Chapter 445 Time!


"Which fool went to attack the power plant?"

Mu Xi, at home.

Although Mu Xi was very angry, she was still her own family after all. She couldn't be angry all the time, but she was still a little sad. 9527 couldn't come back...

There have been intermittent power outages for several days. I heard that the power plant was attacked and all the electricity inside was stolen. However, what electricity are you stealing if you don’t go to the bank to rob money these days?

"Eat." Mu Xi's mother picked up a piece of meat for her daughter, and she was very distressed when she saw that her daughter was haggard, "You should stop going to the college! Anyway, you can't learn much, just wait for graduation. I feel that recently What will happen." Not only the power plant in Shrek City was attacked?Now, the power plants of the entire Sun-Moon Federation are encountering the same kind of attack. It only takes a few seconds to steal the power from the power plant.

What followed was the attack from the evil soul master. There seemed to be no cooperation between the two, but they formed a chain reaction.

However, Mu Xi's mother didn't understand, what's the use of stealing electricity?Moreover, it is still so large-scale stealing electricity, which is even more incredible.

"Why?" Mu Xi was speechless, what did she have to do with stealing electricity, why wouldn't Shrek Academy let her go?Graduation soon, cherish a little time, there will be no time in the future, and there will be no current college life, one more day, one more memory.

"If Shrek Academy is not safe, I don't know where it is safe." Mu Chen quietly looked at his daughter Mu Xi, and said with apologetic expression on his face, "Xiao Xi, I'm sorry, what happened before..." I was a little impulsive at the time, even if it was Mao Xiaoyao himself, he couldn't force his daughter that much, after all, Mao Xiaoyao had never hurt his daughter.

However, he just doesn't like the cat demon.

"It's useless to be angry, 9527 can't come back, but if you want to use 9527 for research, then sorry, no, I don't agree."

Mu Xi is no longer angry, but she can't feel sorry for Mao Xiaoyao. 9527 came to protect herself. Unfortunately, it's a pity that 9527 is gone. If her father takes it to study again, how can she feel sorry for Mao Xiaoyao?

Could it be that the daughter can see her inner thoughts?Muchen smiled wryly, and said, "No research." In fact, as the president of the blacksmith association, he wished to study 9527 right away, but from a father's point of view, so much is really immoral...

"I'm full." Mu Xi chose to ignore it, and ate quickly. It was unladylike to gobble it up. She was full, and then went back to Shrek Academy for class.

"I'm going to the academy." Mu Xi hurried out. She remembered that Mao Xiaoyao seemed to have a laboratory in Shrek Academy, but it had become a key protection place of the academy.

Wusiduo is in charge, the academy seems to want to copy the power mech of the cat demon, maybe there is a way...

"This child..." Mu Xi's mother shook her head, then looked at her husband, and said, "From now on, don't talk about the cat demon again. I've met that child a few times, but he's not really a bad person. The key is that he Be good to Xiaoxi." The only pity is that it is too carefree, Mao Xiaoyao seems to have a girlfriend.

"Cat demon?" As soon as the name was mentioned, Mu Chen was not happy, and then he thought of what his apprentice Tang Wulin told him, that the Shrek City Power Plant also found traces of the metal man...

And, the situation from the attacked power plants in various places is the same situation, the unstoppable hole leads directly to the ground, where you can't see it.

When it was discovered, the power plant had been controlled and the electricity had been consumed.

Why is it?
Why is the target a power plant, and who is it?

Could it be that it's really a cat demon?But if it's a cat demon, why would he steal the electricity?
"Anyway, I won't agree." Muchen insisted on his point of view. After all, Mao Xiaoyao is still a dangerous person, and he can't let his daughter live a life of ups and downs, without a single day of stability.

Mu Xi's mother also sighed, sometimes the pursuit of happiness bravely... is too brave, but as a parent, it is a bit hard to accept.


Shrek City, underground base, in a newest secret research room.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Mao Xiaoyao was trying to pick up a small dried fish. When he saw the small dried fish, he was already very hungry. His arms were trembling, pinching, trembling, and when he was about to send it to his mouth, he was very hungry. when……


"Ah..." Mao Xiaoyao buried her head in the pile of dried fish, gnawing on it like a pig, "Why, why." Now his upper body has recovered a little, and he has consciousness, but he has no strength at all, Xiao Yu How much can it weigh?However, he just couldn't pick it up.

Not reconciled, not reconciled, after attacking so many power plants, they still haven't recovered...

"My lord, we can take our time..." Tie Hu said. At this time, it turned into a spirit body and was next to Mao Xiaoyao. Seeing that Mao Xiaoyao was in such pain and anxious, in fact, it was also very anxious, but it could be anxious again. how is it?

Mao Xiaoyao has been trying, has been failing, and has been on the verge of collapse...

The cat can't even clenched his fists tightly, and the little cat knows that he can't rush, but if the time is too long, if the humans in the underground base find that the contract has no effect, then the entire underground base will fall into chaos.

Moreover, over the East China Sea...

And, Shrek Academy, there has been no movement, when will the bombing start? (Cat: It depends on how many chapters I can still read)

After thinking about it, those things will take time, and once you don't recover, you will fall into a passive state in dealing with those things.

"How about the black cat, what did she find?" With a helpless sadness, the cat demon sighed, where is the damn evil soul master hiding?The place where the evil thoughts are strongest is nothing more than the prison. If one loses one's cultivation base, one's instincts may still be there, and those evil thoughts are also flowing into the dantian little by little.

Flow the whole body...

But, what time do you have to wait?

"It has been found out that it is the soul guide bomb provided by Grimace Ape to the evil soul master. The boss of the black cat is very angry, but now the soul beasts are divided into two factions. One is the main battle to eliminate humans, led by Grimace Ape, and the other is peaceful rescue. The companions are headed by the black cat boss, and there is a big difference between fighting and not fighting." The two factions will naturally fight, Tie Hu replied: "Also, Grimace Ape seems to have some thoughts about the East China Sea, and the black cat boss is afraid of civil war in Xingdou Village , So, I have gone back to Xingdou Village ahead of time to regain control of Xingdou Village." Once there is a civil war, it will be a joke for humans, so even if they know the truth, what if the black cat can't grimace at the ape.

The warning is useless, so you can only let him go!Who let the real core of their leader, the little cat, not be there?

"Sure enough it's him!" Mao Xiaoyao's face was solemn, grimacing ape, he had always opposed peaceful coexistence before, and always wanted to take revenge on human beings, especially Donghai City, the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda will definitely become his first target of revenge .

After thinking about it, I feel helpless, what can I do to stop it now?

I am just a waste.

 happy New Year.

(End of this chapter)

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