Chapter 474 Compromise!

Blood God Legion.

As soon as the name is heard, people feel that it is very powerful. Blood, that is the blood of the enemy. They want the enemy to become the blood god that the enemy fears.

It is their duty to guard the abyss passage.

Every day, new soldiers will join, and every day, new soldiers will die, life and death, the cycle of reincarnation is endless, as long as these abyssal creatures are not truly eliminated, then the death will not stop.

This is the most dangerous place in the entire Sun Moon Federation.

At this time, a middle-aged man from the Blood God Legion, the General's Camp, was holding the certificate of the cat demon (Nicholas) to check what happened. He was studying such a person.

Long Yuxue is waiting!

"Father, have you seen anything? Is this certificate true or false? Are those troops in the snowy mountains to the north our federal army?" Long Yuxue really couldn't wait. About [-] troops, the mysterious army, where they come from and what purpose they don't know.

Today, a soldier, who just talked back a few words, was caught by their general?Injured, with a very bad attitude, Long Yuxue was afraid that those unknown troops would come for their Blood God Legion.

After all, the Federation is not peaceful, and everything is possible.

"It's our federal army. There is no problem with their identities. There are orders to be stationed in Wuxue Mountain, and even the abyss passage that the other side said they need. Just today, the order has just been issued." The middle-aged man said, but, the only doubtful point, As a commander, he doesn't know this strange General Nicholas, what... is it?

Snow Wolf Legion?

Why should he not have heard of it?
This middle-aged man is a commander of the Blood God Legion, named: Long Tianwu, the father of Long Yuxue.

However, he is not the supreme commander of the Blood God Legion, but the head of the Blood God Legion, but a three-star general—Zhang Huanyun!

He manages an army of tens of thousands of people, training, training, missions, missions, and deals with hundreds of abyss passages every day.


Military ability is also capable of all kinds of formations, but it's a pity that in today's battles, military formations and the like are not so important.

It's the era of soul guides!

However, Zhang Huanyun's ability is still very strong, otherwise, the important task of guarding the abyss passage would not have fallen on him.

Sometimes, ability also means status.

"Why? Don't the Federation believe in our ability? Afraid that we will betray the entire Sun-Moon Federation?" Long Yuxue was very uncomfortable. This kind of Snow Wolf Legion is very annoying, as if in front of her own house, I don't know A few strangers from somewhere, wandering around every day, knowing that it is so dangerous, but they are a few normal people, just strolling daily, very legal.

However, it has not been a year or two for the Blood God Legion to guard the abyss passage, and they have won countless honors.

So, why did they suddenly send new troops over?Why go like that?

Could it be that they don't trust the Blood God Legion?
Long Yuxue was very angry.

"That's not true." Long Tianwu put down the documents related to Mao Xiaoyao (Nicholas). This is a real document, but it's useless.

Because his meritorious deeds are real, but he is not comparable to this "Nicholas". This Nicholas has no merits at all.

A little bit of merit, day by day, accumulated over time, and killed the creatures of the abyss, all of which he carried his head in exchange for.

"There is nothing wrong with this person's identity, nor is there anything wrong with the Snow Wolf Army. Because they are the second prince's private army, and the authorized military ranks in them are different from ours." It means that the army played by the second prince himself is, in fact, Not exactly a regular army.

No matter how powerful the general Mao Xiaoyao is, he is still a useless general with no merits, that's all.

"Federal royal family? That lingering royal family? Hehe, when did the Federation come to talk to their house again? Private army, who gave that second prince such courage?" Long Yuxue said contemptuously. The federal system abolished the royal family by itself, and the royal family is just lingering. , but now, you actually want to ride on their heads?
"It's the royal family! But now that the parliament has been dissolved and the shackles around the neck have been lost, no one can stop the royal family from doing anything."

Long Tianwu is very helpless_`, on this matter, many people seem to acquiesce to the second prince's approach, and he must obey the arrangements of the above.

"Furthermore, that army seems to be here to destroy the creatures of the abyss, and its essence and purpose are the same as ours. At the same time, the order from above is to give up part of the abyss passage to that army." Long Tianwu was very helpless, and a group of people obeyed the arrangement. Then naturally he does too.

"Just them? Hehe, how could it be better than our Blood God Legion? We have experienced so long to hunt and kill abyssal creatures? Hehe, it's almost as if they were hunted and killed by abyssal creatures." Long Yuxue despised them. Over the years, killing so many abyssal creatures has made him what he is today.

However, it's just the second prince's private army!What can be great?Just a bunch of soft eggs!

Long Tianwu smiled, "He must also know that we are not convinced, so I'm sure that in the next few days, that Nicholas will definitely come to our Blood God Legion, and then he will definitely have a discussion!"

No matter what, it was an order from above, and he had to obey it. As for the passage, let's see if that so-called "Nicholas" has the ability to get it.

The abyss channel is related to the lives and safety of many people, this issue cannot be discussed!

Unless the Snow Wolf Corps also has strength, otherwise, he thinks it is impossible to make the abyss passage a hot chicken prince's back garden, just play casually?
"If they dare to come, no matter what the competition is, our Blood God Legion will crush them. It's just a prince's private army, so crazy."

"It seems that the Federation is really messed up." Long Yuxue sighed, for example, Tang Wulin is very good, he was recommended by the Tang Sect... But, his real identity is the leader of the contemporary Shrek Seven Monsters, so he will So powerful, so good...

Thousands of forging, spiritual segment, soul forging, fusion forging, these are the necessary factors for a sixth-level blacksmith to move towards a seventh-level blacksmith and become a holy craftsman.

Will there be someone that young in the entire Sun Moon Federation?
But Shrek Academy was destroyed, Tang Wulin chose to come to the Blood God Legion, the purpose seemed to be to hide himself and train himself...

"Don't be careless. The opponent's metal army is too powerful. I have never seen something that is more than a light mech."

"Anyway, let's wait and see what happens! However, conflicts are absolutely not allowed." Long Tianwu also said, once a conflict occurs, there is nothing to say, and there will be heavy losses. The soldiers who suffer are tired.

"Yes." Long Yuxue nodded, and then went down to train the army.

In the big camp, only Long Tianwu was looking at the ID of "Nicholas". In fact, he was also very upset and gave the abyss passage to others.

However, he also had to discuss with the legion commander.

(End of this chapter)

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