


The next day, Pharaoh was refreshed!However, Lao Zhang was not in a good state of mind because he was drunk last night.

However, it didn't affect his driving skills at all. Da da, the garbage truck arrived at the gate of the power plant and was being inspected.

"Tianyan, how are things going?" The cat demon slept under the garbage truck last night.

"The ants have completed the task last night." Tianyan Satellite No. 3 said, the ants bit off some wires of the inspection device last night, which caused a little bit of trouble with the inspection soul guide.

The convoy is queuing up, waiting for inspection.

Mao Xiaoyao, "Very good." Behind the garbage truck, there is a team of guards ready to take over. He doesn't believe that they will be waiting for repairs?

"Captain, it will take a little time to repair. It may be that the line is broken. I am looking for it." A maintenance soldier said, pliers, wrench, screwdriver and a bunch of tools. He is in charge of repairing soul guides professionally. He used to work in Shrek Academy as a sub-professional. , It is maintenance, not the maintenance of the mecha, but the maintenance of the soul guide.

The team leader thought for a while, looked at the vehicles lined up outside, and said, "Check it manually. When you come out, check it again." The team leader decided to check it manually because he couldn't delay the shift handover time.

The soldiers began to check carefully. When they found Lao Zhang, he was still not in the mood. He was drunk last night and didn't know what happened.

The soldiers checked up and down, and also looked at the site. A soldier lay on the ground and looked under the car site where Mao Xiaoyao was hiding. A pile of soil was so thick that the soldiers couldn't help but think that if the soil fell into the power plant, so much would affect hygiene.

Old Zhang nodded, "Well, well, pay attention next time." Although everyone knows each other, Old Zhang still respectfully said that the difference in status made him have to do that.

"Okay, let's go in!" The soldier motioned for Lao Zhang to enter, and at the same time waved his hand to let the cars behind him catch up and continue to undergo inspection.

Lao Zhang started the car and went in, came to the garbage dump as usual, got out of the car, and threw the bags of garbage into the car.

Suddenly, he heard something moving under his car, squatted down and looked, "Hey, why is there so much mud?" Lao Zhang was confused, had he ever driven on those muddy roads, why was there so much mud?

Forget it, forget it, tidy up, Lao Zhang continued to move the garbage into the car and clean up the dirt at the same time.

And, dirt!It was Mao Xiaoyao's disguise just now. In order to deceive the world, he wrapped his metal armor body with mud, making it look like the car was dirty under the car, and people couldn't notice anything.


"Sky Eye, report the situation of the power plant." The cat demon has already entered a building at this time. He doesn't know what building it is. He was in a hurry to avoid it and didn't see it clearly because there was a group of soldiers patrolling nearby.

The soldiers are equipped with soul-guided weapons, and there are also things like cameras nearby. If you don't pay attention, you may be spotted.

The power plant's defenses are tighter than Mao Xiaoyao imagined, and the soldiers' shifts are seamlessly connected, without any chance at all.

All kinds of defensive weapons are also in operation, even if the evil soul master wants to attack, he has to weigh the price.

Tianyan Satellite No. 3 replied: "My lord, there are a large number of soldiers around, it is best not to go out now. Besides, there are two Titled Douluo in the power plant." The titled Douluo seems to be the worst news. It's not a small character, every titled Douluo is at least a three-word combat armor master, his combat power explodes, and he kills the cat demon in his current state in minutes.

Mao Xiaoyao frowned, thinking, why are you so unlucky?Title Douluo, think about it!

"My request is very simple. Just let me be close to the power transmission center. Even if I touch a wire, I can drain the power plant." Mao Xiaoyao said. Yes, but he is afraid that when he devours, the power will be cut off, it will be very embarrassing.

That's why I came to the power plant and started from the source.

"Day and night, I think it's better to do it at night." Tianyan Satellite No. 3 said, although there are people at night, but at night, people are always more exhausted than during the day.

That's their chance.

At night, the eyes are definitely not as good as during the day.

"..." Mao Xiaoyao glanced around, this place is a utility room, right?
Do we have to wait?


(End of this chapter)

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