The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 476 The Abyss Tide Makes Up!

Chapter 476 The Abyss Tide Makes Up!

Clap, metal clapping, little green and the others are applauding, the scene is like beating gongs and drums, enjoying such metallic applause, it is estimated that the cat demon is unprecedented, and there will be no one in the future.

"Yes, Sir Leader." Little Green and the others nodded, and they learned something new, Sir, or Sir Leader.

Mao Xiaoyao smiled, and immediately absorbed the powerful life force of Ba An's corpse, gently touching it with both hands, what a familiar technique, it began to devour it as soon as it got close, and a trace of life force was continuously injected into his body at a speed visible to the naked eye .

At this moment, he was like a bottomless pit, although his body was small, but he couldn't fill it no matter what, he couldn't be satisfied no matter what.


Long time, long time.


"Ah, it's so cool." The cat demon had a happy expression on his face, Ba'an still had a lot of love, he could clearly feel the life force from Ba'an and the power was activating the demon core bit by bit.

However, the depleted, gray and riddled demon core finally showed a trace of vitality, the power of life, replacing the power of death...

"My lord, next, shall we continue to kill the creatures of the abyss?" Xiaolu said respectfully. They are already getting deeper and deeper at this time. The feeling of devouring still makes them feel a little scared and uneasy.

That is the fear of the unknown!

Humans don't seem to be that deep.

"Keep killing! But, if you see bloodthirsty lizards, capture them alive. I need them for some experiments." Mao Xiaoyao thought of the simplest way to raise pigs, but that method required bloodthirsty lizards. Cooperate, so you have to grab it back.

Little Green and the others immediately killed the creatures of the abyss, and the C-level passages were basically used to abuse food, which was only suitable for the human army to train recruits.

Some stronger people are basically A-level channels, and more powerful people even go to S-level channels. There are many C-level abyssal creatures, but they are also the weakest.


kill! ! !

Kill all the way!

The cat demon kept devouring, it was originally a very happy time.

Suddenly, an instinctive reaction!

It made him feel a dangerous frequency, which was the frequency of breathing from the abyss. It was very strange. For some reason, that frequency was more like a pulse wave...

It is very weak, but it is also powerful, as if it is coming up from the bottom of the abyss.

"Xiaolu, what's the situation? It seems that something is coming up from the abyss passage. It's not like an abyssal creature, but more like a gas." Gently pulling out a hair, the cat demon held it in his hand, Looking at it with a frown, judging from the direction of the hair swing, it is coming up from the abyss passage.

What is it?

His scalp was numb, Mao Xiaoyao felt a trace of fear and uneasiness, and, for some unknown reason, he seemed to be excited... Excited for what?
Excited by the fear of the unknown?

So what is it?

Mao Xiaoyao sensed something was wrong with his body, excited, he was excited, and his consciousness began to blur...

"Hurry up and get out. I'm in an unstable state now, and I may have to turn into my main body. Now I can't control that change, and it will hurt you at that time."

Mao Xiaoyao took off the soul guide armor. At this time, he had given up the support of the soul guide armor, and he was lying on the ground screaming and rolling, in great pain...

It was a feeling of tearing from the body, as if something was about to be released from the body. It hadn't turned into the main body for a long time, and Mao Xiaoyao thought that his state was already stable.

However, after absorbing so many creatures from the abyss, this mutation happened to him again. He was not afraid before, because it was himself...

However, since the evil spirit invaded his mind, the evil spirit has seriously eroded his mind. When he turned into his body, at that time, there was only instinctive bloodthirsty in fighting, and there was no rationality to speak of.

At that time, Xiaolu and the others will also be in danger, and Mao Xiaoyao doesn't know how powerful he is at that time.

"No, sir, we won't leave you. The tide of the abyss is terrible. We can't leave you alone." According to the data from the human beings, Xiaolu concluded that this seems to be a phenomenon called: tide of the abyss. Phenomenon, a roar from the biological energy of the abyss, with a simple and easy-to-understand explanation, the abyss is the hiccups when you are full and get rid of excess energy.

The tide of the abyss, even on the human side, must be protected by a strong protective shield. Level [-] and level [-] can still be defended.

If it is level three, then it is a big crisis, and human beings must also make some countermeasures.

However, the C-level abyss channel cannot be a second or third level. This is a first-level abyss tide, but even if it is a first-level, it is so fierce, who can withstand it?

What's more, they are so deep!

"Quickly, dig a hole in the ground, enter to hide, and open the protective cover at the same time, try to stay away from me as much as possible, remember, don't try to get close to me." Mao Xiaoyao said in pain, his eyes have begun to change, faint blue, become The blood color was deep red, and the whole body seemed to be bursting, and it began to change...

Claws, both hands become one claw, black sharp claws, hairy, a pile of black wings growing from the back, the body is changing, very scary...

The evil cat changes, the first change, and turns into the main body.

Little Green and the others dared not be disobedient, aiming at the ground, a soul-guided cannon blasted a deep pit, they entered the deep pit, and then began to protect the cover to defend against the terrifying destructive power from the abyss tide.

When they looked at their leader, they were stunned one by one. They were defending against the tide of the abyss, and they were almost unable to maintain the power of the protective cover.

But, why does the leader have nothing but messy hair in the wind?
At this moment, like those creatures of the abyss, the little cat is not affected by the tides of the abyss at all, its four claws are firmly grasping the ground, and there is no resistance from the black wings on its back.
I was born to be king, everything is false!

Devouring, endless devouring, exists like a black hole, the evil cat has nine transformations, the first transformation, normal body changes, but there are abnormal things.

The tide of the abyss has not been leaked in the slightest, Xiaolu and them are confused, come out one after another, feel it...

The tide of the abyss did not come over, just when their leader, the cat demon, started to devour it, it seemed that the tide of the abyss was not enough for him to swallow it...

Existence like a bottomless pit...

"Boss Xiaolu, what should we do?" A mechanical spirit clan asked Xiaolu, could it be that he just looked at it like that?
Xiaolu was silent, and suddenly said: "Go and call Miss Mu Xi, maybe she can do something."

Little Green didn't know why, it just felt that Mu Xi might have a way to prevent the terrible change of the leader...

A few mechanical Eldar went out.

Are the tides of the abyss scary?The cat demon is even more terrifying, the tide of the abyss has been swallowed up by him, so, his goal...

It is to frantically kill and devour the creatures of the abyss!
Little Green and the others breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily they were far away.

(End of this chapter)

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