The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 443 The power plant is out of power.

Chapter 443 The power plant is out of power.


Shock Therapy!Mao Xiaoyao couldn't think of how to describe what he was doing at this moment.

While stimulating the body, Mao Xiaoyao can also feel that in the dantian, the Yaodan seems to be a bottomless pit, swallowing so many currents, there is still no reaction, and he has no pain at all.

Now, he craves pain...

In the center of the Shrek Power Plant, a group of people are busy working overtime.

"What's the matter with Alista, why is the No. 3 pipeline wearing out so much, didn't she go to repair it?" A man in a studio suit looked at the data sheet at this time and asked the people around him.

The No. 3 pipeline, the data is abnormal, the area of ​​Shrek City connected by the No. 3 pipeline, there is still no electricity there, and there are black lights and ignorant fires.

However, it clearly shows that it is already connected normally, why is there no electricity, and why does it still consume so much?

It's like being robbed halfway, the current seems to be unable to pass, so where does the current go?
"Call her the newsletter."

Drop drop drop...

The communicator rang, and there was a signal underground. It seems that the power plant probably installed a person or something like a signal receiver.

"Did you find it?" The cat demon opened his faint blue eyes, and emitted a white electric light, which was an overflowing electric current. He was covered with electric light all over his body. He suddenly realized that something was wrong. Since the other party sent someone down to fix it, it must be There are also people who are managing it. If you absorb it so much, you will definitely be discovered.

"If you don't absorb it quickly, when people turn off the power again, there will be nothing at that time." The communicator is no longer ringing, and it is estimated that the other party will send someone, which is a bit troublesome. After thinking about it, Mao Xiaoyao decided to have a big swallow, but How come?If he doesn't have any cultivation base, when he absorbs it, he just depends on his feeling, and how much he absorbs depends on his face.


Suddenly, maybe it was that sentence, don't say no, but be very honest with your body...

Great devouring, start...

Just like a person drinking water, it is normal to take a sip slowly, very gracefully, and move at a constant speed...

However, while drinking, he suddenly gulped and gulped, the water was gone...

"Not good, quickly close the No. 3 pipeline and connect it to the grid. There must be something wrong. The power storage is declining rapidly." The entire power plant is buzzing with alarms, busy and nervous. There has been no alarm for a long time. checking everywhere...

Originally, the electricity stored in the power grid could allow Shrek City to use it for an estimated 100 years without any power supplement.

After all, the power grid is generated by accumulating electricity from nearby power plants, large and small, and this place is like a storage room...

However, two-thirds of the current has now disappeared, just as they were talking...


"Closed..." Didi Didi, all

The instruments and equipment lost their normal operation, the entire power plant was plunged into darkness, and the entire Shrek City was also plunged into darkness. Only those places with their own reserve power can barely support it...

The entire power plant workers fell silent. Their power plant unexpectedly had such a day... there was no electricity.

"Activate the backup power supply to restore the operation of the power plant. At the same time, send people to surround the No. 3 pipeline, inspect the power plant, and notify the Shrek Academy to send people over. We are in trouble..." The man's body was limp, his head was sweating, lying Looking at the chair, they said, things happened too fast, they didn't have time to react, if they didn't turn off in time, it is estimated that there would be no backup power left.

After a while, the equipment of the power plant returned to normal, and the electricity was re-injected into the grid. However, such a small amount of electricity was not enough to support the daily electricity consumption of the entire Shrek City.

Shrek City still has to cut off the power for a long time.

Unless special energy is used.


However, at this time, there were many people gathered in the No. 3 pipeline, and Shrek Academy also attached great importance to it. Mr. Cai led the team, brought a group of teachers, and Tang Wulin to check the situation.

Ever since the corpse of the evil soul master who was devoured by people appeared last time, Shrek Academy has been vigilant against some strange things, such as the power loss of the power plant this time...

"Go in and check the situation! It's impossible for electricity to disappear without a reason." After checking, nothing was found. At this time, everyone surrounded the No. 3 pipeline, thinking that there must be something weird inside.

Energy is the main force to maintain the operation of the soul guide!

Mechas, soul guide cars, etc., basically have special formations to attract the aura of heaven and earth, transform it into soul power, and thus operate the soul guide.

However, it is very expensive and the material is special.

Therefore, electric energy is still the dominant energy source in daily life.

Old Cai, still the same old Cai, still unchanged, but every time she sees a girl with long black hair, she always thinks of her apprentice...

why?Obviously the black cat is so pure, why does it follow that evil guy, the cat demon?

Many people are also puzzled.

However, it is useless to wonder, the fact is that they are all wanted, and, apart from some bad reports, they have not shown up once.

"Be careful. Now, although the current is not being consumed, we don't know what's going on inside." Mr. Cai asked a staff member next to him, and said, "How long will that staff stay?" The main purpose now is to Save people, now, there is a person below, life and death are unknown, and contact has been completely lost.

"It's been two hours." An employee of the power plant replied: "It clearly shows that the circuit is normal, but the current disappears inexplicably." Could it be that something weird happened?Or some evil soul master attacked?

But, 100 years of electricity, just gone?Is the evil soul master eating it?
The employees of the power plant were puzzled one by one, why and what went wrong?Tonight, the few people who work overtime will be responsible.


Old Cai frowned. For two hours, he probably encountered some kind of attack...

"What about the inspection records? Is there anything strange coming in?" Cai Lao asked again. She now suspects that someone deliberately sabotaged the power plant to lose power. Moreover, if the power is lost, it also shows that they are terrible.


The guard soldier broke into a cold sweat and replied: "Today, I didn't find any strangers, it's just..."

The soldiers hesitated to speak, and looked at each other one by one, as if there was something wrong.

"What's going on?" Elder Cai looked at it coldly. The others were all looking at the soldiers guarding the gate. Could it be that the enemy really invaded?
The guard captain trembled and sweated non-stop, and said: "Today, the inspection equipment just broke down, so we chose to use manual labor when inspecting people entering and leaving, but we are all very serious, it must be an ant None of them went in."

The soldiers bowed their heads one by one and said nothing. They did check very carefully and checked again and again before letting the people in and out go together. They almost checked again when they came out.

Nothing unusual was found!
"What!!!" Elder Cai's complexion changed, and he became very serious. It happened that the inspection equipment was broken, and then something happened in the power plant. How does it sound like a conspiracy that has been planned for a long time?

The soldiers were too frightened to speak one by one.

At the same time, Tang Wulin and the others brought bad news.

 Gululu, the cat goblin activates attribute: devour
(End of this chapter)

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