The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 468 One and a half people!

Chapter 468 Half of the people!


Or go back?When testing a soldier, they will not retreat, advance, climb a mountain...

However, the fact...

"Haha, human beings are so weak, they can't even make it up." Xiaolan sneered.

Xiaolu also laughed at her, she was too weak and afraid of the cold.

Only Mao Xiaoyao couldn't laugh, because Mu Xi was by the side looking at those people very worriedly.

Suddenly, a person fell down, and soon, heavy snow engulfed him...

"Little demon..." Mu Xi pouted, she knew the identity of the cat demon, but those people were very pitiful, and it would be even more pitiful if they were frozen to death.

"..." Mao Xiaoyao glared at Xiaolan and Xiaolu, and said angrily, "Smile, hurry up, whoever falls down, just throw it back down the mountain." So, he actually wanted Mu Xi to go back. How good is it to kill a human soldier?
How easy?
Xiaolan and Xiaolu were not laughing, and brought the mechanical spirit clan to save people...

A lot of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven...

If 5000 troops enter the mountain, there can be [-] people, which is already very good.

Xiaolan and Xiaolu also paid the price, hundreds of mechanical spirits flew around to save people...

(There are dozens of Taoist mechanical spirit clans, and hundreds of soul-guided mechanical spirit clans.)
Mu Xi looked happy.

The little cat is very worried.

Waiting for about 5000 people to reach the top of the mountain, there is no hot food and hot food, and what awaits them is still a world of ice and snow, as well as various igloos...

"General Nicholas is here!"

Xiaolan and Xiaolu said, the mechanical spirits saluted one by one, and that was their leader.

The remaining 5000 troops also saluted one after another, trembling one by one, very painful, their toes and fingers could barely feel their existence.

Nicholas the cat demon came, showing his disguised appearance, Mu Xi disguised him as an uncle, unshaven, 50 years old...

However, the appearance is very domineering.

Mu Xi is the pretty little adjutant.

"Half of the army of 1 people is left now, and I don't know how many will be left in the future." Mao Xiaoyao looked at the army and glanced lightly... Oh my god, he found three familiar figures, no!There seemed to be several, three of which he couldn't forget.

Xu Haoqing, Xu Xiaoxue, Xu Xiaomeng, what are these three guys doing here to join the army?
Is it also idle with nothing to do?Rubbing his chin and thinking for a while, Nicholas the Cat Demon said, "Reformation and arrange the barracks in a unified way."

"Training tomorrow!" Leaving behind a demonic smile, Mao Xiaoyao was also very cold, so he put on his helmet and went back, went back, went back, it was still warm in the cave.

The ratio of male to female is different. Originally, Mao Xiaoyao wanted to have a joint camp with men and women, but was scolded by Mu Xi, so the girls also had their own exclusive barracks.

The 5000-man army was arranged just like that.

Inside the ice cube room.

A big igloo can accommodate fifty people, and each person has their own bed and bedside table. Moreover, there is a hot spring in the igloo, can you believe it?

"Sister, it's really warm inside the igloo."

Xu Xiaomeng shivered and said, that general is too perverted, the mountain was blocked by heavy snow and let them climb, he was like a devil, a bunch of people fell down, it was scary to think about it.

"Yes, yes." Xu Xiaoxue lay on the bed, the comfortable quilt was not enough, she took it out directly from the space soul guide, the big quilt was very warm.

The igloo is cold outside, but very warm inside.

"Hehe, Miss Jiao Didi!" A few girls sneered, most of them came from common people, and they couldn't afford such things as spatial soul guides.

Seeing that Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue were disgusted with not being warm enough and took out quilts and some warm soul guides, they were angry, but also jealous.

Xu Xiaoxue ignored it, Brother Qihuang told them not to conflict with others, they are here to make meritorious deeds, and in the future, they will use meritorious deeds to exchange for their own freedom.

Marriage is free!

Xu Xiaomeng also ignored it, is it difficult to have a space soul guide?It's cold, is it wrong to add a quilt?

However, the other party deliberately poured water on the quilt, Xu Xiaomeng couldn't bear it, and there was a pile of them when they went up, "What do you mean, why did you pour water on my quilt." The quilt was wet, although it could be dried, but she couldn't swallow it ,very angry.

The other party also pushed with a look of disdain, "Accidentally, why did you drop it?" There are so many people and strength, and there are more than a dozen girls around in an instant, who are not shivering from the cold, and their military uniforms have been taken off to dry, but only Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue have Warm new clothes to wear and food to eat, what do you mean?
The supplies, haven't they all been taken away?
The point is, twins and beautiful sisters are always easy to remember.

Xu Xiaoxue held back her younger sister, no fighting is allowed here...

"What are you arguing about? Are you looking for death ¬口¬ノ?"

Xiaolu and Mu Xi are here, they are in charge of managing the female soldiers, in order to prevent a bad cat from spying on the female soldiers, Mu Xi asked to manage the female soldiers by herself.

"Adjutant!" Those who were about to fight stopped one by one.

Xu Xiaomeng also gave up, and at the same time, stared at the girl fiercely, she is a princess, what are you afraid of?
The federation did not abolish the royal family, the royal family was retained, but the royal family did not have the strength that was the number one in the world before.

The federation is emptied by the parliament, and the person with the highest power also depends on the will of the parliament.

However, even if the royal family is not that powerful, but if the royal family is retained, then she is still a princess. This damned guy bullies her?

"This is an igloo. If you don't think about yourself, you should also think about other people. If it collapses and something happens, are you responsible?"

"Military discipline is good enough to learn?" He spoke hesitantly. In fact, Mu Xi was reading the cheat sheet. She was only 20 years old. She was a student of Shrek Academy and studied forging all day long.

Mu Xi's disguised identity is called Yao Xi, which means: Yao Xi!Adjutant Yao, the lovers, anyway, they all said, the general is cheap, and the old cow eats young grass.

The female soldiers were all taken aback. Indeed, this is not an ordinary barracks, an igloo, people will be killed if they fight!

"Adjutant, she splashed water on my quilt." Xu Xiaomeng said dissatisfiedly, pointing to the girl.

That girl also looked at Xu Xiaomeng.

Mu Xi had a headache, and asked the girl, "Why did you splash water on other people's quilts?" Is the girl's world that scary?There were also problems in some dormitories just now, and they were all disputes. Why didn't there be so many disputes when she was studying?

"I didn't do it on purpose, I was just careless. When I saw her beautiful quilt, I didn't pay attention. I'm very sorry." The girl also said, but she did it on purpose, so what can I do?
"Adjutant, we are prepared to endure hardships when we come to the Endless Mountains. If some people are not prepared for that, please send them back to the Adjutant."

"The army doesn't need a young lady!" The girl was very angry. She had a friend who fell on the way up the mountain just now. He tried so hard but failed. But, this kind of young lady is all right?

Xu Xiaomeng was so angry, "I have a spatial soul guide, it's none of your business!" Very angry, very angry, this person is clearly envious and jealous.

It seemed very complicated, Mu Xi's head was blown, and she put on a serious look, and said, "I've confiscated the quilt, and there can't be any messy things in the army. Regarding the system, General Nicholas will say tomorrow, tonight, You can rest well."

"Which one doesn't sleep, make trouble!"

"Then I'll let you go out and sleep outside!"

"good night!"

Mu Xi asked Xiaolu to take the quilt and leave. The new quilt is fine if it gets wet. It's a matter of a little soul power. The point is, she and Mao Xiaoyao have a new quilt at night...

Happy just thinking about it...

Too cold, that guy, always hug yourself!

Damn it!

(End of this chapter)

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