The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 471 What is your dream?

Chapter 471 What is your dream?

"Aren't you going to give up? Give up, let you soak in hot springs, drink hot porridge, and send you home."

Looking at the trembling Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue, Mao Xiaoyao said: "Go back, your status as a soldier will not change, I will arrange it, this is a military transfer, you can go to other places." For example, the coast!Anyway, I just can't come to a place with such a harsh environment in the Endless Mountains. Princess Jiao Didi needs protection.

In snowy weather, soaking in ice water is no longer a question of whether it is cold, but whether it will kill people.

It's too cold, too cold, the icy water has started to freeze bit by bit, and Mao Xiaoyao is afraid of looking at it. Although his physique is good, human beings are still human after all.

Still, the two charming princesses...

"Xiaomeng, Xiaoxue, it's not shameful to give up and go back, I will help you." Looking at it, Xu Haoqing felt very distressed, he was waiting, it was really impossible, even if his identity was revealed, he had to send his sisters back safely.

help?Mao Xiaoyao looked back at Xu Haoqing, how can I help?What help?
At this time, the soldiers were also afraid to speak one by one, it was very cold, very cold, they couldn't imagine the temperature in the cold water...

"They are girls, it's too cold, freezing their bodies, it will affect their future fertility, little monster, will this punishment..." Mu Xi hesitated to speak, and said: "They..." Mu Xi easily Soft-hearted, she is not a strict instructor after all, she is also a girl, that's all.

Mao Xiaoyao was silent, thought for a while, and said: "When you can't feel any sensation, your body functions will stop step by step, and eventually, your body will also be abolished. Maybe, you will die from too much cold. Of course, I I will give you martyr merit."

"I'll say it again, give up. It's not a deserter. The remaining 5000 people are now in other places. They are also in the army and have meritorious service!" Mao Xiaoyao didn't know why the two princesses of Jiao Didi would fight so hard, but he really I don't want them to suffer...

However, 10 minutes is 10 minutes, that is the limit of normal soul masters, can they persist?
The first few captains had already succeeded. They had fully proved their strength, and they were all using their soul power to warm their bodies bit by bit.

Xu Haoqing couldn't bear it anymore, if he went on, something would happen to his sisters...

"Brother, we can." Xu Xiaoxue gritted her teeth and insisted, her lips were all purple, shivering and weak from the cold, at this moment she could no longer feel the sensation of her body.

Next to it, several people have given up. They have been treated. There are hot porridge and hot water, all of which are hot...

However, their destiny is to go back!

go back?

No, they cannot go back.

"But..." Xu Haoqing clenched his fists and was about to say something when he appeared alone, telling him not to worry.

"Trust them." Zhong Liying also said, unwilling to reveal her identity, it means that they also have everything they want to pursue. Perhaps, for them, this is also a test.

Xu Haoqing looked at Zhong Liying, then at his sisters, he could only clenched his fists, because he was too weak to protect them! ! !


What else could he escape from?
Time passed by every minute and every second, and there were many people who couldn't hold on. Drinking hot porridge is hot food anyway!

The stinky and shameless cat demon even made the soldiers drink hot porridge in the heavy snow to lure them. The purpose was to make Xu Xiaomeng and the others give up, but...

Time is up!

Until the last moment, they were still awake.

Xu Haoqing is also a fierce man, he went up to smash the barrel and rescued the two younger sisters.

In the end, he was kicked away by the cat demon, "Are you professional, or am I professional?"

Mu Xi chuckled, and asked Xiaolan and Xiaolu to treat them. With the pill in hand, there was basically no problem...

Xu Haoqing fell a head of snow and was in a dazed state.

"Okay, from now on, this is the basic punishment. The squad leaders stay here and remember the rules from now on. I don't care how you manage your squad, but you just can't touch my rules."

"Otherwise, it's not just as simple as soaking in ice water!"

"Afterwards, a point battle will be held to hunt and kill abyssal creatures for a period of one month. Teams with at least ten points will be disbanded and assigned to other teams."

"It goes on and on."

"In the end, only ten squads will be left, and that will be the team of our Snow Wolf Army..." The little cats are in a group, the wind is biting, he is not cold, he has time to chat with the soldiers and talk about the rules, as the second prince's Private army, his rank is empty.

In other words, there is no meritorious service!

A general without any meritorious service, in simple terms, is the second prince playing by himself...

Play a regular army!

That's it!

The law of the jungle system!That is the law, a weak team will be swallowed up by a huge one bit by bit, leaving only ten small legions in the end, that is the real strength.

At that time, it will probably be everyone's soul guide armor!
Help the second prince train an army?

Hehe, Mao Xiaoyao is not stupid, he will brainwash these soldiers bit by bit...

After the meeting!
Little Blue and Little Green supervise the training of the troops!

Shooting, climbing, snowshoeing, combat and more...

Everything is done according to the highest standard of human beings, plus, the perverted training of the little cat...

At this time, comfortable, warm hole.

Xu Xiaoxue and Xu Xiaomeng were in a daze, it was so warm, but it was so cold outside, it was like a furnace here, and they had already recovered.

"Adjutant Yao, when can we join the training." Xu Xiaoxue asked respectfully. At this time, there seemed to be no one else in the cave except for some "soldiers" who were working in Tick Tock.

Now that the punishment is over, they also have to join the training, so that they can hunt and kill the creatures of the abyss as soon as possible.

Xu Xiaomeng also nodded.

Mu Xi brewed hot tea to warm her body, and gave each of them a cup.

"Thank you." They said, and then drank it to warm their bodies.

"Tell me first, why you want to join the army, and the environment is so harsh, and the endless mountain range has the highest casualty rate." Mu Xi was puzzled, Mao Xiao, Yao said that this is the second prince's private army, and all the procedures are normal. The purpose is to hunt and kill creatures from the abyss. Generally, those who come to join the army are basically those who are loyal to the second prince.

But, two princesses, a prince, and some college students?
Why is this?

Why also come to the private army to join the army?
Originally, the parliament did not allow it, and the royal family had a large number of private troops, but now that the parliament has been disbanded, the rules don't seem to be that important...

After all, Shrek Academy was bombed, so it might not be a little bit to jump out and shout: Injustice!

Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxiao glanced at each other and drank tea in silence.

Mu Xi was very embarrassed, "It doesn't matter if you don't say anything, you can go out when you feel your body is back, but, as a girl, you must know how to take care of yourself, so don't stay in bed in the future."

Don't say, it's fine.

Mu Xi went out to watch the training of female soldiers. Although there was a system, she still managed it.

"We don't want to succumb to fate!"

"Thank you, Adjutant Yao."

Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue said: "We ask to join the training!" They have already recovered, and they have to train after recovery. No matter how hard or tired they are, they will never give up.

Mu Xi was stunned for a moment, then nodded!

"Return to the team!"

Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue also saluted!
Training begins!
(End of this chapter)

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