You can't mess with my baby

Chapter 180 Where Did My Sister Come From [5 More]

Chapter 180 Where Did My Sister Come From?

Lin Yan laughed loudly, and the peaceful atmosphere filled the entire cabin.

Although this journey is a bit long, it is better to have a loved one by your side.

Lin Fang and Lin Rou talked about many things.

In the past, Lin Fang often heard from his parents that if there is no topic between a couple, it means that the marriage is coming to an end, and if there are endless topics to talk about every day, then the relationship will not break up.

He felt that the relationship between himself and Lin Rou would definitely last forever.must!

"Finally got off the plane! I'll start a live broadcast to tell everyone that I'm safe!" The first thing Yunran did when he got off the plane was to take out his mobile phone and start a live broadcast to tell his fans who cared about him that he was safe.

Save your fans from being sad.

After Lin Yan got off the plane, he directly took Sejia to his residence, and he handed over all the matters and documents for Hese to return to City B to live in.

Lin Fang took Lin Rou's hand back, and before leaving, he asked Lin Yan to help Lin Rou get an ID card.

After all, Lin Rou is not a soul now, but a person with a body.

Living people can see her, and her appearance is so prominent that she can immediately attract people's attention when walking on the street.

This also made Lin Fang a little jealous.

So he simply carried Lin Rou on his back, grabbed Ye Shen with one hand and ran home.

After discussing on the plane, Ye Shen needs to transform into a dragon in his haunted house to increase his income.Although Ye Shen wants to resist, but now he is eating and living in others, it seems that there is no room for resistance at all.

He could only obediently follow Lin Fang away.

When Lin Fang brought them back to the familiar courtyard, the long-lost home atmosphere and the gate made Lin Fang tearful.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward and knocked on the door cautiously.

It took a long time to knock on the door, so long that Lin Fang thought there was no one at home.

"Who is it!" Finally, a voice came from the house.

Then the door opened with a babble, and Mother Lin's figure appeared at the door.

The moment she faced Shang Lin Fang, Lin's mother was stunned!

Also stunned!

I couldn't believe my eyes at all, "A Fang!" After finally realizing it, he yelled out of control, rushed forward and hugged Lin Fang.

That is simply the ecstasy of being lost and found again!
"Mom, what's the matter with you? It's very good." Lin's mother was so enthusiastic, it really made Lin Fang a little overwhelmed.

"On the third day after you arrived in Hawaii, the Exit Bureau sent a telegram saying that the cruise ship you and Lin Yan were on was missing at sea, and you were also listed as missing persons. You haven't come back for more than half a year, everyone said you Dead...I never believed it, I didn't believe my son just died outside like this." Lin's mother was very emotional, and when she said the excitement, she burst into tears, and hugged her son tightly in her arms.

Lin Fang let Mother Lin hold him. He had never seen Mother Lin like this before, and it was unexpected.

Looking up at her mother's temples, she was surprised to find that her mother's temples were gray and looked a lot older.

"Mom... your hair..." Lin Xin was so hurt, she pushed Mother Lin away and looked, only to find that her temples had turned gray, and her entire head of hair had turned white.

"My hair is the grandma's gray that Ah Jing took me to do, doesn't it look good?" Mother Lin asked with a smile, wiping her tears in a panic.

Such an answer froze the sad atmosphere in an instant, and Lin Fang's moved expression froze on his face, staring at his mother speechlessly.

"Ah Jing said, it looks so's popular, so I made it." Seeing her son like this, Lin's mother hurriedly opened her mouth to explain.

"It's okay, as long as Mom likes it, what about Ling Dan?" Lin Fang looked into the yard curiously.

"Take my sister for a walk." Mother Lin replied, it's time to go for a walk.

In the afternoon, it is the most suitable day to go for a walk.

"Uh... well!"

"Sister? Where did you come from?" Lin Rou's voice came, and Lin Fang realized that he forgot to tell Lin Rou about Ouyang grapefruit.

"My wife, don't get me wrong! My sister is an orphan adopted by our family, and she likes zero eggs very much." Lin Fang broke out in cold sweat, fearing that Lin Rou would misunderstand, he quickly opened his mouth to explain.

Mother Lin was also stunned by the sound of his wife calling out. She looked along the source of the sound, and was stunned when she saw a girl who was as beautiful as a fairy standing behind Lin Fang. "This... this is..."

"Uh... By the way, I forgot to introduce her. Mom, her name is Lin Rou, and she is my wife..." Lin Fang felt a little embarrassed when he mentioned the word wife.

"No!" Lin's mother was a little confused, and pulled her son to her side, "You found a wife, does Lingdan know? Does she like Lingdan? Can she accept Lingdan?" Lin's mother asked a lot in one breath. The main problem is that Lin Rou will not be able to like Lingdan as her own child.

"Believe me, if Lingdan sees her, he will be very excited." Lin Fang wanted to say that Lingdan would be a ghost if he didn't like his own mother.

But after thinking about it, in the hearts of Lin's mother and Lin's father, Lin Rou is a dead person!
If this dead person suddenly appeared, wouldn't something serious happen?
So he changed his words abruptly.

"Dad?" Just as their words fell, a familiar voice came from behind them.

Lin Fang and Lin Rou looked at the source of the sound at the same time.

Facing the little face that had obviously grown up a lot but was still a little immature, Lin Fang stretched out his arms excitedly to hug him.

But when the other party saw Lin Rou, he directly bypassed Lin Fang and plunged into Lin Rou's arms. "Mom!" Mother Lin was stunned when she called out.There was no reaction at all.

"What a family of demons and ghosts..." The reunion of mother and son, such a touching scene, has an extra discordant voice.

Lin Roulin looked fiercely at the boy who spoke.

Only then did Ye Shen realize that he had blurted out what he wanted to say in his heart.

Immediately, he took two steps back, showing a look of fear.

"Ahem!" A childish voice came, and everyone turned their attention to the owner of that voice.

Unexpectedly, the girl Youzi could already walk, and she looked like she was over a year old.

It seems that he has had enough of being a child and has used some means to speed up his growth.

Ling Dan's act of hugging Lin Rou so intimately has already aroused Yuzu, and she coughed lightly to warn Ling Dan.

Lingdan didn't realize it, and hugged Lin Rou tightly, with a look of happiness on his face.

[You give it down! 】Yuzi growled in her heart, and everyone except Lin Mu heard it.

Ling Dan was so frightened that he climbed down from Lin Rou's arms, "Mom, wait for me!"

[Submitted at five o'clock, slipped away, thank you for the two Korean characters and the little cutie who wished for a long night without dreams~]

(End of this chapter)

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