Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 106: Spoiling Wife and Crazy Demon Lu Mingcheng

Chapter 106: Spoiling Wife and Crazy Demon Lu Mingcheng (73)

"Huh?" Lu Mingcheng didn't quite understand.

"Call me Yifan! The only one!" While speaking, Lin Fan's tears rolled down and fell on Lu Mingcheng's palm.

"Okay!" Lu Mingcheng's tone was extremely gentle. Looking at the crystal tears in his palm, he felt that his heart, which had been frozen for thousands of years, had melted!
He hugged Lin Fan tightly in his arms, and said firmly, "From now on, you are my only one!"

Lin Fan tried hard to remember the feeling of being hugged by Lu Mingcheng, nodded vigorously, and as the tears fell, she showed a satisfied smile.

Hospital bed!
Meng Hao, whose head was wrapped in layers of gauze, looked like a big pig's head!

He didn't dare to move, because as long as he moved lightly, his whole body would hurt like being cut by a knife!

So much so that he looks like a mummy now!Stay in one pose for hours!

But he still wanted the ninja pain, so he stretched out his arm, and it took a lot of effort to get the mobile phone on the cabinet next to the hospital bed, and dialed a number to go out.

"Hey, Director Guo." Meng Hao's mouth was hurting when he spoke, but he tried to maintain a normal tone of voice.

"Meng Hao, it's so late, what's the matter?" Director Guo still had a good attitude.

"Due to some personal reasons, I can't continue the filming of "Peerless Beauty", I'm sorry." Meng Hao's eyes were scarlet as he spoke, his fingers tightly gripped the phone, and his knuckles turned white.

"Oh..." Director Guo dragged his voice, as if he was thinking, and said for a while, "Can I ask why?"

"I remember that you liked this script very much at the beginning. You have fought for this role for a long time, and it's hard to come by." Director Guo was a little earnest at this time, even after waiting for Meng Hao's reasons, he offered to comfort him.

"Yes! It's not easy!" Meng Hao gritted his teeth tightly, completely ignoring the blood oozing from the corners of his mouth, his eyes were scarlet, and his whole body was full of hostility.

"Then you are...?" Director Guo continued to ask, he still admired Meng Hao's acting skills, and if he could help him, he would be willing to lend a helping hand.

"Some unavoidable reasons." Meng Hao snorted coldly, and a tyrannical and cruel face suddenly appeared in his mind.

Meng Hao squinted his eyes, as if he was thinking.

"In that case, hey..." Director Guo sighed, "It's a pity."

"I'm really sorry, Director Guo. I'm very honored to be able to cooperate with you. If you need my character in the future, please contact me at any time." Meng Hao knew that the future would be difficult, but he still had to do his best to maintain his network relation.

It took him ten years of hard work to get to where he is today, step by step, and he will never fall down easily!

Even if that person's ability far exceeds his own!
"Okay." Director Guo exchanged some pleasantries after finishing speaking, and hung up the phone.

He cut off the cigarette at his fingertips, thoughtfully.

Because a few minutes ago, President Lu's secretary Liu Ping personally called him to ask him to re-elect the male number two. He felt that something was wrong, but he didn't dare to ask more questions.

Who is always Lu!Decision to kill!Autocratic!In just five years, DS Film and Television Company has been built into the top of the industry. All the artists trained by him, who are not popular big names, won awards and were soft-handed.

From Meng Hao's tone just now, it didn't seem like he was willing to give up this role. He was probably provoking someone who shouldn't be provoked.

Director Guo shook his head, sighed, and walked towards the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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