The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 517 Return to the East China Sea!

Chapter 517 Return to the East China Sea!

Donghai City, a secret base.

Instruments and equipment are working, where a bunch of people are working, soul missiles, soul cannons, soul weapons, all kinds of weapons, this is an arsenal.

At this time, Tost, the former manager of the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, was busy supervising the production of power mechs.

Since Mao Xiaoyao left Shrek Academy, he has produced more than 1 power mechs, but there has been no progress in soul fusion.

He doesn't understand!

Could it be that there is really a lack of cat demons?
"A bunch of waste, what the hell, you don't know anything if the little cat is not here, what use do I need you?" Tost yelled at the production staff, 1 people?Ten thousand mechs?But, how can there be so many people, how can there be so many drivers.

At the beginning, the plan given by Mao Xiaoyao was to fuse the mechs, let the souls fuse the mechas, control the mechas, and humans control the souls, but since the cats disappeared, they have no progress in this regard results.

What do you mean?Murong Yun'er and Lika bowed their heads one by one at this moment, they were afraid to speak, but suddenly they thought of something.

"Master Elder, now that the cat demon has appeared again, we have encountered problems, why not ask him to help?" Lika said weakly. Cat demon invincible and so on.

It's all about the cat demon!
The cat demon seems to have reappeared again!

"That's right." Murong Yun'er also nodded, if it was a cat demon then there must be a solution.

With a cold look, Tost glanced at them, "Don't tell me, I don't want to, but how can I contact you?" How could he contact them?Sometimes he felt that if the little cat disappeared or died, he would be very happy, but now, suddenly nothing happened?

Going to engage in that Star Battle Network again?
Hehe, doing all these things all day long made him a little uneasy.

And his cultivation base has reached Title Douluo, and his cultivation speed is very fast, very quickly, Super Douluo, Limit Douluo, that is not a problem.

However, the cost of the exercise seems a bit high.

Recently, he has become less and less like himself, as if his body doesn't listen to control sometimes.

Lika and Murong Yun'er also frowned, and they didn't have any contact information, unless they went to Star Dou Battle Network to contact, but, is that possible?

"You miss me so much." Suddenly, the little cat came in, and the defense of the base was useless. He came directly in front of Tost and Lika with a smile on his face, followed by an indifferent wolf.

Today, he just came to Donghai to have a look, so he didn't need to bring so many people.

Mu Xi and the others were all in the Endless Mountain Range, they didn't come out, it was just the two of them.

"Little demon!" Suddenly, a ray of fragrant wind caused a headache, and a big breast buried her face. The happy Murong Yun'er hugged the cat demon directly, without saying anything, buried her chest.

Rika smiled from the sidelines.

Tost is also smiling, but he is looking outside in his heart, without any defense?Immediately, a subordinate came in and told him what happened.

And how the little cat came in, they don't know...

"Sister Yun'er, I can't breathe." Mao Xiaoyao struggled, it was too big, too big, who could stand it?I can't stand it, it's too big and too fragrant.

Murong Yun'er was also blushing, and then she looked at Youlang and Mao Xiaoyao, ah, that's right, they have all grown up, it's impossible for them to be like before.

The little cat finally got rid of the smell of milk.

Lika smiled, "Xiao Yao, what have you been doing since you haven't come here for so long? We are facing some difficulties and just need you." As she said, Lika took a special look at Tost.

Tost also nodded, and then ordered people to arrange food.

Clean up the dust for the little cat.

"I'm only here when you encounter difficulties." Mao Xiaoyao smiled and looked at Elder Tost, "Right, Elder Tost?"

Lika also watched, but Murong Yun'er didn't understand anything, instead she looked at You Lang from time to time, and You Lang still had that stinky expression.

Tost smiled, patted Mao Xiaoyao's shoulder lightly, and said, "Haha, if you come, I won't have any troubles." As they said that, the two of them went in with their shoulders crossed, each with their own thoughts.

Eating, drinking, and chatting.

At the dinner party, there were some former acquaintances, which Mao Xiaoyao met when he was studying in Donghai, and those people were all Tost's subordinates.

"Little demon, you haven't been here for so long, are you going to do something big, have something good, don't forget us." Tost laughed, a guy who hadn't appeared for a long time, suddenly appeared, this in itself Just a very strange thing.

Why is it?
Tost is a bit confused about the cat demon, why he lost contact for so long and then suddenly reappeared. Now that the situation in the Federation is unstable, he has to behave with his tail between his legs.

Lika and Murong Yun'er also looked at the cat demon. Just now, they also asked how the black cat was doing and why she didn't come.

Mao Xiaoyao just said that she is very busy and has something to do.

And, the wanted status does not allow her to appear.

"Generally, there's nothing good about it. Recently, I've launched Star Dou, just to gain a sense of presence." Mao Xiaoyao smiled and said very calmly and gently: "No, you guys are in trouble. , so I’m here to help you, just in time, take a few mechas, Elder Tost, is there any problem?”

To put it bluntly, I just came back to get a sense of presence, and let Tost see that he has nothing to do, so don't make any big moves.

And, speed up Tost development!
After all, there are as many spirit mechs as there are mechanical spirits. At that time, they will be the soldiers of their Xingdou Village, and in the last few days, Mao Xiaoyao will "communicate" with those technicians.

It is best to be able to "deep"!
For example, poison control, soul control, etc., control those technicians, and slowly infiltrate the entire secret base bit by bit.

When you don't know it, you must keep the last technology by your side.

Tost frowned, could it be that he has been under surveillance?Could it be that the cat demon has already doubted himself? ?

"Of course, there are no problems if you join us. It's just a mecha. I will definitely give it to you."

"A thousand units, is that enough?" Tost said, now they only have more than 1 units, none of them have succeeded in merging their souls, and one by one they are being abandoned.

Now that Mao Xiaoyao is back, it is estimated that those things can be solved.

Then with [-] mechas, nothing will happen.

Lika and Murong also watched, is that enough?
enough?Mao Xiaoyao stretched out five fingers, "I need 5000 units. I now have a legion with as many as [-] people. How about it, Elder Tost, do you want us to cooperate?"

"I'll give you resources so that you don't suffer. At the same time, to solve the problem of soul fusion, you give me five thousand mechas. What do you say?" There is only one possibility to fuse souls, unless the demon power is used to fuse them, otherwise, it's not possible success.

Of course, there is another way!
That is, one of the elders of the three mechanical clans came to help with the fusion, otherwise they would not be able to truly merge into a mechanical spirit clan.

"..." Tost and the others were silent one by one, and the little cat was like a lion. Five hundred, that's half of their hard work for so many years.

Open half?
What do you mean?
(End of this chapter)

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