Chapter 492 Fight!

"Look! There are many, many things we need to learn. Only by taking a look, you will know what it is." Mao Xiaoyao looked at the screen and saw that Xu Haoqing was arranging tasks for the team members. He understood the rules , the circle will shrink little by little, and they must enter it to occupy a favorable terrain, so that they can have a certain advantage.

However, as a maker of soul guides, he knows how to use those soul guides.

Rabbit they are all watching, studying?See what you can learn!How about human things? It's very hard to say. Is it suitable for them?
However, there is one thing they know.

That's how humans fight, and they can have a general idea.

At this moment, at this moment.

Outside, there are dozens of teams waiting. They are anxiously waiting. The teams that come out continue to train and fight directly. It is impossible to end in a few days.

However, they are not allowed to watch the battle. In that case, there are not many routines. If everyone can imitate, then some new things will not be brought out. That is not what Mao Xiaoyao wants to see.

"Sister, tell me, will my brother win the battle? It seems that the martial arts just now lost. I don't know why, isn't he very powerful?"

Xu Xiaomeng was very puzzled, Wu Liheng was so powerful, why did he lose the game, and, moreover, he still lost to Li Heishui, whom everyone was not optimistic about.

She was a little worried about her brother.

Shaking her head, Xu Xiaoxue said: "Just wait! You have to believe in your brother, he will definitely succeed, right, Sister Liying?" She asked Zhong Liying next to her, it was for this girl that their brother agreed to join the army , the goal is to finally control the army and help their second brother.

Zhong Liying nodded for a moment, she also believed in Xu Haoqing, but she frowned again, wondering what she was thinking.

At this moment, at this moment.

Inside the snow mountain.

The battle became fierce, and the two teams met and clashed. However, neither of the two teams was rampant like Wu Liheng just now. They all understood the rules now, and they were basically using soul guide guns, soul guide weapons, etc. to eliminate their opponents.

The realm of cultivation has instead become an auxiliary, assisting in the use of those soul-guided weapons. As the offensive and defensive sides, Xu Xiaoqing is the offensive side, and the favorable terrain seems to be out of reach for him.

The opponent was even more wretched than he had imagined. He was always on the defensive, and only attacked when they entered the attack range.

Because, the circle is shrinking all the time, they will meet.

"Captain, if the other party doesn't take the initiative to attack, will our previous plan..." A team member asked Xu Haoqing, since their captain came, the battle armor doesn't have to worry, the soul guide can be repaired if it breaks, and in terms of forging, their captain Is a blacksmith.

Perhaps, they can get what they want without exchanging merit for rewards, because a talented blacksmith is in their team.

General Nicholas also did not expressly express restrictions on blacksmiths. Xu Haoqing can even accept tasks to help others forge things.

These are all within the rules.

Within the scope of all rules, it is fine.

Xu Haoqing shook his head, "No, let's continue! Cover our bodies with snow to form a protective color, just like the guards of General Nicholas at that time, white, can fascinate the opponent." Generally, the snow army will have snow. The clothes are white, so it is difficult for the enemy to find anything.

However, they were all going to deal with the creatures of the abyss, so those white clothes were useless, that's why the cat demon didn't assemble an army.

However, fighting armor, soul tools, everything is not a problem with them. As a blacksmith and inventor of soul tools, Xu Haoqing can use everything he knows and has to do it.

As long as it's all within the rules!

Xu Haoqing took a look at his own mechanical arm. It came from Mao Xiaoyao's original mechanical arm. He gave it to Mao Xiaoyao. After the transformation of Mao Xiaoyao, he gave it to Xu Haoqing himself.

Now the mechanical arm has basically all functions. The regulations are that it is not allowed to use battle armor, and do not prepare soul guides that cause too much damage. Only the training weapons provided by the army can be used.

Otherwise, hurting people will lose fairness and increase danger.

"Yes, Captain." The team members began to disguise themselves. In such a cold weather, they were wrapped in snow, and the temperature was even colder. If they could suffer a bit for victory, they must suffer.

What a terrible thing it is to melt into the snow.It's hard to see what's in the snow with the naked eye, and sometimes it's best not to believe your eyes when the snow is falling.

One step at a time, Xu Haoqing and the others began to disperse into the defensive range of the eighth team, and the other party didn't seem to notice them.

At this time, the eighth team.

Holding the soul guide weapon, I have been waiting for Xu Haoqing and the others. There are minefields all around. If I am not careful, it will be triggered. But why didn't Xu Haoqing come?

After waiting for so long, it shouldn't be. The circle has been shrinking all the time. According to the time, they should come in. If they come in, they will have to step on a mine.

But what about people?
Why haven't I seen any of them?
The eighth team was very confused.

"Captain, how about we go out for a while? I think they should be hiding. Although we are in the center, if they are always near the circle, it will be difficult for us to find them."

A team member also said that they don't know anything about the situation now, and they seem to be very passive.

It's better to send a few people out to have a look and investigate the enemy's situation.

The captain of the eighth team frowned, suddenly shook his head and smiled, and said: "No, they are here, the circle is shrinking, and they finally couldn't help but do it." Haha, big snowballs appeared one after another, rolling over, boom boom boom, just Like a minesweeper, blowing up a path.

The captain of the eighth team's face turned dark all of a sudden!What do you mean, Xueqiu cracked their minefields, but why did Xu Haoqing and the others remain silent for so long?
Where the hell are they now?
Instant scalp numbness, "Get ready to fight, the opponent is very cunning." The snowballs came one after another, and the eighth team focused on the snowballs, and they were all looking at the snowballs, because they thought that after the snowballs, Xu Haoqing and the others Just the appearance of the charge.



Suddenly, a bunch of soul guide grenades were smashed out and hit the place of the eighth team.

"No, we were fooled, and no one will come there at all." Seeing the soul guide grenade falling, his heart was already half-cooled. The captain of the eighth team was in a very complicated mood. They were going to lose.

Boom boom boom boom!

The explosion has no power, only a pile of powder, and the one with the powder on his body means death. If he lays down and puts on the corpse, Xiaolan will shoot the mechanical spirit clan to get rid of them.

When the eighth team looked back, they saw snowmen one by one. Then, the snowmen turned into Xu Haoqing and the others, and took out their soul guns to attack from behind. . .


Victory is decided.

(End of this chapter)

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